This newsletter is designed to give you some information that you will need for September 2016. This has been a busy year and certainly a busy Aprilmayjune as we worked on organizing things for the new school and packing up Wallace and Central schools for the move. Much appreciation goes out to the staff in both buildings for taking on so much extra work at such a busy time. Thank you!
Please take special note of the drop off, pick up and parking information on page 3. Much thought and debate has gone in to trying to create the safest plan for students arriving and departing from the school. Please note that the staff didn’t design the site, we just have to work with what we’ve got….
That being said, a parking lot to the west of the school will be built during the summer. This will eventually be a shared lot with the new arena. This is the lot for parents to park in. The entry to the school yard is off Binning Street or through Kin Park. Bus students will enter the yard on the north side of the school.
Parents, we are asking that no parents be on the school yard in the mornings. We will have staff and senior students to ensure your wee ones find their way onto the playground safely. This will help us with supervision. At the end of the day, we ask that the yard be cleared by 3:45. This way, we can ensure that all students have been picked up and are where they are supposed to be.
We will have assistance from the OPP, as well as additional supervising staff in the first few days to make sure that drop off, pick up and parking rules are understood. Please be patient as we work out the kinks…
Thank you for your support as we enter this new era and new adventure at Westfield. It’s going to be a great year!
Contact information and Communication
If you have questions over the summer, please contact either myself, of Mrs. Stacey via email, or you can leave a message at Westfield on the answering machine and we will get back to you. The phone number is listed above. By email you can reach us at either:
Westfield will have a new facebook page shortly and a new website. I’ll post the shortcuts on the current “new school in North Perth” facebook page and on Central’s facebook page. Once the IT departments gets the website set up you should be able to search it either through a Google Search or via the Avon Maitland District School Board website.
Bell Times
- Yard supervision starts at 9:00
- 9:15 Entry
- 9:15-9:55 Period 1
- 9:55-10:35 Period 2
- 10:35-11:05 Period 3
- 11:05-11:45 Nutrition break and recess
- 11:45-12:25 Period 4
- 12:25-1:05 Period 5
- 1:05-1:35 Period 6
- 1:35-2:15 Nutrition break and recess
- 2:15-2:55 Period 7
- 2:55-3:35 Period 8
- 3:35 Dismissal
Nutrition Breaks
All students will be staying for lunch at Westfield. In the past it had been a practice at Listowel Central that Grade 7 & 8 students could go out for lunch. For safety reasons students will stay at the school. This will also provide the opportunity for additional time for team practices, clubs and intramurals.
The Rocks
The last few days of school we’ve asked each student and staff member heading to Westfield to put their name or mark on a polished stone. These stones will be collected and on display at Westfield when students arrive there in the fall. The stones represent something that they are sending ahead, to mark their place. These rocks, like the children who marked them, are each unique. They are different colours, sizes, shapes, and coming from different places but together they create a beautiful mosaic. Each one is worthy and each one will be included in our new “home.”
Class Lists
Much effort, care, and thought has gone in to creating class lists to best suit the needs of each student as we amalgamate 3 schools into Westfield. Our classes are very large. We will not be adjusting class lists because of parent or student requests. However, we may be required to do so in September if our numbers increase. You will be notified if changes are needed at that time. Thank you for your understanding of this process
Student Orientation and Community Open House
Wednesday, August 31 is the “big reveal” day. From 2-5pm students and their parents can come and take a tour and find classrooms. Students from JK-Gr. 6 need to have a parent with them for the orientation. Class lists will be posted, as will bus lists and other general information.
From 6-8pm the school will be open to the public. Students’ private information (such as class lists and bus lists) will not be available during the Open House for privacy reasons.
If you are unable to attend on August 31, please contact Mrs. Boyd or Mrs. Stacey on Sept.1 or 2 for a separate tour as we are available.
First Day
The first day of school is Tuesday, September 6, 2016.
Students will come off the playground and into the gym at the 9:15 bell.
A short assembly will include a brief welcome by Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Stacey, introduction of staff and then the calling of classes.
Milk and Food Days
Beginning mid September our plan is to have pizza days on Fridays and Pita Pit sandwiches on alternate weeks. Milk will available as well. Watch for specific details in our September newsletter.
Pick Up, Drop Off and Parking
Students who are walking, biking or being dropped off on Binning Street will use the entrance to the playground area on the east side of the school. In the mornings NO adults, except yard duty teachers, are to go past the gate on to the playground. After school, we ask that parents who meet their children at 3:35 have the playground cleared by 3:45pm. This will assist us with supervision and minimal disruption to the Daycare.
Kindergarten students will be dismissed at 3:35 from the Kinder doors on the west side of the school to meet their parents.
Please note that Binning Street is a no stopping, no parking zone, except for the designated drop off area that is a stopping only (no parking) area.
Kin Park may be used as an alternate, drop off or pick up location.
Click on the link to see School Map. Westfield School Map
School Council
The first meeting of the Westfield School Council will be on Tuesday, September 13 at 6:30pm in the multipurpose room (beside the library).
More information will go home with the September newsletter.
School Supplies:
It is helpful if students have these supplies to begin the school year:
Primary Students:
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Pencil Crayons
- Markers—optional
- Glue Sticks
- Pencil Case
- Closed pencil sharpener
- Headphones, in a labelled plastic bag (if not already at the school, dollar store variety works well)
- Indoor Running shoes (which meet OPHEA guidelines) “Appropriate athletic footwear must be a minimum uniform requirement. Appropriate athletic footwear is defined as a running shoe with a flat rubber treaded sole that is secured to the foot. Running shoes with higher heels, wheels, rubber, plastic or metal cleats, open toes, open heels are not appropriate.”
- Water bottle, labelled–optional
- Backpack
- Whiteboard markers
Please do NOT bring to school
- Binders
- Compass/protractor sets
- Liquid paper/white out
- Duotangs
Junior Students:
Added to the list above:
- Calculator (not Scientific)
Intermediate Students
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Pencil Crayons
- Ruler
- Pencil Case
- Highlighters (at least two different colours)
- Glue Sticks
- Headphones in a labeled plastic bag -Can be dollar store variety.
- Indoor Running Shoes (see description to left)
- Lock for Locker
- Calculator (scientific)
- Backpack
- Binders-2 that are 2” clean basic binders, don’t need to be fancy
- Three ring lined paper
- Dividers
- Gym clothes—shorts and T– Shirt
Please don’t bring :
Correction fluid (Liquid Paper, Whiteout, etc)
Large zippered and/or velcro binders
Pencil sharpeners
Miniature staplers
General classroom donations always welcome
- Box of Kleenex for Classroom
- Crayola Markers
- Large ‘Ziploc’ Freezer Bags
- Glue Sticks
- White Board Markers