Principal’s Message Perseverance. Stick-to-itness. Grit. These are all words used to describe this quality of putting the effort in, even when it is difficult to see success at the end of the tunnel.
Perseverance means having the self-discipline to continue a task in spite of being confronted with difficulties. As Albert Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Our world contains many examples of people who have achieved the pinnacle of their careers, who will state unequivocally that they kept trying, even when they failed again and again—they persevered.
We often ask what we can do to foster this essential trait from a young age, and there are some very concrete ideas in the websites listed below. One school of thought does have the potential to reframe how we raise and teach our children—that of mindsets.
Carol Dweck has done extensive research into this area (see the TED talk link listed below) and she points out that children with very similar ability will perform much better if their effort is recognized, not their innate ability. If children believe that they are born smart, they will simply attribute their success or failure to innate ability. If they believe that they can grow their intellectual capacity, they try harder and push through difficult moments because they believe their effort will make the difference—they persevere.
We work hard to show our students that their effort will make all the difference to their achievement in all areas of life.
As progress reports come home this month, consider having a conversation with your children about where they could persevere in their day to day lives at school, what areas could use more “grit”. And as they identify these areas, they can start working out a plan to reach the goals they want to achieve. This could involve reading more every night, being sure to check math work twice, checking on assignments with a friend. The links below also have more ideas on how to do this with your children. Perseverance can be taught!
Barbara Alken
Remember to only send food within our allergy guidelines. No peanuts, tree nuts, kiwi fruit, fish, seafood, raw or undercooked eggs or anything made from these products. Thanks for your help keeping everyone safe and healthy!
The Aristocats are performing all this week! We are all so excited to see everyone’s hard work and perseverance pay off in this series of performances by our Junior classes. So many people have worked so hard to prepare for this week—we thank you all for your dedication and support! Come on out and see our students in their element!
Safety First!
Our entry and dismissal times are running very smoothly, with one notable exception on a rainy Friday afternoon! I would ask for your patience when the circling cars are filling up the space, and know that we always have the parking lot cleared by 3:30.
With increased professional development and more teachers visiting the school, there is a good chance the parking lot will be more full in the mornings. Plan to park on the side streets and walk in with them if you want to come into the school, even in the winter months.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, keep in mind that while Avon PS closes only in extreme conditions, our buses may not be running when the snowy weather hits. Look for transportation updates through the following media:
- Visit: or email [email protected].
- Check Avon’s website—read the Twitter message on snowy days and listen to CJCS Stratford (1240) or CFPL London (980).
- This QReader image will take you directly to the HPSTS website, if you would like to include it on your phone or mobile device
Avon School Council
Next Meeting: Mon, Jan. 18, 2016
6:15-7:30 in the library
All parents/guardians welcome to attend!
Before and After School Survey
Families interested in before or after school programs, should complete an on-line survey no later than Friday, December 11th. The link for the “Before & After School Survey” can be found on the board web site (, along the top header area of the home page. We appreciate your assistance, as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs. Should you require a paper copy, please contact the school.
Birdseed Update!
Thank-you for bird seed – support local farmers by buying peanut free seed at the market on Saturdays!
Giving Back
The Salvation Army Kettle will be at Avon school starting next week until the last day – every coin counts – THANKS!
Also, we will be collecting food donations for the House of Blessing during the last week of school. On Thursday, December 17th, we will be holding a staff/student soccer game at recesses. Admission to the game will be a donation of a non-perishable food item.
French Immersion
Registration forms for Grade 1 French Immersion are now available in Stratford and area elementary school offices. Parents interested in obtaining information regarding French Immersion may attend an information session at 5pm on Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 at their designated immersion school. Families living in Stratford, but not in Bedford area should attend at Anne Hathaway Public School, and families living in Bedford area, or whose home school is outside of Stratford, should attend at Bedford PS.
Registration forms are due to the Bedford or Anne Hathaway office by January 30th, 2016. Further information is available at
December’s Character Trait is Compassion: Showing care and consideration |
Hello, Happy Holidays! There is space available in the Before and After School Program at your child’s school. For more information and to register you can contact Ashley Rose at 519-271-0480 or through e-mail
. If you are looking for more information regarding our Drop While you Holiday Shop care for your children, then feel free to ask one of the Before and After School Staff about it if you see them around the school, or you can call Jenn Davis at 519-273-9622.The YMCA is also offering Full Day care for children over the Christmas Break. There are lots of fun activities planned for the children each day. To find out more information please call Alenka Watson at 519-271-0480 or e-mail her at
Thank you
Ashley Rose RECE,
YMCA Child Care Supervisor
Natural Learning News
Our playscape is built and waiting for final inspections to be completed. Once that is done, we will be going out in class groups to look at how the structure can be used safely. We are so excited to finally have this structure in place, and are so grateful for all the community support this has received!