October 2015 Newsletter


Principal’s Message

Parents and guardians often wonder how to help their children confront challenges with confidence. Every parent wants their children to have the capacity to solve problems that they face, but how do we foster that ability in children without taking over and solving the problem for them?  When do we step in and when is it best to let our children try and make mistakes, or even fail, at a task?

Resilience is the term used for that ability to bounce back from life’s challenges and thrive.

Justin Coulson, in Teaching Your Child Resilience, says that resilient children:

  • feel special and appreciated
  • learn to set realistic goals
  • have appropriate expectations of themselves and others
  • believe they can solve problems and make good decisions
  • see weaknesses as a chance to learn and do things better
  • recognize, develop, and enjoy their strengths and talents
  • believe they are competent
  • are comfortable with others
  • have good interpersonal skills
  • and most of all, resilient kids bounce back!

There are many resources available for parents on how to develop resilience, some of which I’ve listed below.  Essential to this capacity is allowing our children to make mistakes, supporting them without telling them what to do, and giving them responsibilities in the home to build the responsibility and perseverance that will help them achieve their goals. Participating in meaningful activities in your family or community will also develop that sense of being a valued, worthy person, so that they feel capable of facing a challenge and coming through it successfully.  But most important is the role model that parents, grandparents, and teachers present to children.  The more we model resilience, the more we are demonstrating how to build that strength in our children.


For more reading:

Teaching Your Child Resilience


Building Resilience in Young Children


Parenting Resilient Children at Home and at School


Barbara Alken


Monthly Spirit Assemblies

This month our Spirit Assemblies will begin!  These are a chance for our entire school to come together in cross-grade groups and work together on building those traits that fill all our buckets!


VON Program at Spruce Lodge

Beginning the last week of October, small groups of Grade 6 students will be visiting Spruce Lodge every week to work with some of the people who come for the day-away program.  This is a wonderful opportunity to build understanding of another important sector of our community.


Staying Safe at School

A huge Thank you to all parents, grandparents, caregivers, and babysitters for following our drop-off and pick-up zone rules.  The flow at the beginning and end of the day is much better, and students are not crossing a line of parked cars arriving at school or getting picked up.

With the cooler weather, we may have an increased volume of cars.  Please remember that you must not stop and park in the drop-off zone!  Keep circling until your child is outside behind the yellow lines at dismissal, and if you would like to walk your child into the school, park on the side streets and walk in with them.  Remember students should never be walking across the parking lot unescorted.

Safety is our biggest concern!


Avon School Council

  “The Purpose of a School Council is to help

improve student achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.“

The first meeting welcomed new and returning council members and confirmed this year’s voting members. They are as follows: Laurie Knechtel & Kaisa Schneider (Co-Chairs), Sara Moir and Amy Ollson (Co- Secretaries), Lisa Cairncross, Jill Carter, Kristin Hinz, Andrea Allman, Shari Barber, Nicolla Douglas, Adrienne Johnson, Tracey Weitzel, Kathy Hansen, Meg Wagler

Additional Council Members: Mary Ford (Teacher Rep), non-teaching staff member (TBA) Barb Buchanan (Community Rep), Barbara Alken (Principal).

Discussion Topics: Natural Learning, Budget for School Generated Funds, PRO Grant to be used toward “Play is Learning” evening, Allergy Update

Minutes from all meetings can be found on our school website www.avonmaitlandschools.ca/avon

Next Meeting: Mon., Oct. 26th

6:15-7:30 in the library

All parents/guardians welcome to attend!


Calling All Three Year-Olds!

Our registration date for all children eligible for Kindergarten in September, 2016 is November 23rd.  Please contact BettyAnne in the office to set your appointment time!


Before and After School Programs

As part of an on-going commitment to make the school day as seamless as possible for our families, each family will be receiving an information sheet in mid-October regarding before and after school care.  Families interested in before or after school programs for their four and five year olds, and possibly older children in the upcoming school year, should complete an on-line survey by November 30, 2015.  The link to the survey will be found on the Board website starting mid-October.  We appreciate your assistance as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs.  Should you require a paper copy, please contact the school after October 15.


Information about this year’s operetta, the Aristocats, is coming home this week.  Stay tuned for updates!


October’s Character Trait:

 Empathy,Understanding how someone else feels