February 2016 Newsletter

Safety First!

I was interested to hear of a York University study on vehicular accidents involving children and drop-off procedures at schools.  As you know, we have worked hard to make the parking lot drop-off and pick-up procedures safer for students.  As part of that procedure, we are slowly moving around the circle so that children are not crossing parked cars, no children are walking across the parking lot unaccompanied, and cars are not parking to walk children into school in the morning.

The study from York University found similar dangerous patterns that needed to be addressed:

“The three most frequent dangerous student car drop-off behaviours observed during the drop off period were identified as cars observed to drop off children on the opposite side of the road resulting in uncontrolled midblock crossings, cars stopped and blocking the vision of other motorists and pedestrians and double parking.”

All of these safety concerns have to do with having an unobstructed view of the area at all times.

Because of this, we are adding one more consideration to the drop-off and pick-up procedures.  At our busiest times of the day, students are often getting into and out of cars on the driver’s side. This means that cars circling or moving past may not see the child walking on the road side.  We encourage all parents and care-givers to organize the back seat so that children are able to exit the vehicle on the passenger side, otherwise known as the safety side. This is a standard practice in school drop-off zones and helps to ensure everyone’s safety.

Barbara Alken


Winter Weather?!

It hasn’t seemed much like winter this year, but children will still find ways to get their clothes wet!  Please make sure you’ve packed an extra pair of socks and mittens, and ensure that appropriate protection (snow pants, splash pants, etc.) are provided so that children can truly play on the yard!


Cross Country Exercise

The Grade 6 students have been learning how to cross country ski thanks to Mr.  McIntosh donating a whole lot of sets of skis to the school.  If you have an extra set, with boots, in good repair, let him know.  Let’s enjoy the winter while we can!


February’s Character Trait is Perseverance:  Staying purposeful and committed


Inclement Weather

You can always find out about inclement weather conditions at:

  • Visit: www.ourschoolbuses.ca or email [email protected].
  • Check Avon’s website—read the Twitter message on snowy days and listen to CJCS Stratford (1240) or CFPL London (980).


Avon School Council

Next Meeting: Mon, Feb. 22, 2016

6:15-7:45 pm in the library

All parents/guardians welcome to attend!


Math and Literacy Clubs

Math and Literacy clubs have begun at Avon before and after school on Mondays and Wednesdays.  This is an excellent opportunity to build skills in an interactive, small group setting!


Healthy Snacks

A big thank you to our faithful volunteers who come in to cut up fruit and vegetables for our students on Wednesdays.  They have been trying some things they’d never tried before!

We have  been lucky to receive funding from many different sources this year (see article below), and could add a day of fresh fruit and vegetables if we have enough volunteers to make this happen.  If you are interested, please call or see Mrs. Christie in the office and she will pass your name on to Tonya Rae, our volunteer coordinator.


Thank you!

We are very fortunate at Avon PS to have the support of so many agencies that help us to bring healthy, fresh food to our students.

These include OSNP, Breakfast for Learning sponsored by President’s Choice Children’s Charity, and Toonies for Tummies.  Without their help, we wouldn’t be able to bring fresh fruit and vegetables every week, provide snack bins in the classrooms, and have lunches ready for children who need them.  Together with our coordinators, Judy Thomas and Tonya Rae, and our team of volunteers, our students benefit from healthy choices at school.

We are asking you to “Take the Pledge” as well!  Please “Say Yes to Good Food in Schools”.  Take the Pledge at www.sayyes.studentnutritionpledge.com The OSNP will donate a free breakfast or snack to your school just for taking the pledge.



We are already in the month of February and our 2015-2016 Annual Program Pre Registration of internal families will be happening on Feb 23, 2016. That means that any available spaces that are for the 2015-2016 school year will be open to the public on a first come first serve basis starting Monday March 2nd, 2016. For inquiry about registration you can phone the YMCA 519-271-0480 and speak to Lori Darling, Ashley Rose or Krystle Linden   March break is fast approaching so this is just a friendly reminder for you if you still need to arrange for fun activities for you children over the break.  You can contact Krystle Linden for more information 519-271-0480.



SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT for Parents and Guardians from AMDSB’s Board of Directors:

 A key term of the settlements that were negotiated recently with employee groups was the provision of an additional PA day each school year. The requirement for an additional PA day is effective immediately and, as such, applies to the current school year.

The School Year Calendar committee met on January 5, 2016, and following that meeting contact was made with Huron Perth Catholic DSB. Both committees have selected Monday, May 9, 2016 as the additional PA Day for all schools in Huron and Perth counties.

Please see AMDSB’s printable School Year calendar:

http://yourschools.ca/wp-content/uploads/pdf/school-year-calendar/2015-2016-SchoolCalendar.pdf http://yourschools.ca/…/school…/2015-2016-SchoolCalendar.pdf

Please also see AMDSB’s Events calendar:



Remember to only send food within our allergy guidelines.  No peanuts, tree nuts, kiwi fruit, fish, seafood, raw or under cooked eggs or anything made from these products.  Thanks for your help keeping everyone safe and healthy!