Principal’s Message
Happy New Year! I hope that this finds you well and happy and optimistic about 2017.
We have many opportunities for students coming up this month. Snowshoeing is planned for the 19th and 20th (weather permitting). It will be a great opportunity to take advantage of our large yard. We also have some new clubs coming up including ukulele, violin club for grades 3-8, guitar for grades 4-8, and games club for grades 2-3.
I am very excited for the week of January 23-27. January 27 is national literacy day. We’ll start the week with our House Teams and then we’ll be celebrating all week with great books, readings and special activities. More information will follow.
First term report cards are coming up in February. This is a great time to talk to your child about the importance of the learning skills as these habits make a difference beyond school and in “real” life. Have a conversation with your child about taking initiative, taking responsibility, getting along with others, working independently, self-regulation and organization skills. These are skills they could be practicing at home — like doing the dishes without being asked! The other important skill we’ve been working on at Westfield is being kind. It doesn’t show up on the report card per se but boy, it sure shows up in life.
This also fits with this month’s character trait of responsibility from the North Perth Community of Character.
We have lots to look forward to at Westfield in 2017. I’m so glad to have your support on the journey. Cheers!
Weather Days
Winter weather will be here before we know it. Notification of bus changes, closures and cancellations can be found:
- on the North Perth Westfield Elementary School Facebook page
- through the Twitter feed
- on the school website (see right side where the Twitter feed pops up)
- on the radio
- on the board run transportation link:
In general the goal is to have the posting out by 6:30, but depending on conditions they may be subject to change, please check back or listen for radio updates.
Please read the following to know how each weather situation will affect you and your family.
Buses Cancelled, School is open:
All bus students will automatically be marked out for weather, so no phone call needs to be made for their absence. Bus students are still welcome to attend school if parents wish to drive them. Parents/guardians who choose to keep their walking students home, must call the school by 9:15 for safe arrival.
Buses Cancelled, School is closed:
The school will be locked and no students can attend.
Out-of-Town Buses cancelled, in-town buses running:
All bus students outside of the town limits will be automatically marked out for weather, no phone call needs to be made for safe arrival. Out-of –bus students may attend school if parents wish to drive them. In-town buses will run at their regularly scheduled times. In town bus students and walking students are expected to attend, if you choose to keep them home a phone call needs to be made to the school by 9:15 for safe arrival. “In town buses” are for any students who usually catch the bus at a stop in town.
2 Hour Fog Delay
The school schedule will not be changed. Listen/read the delay notice carefully to know if this will affect all bus students or only out-of -own bus students. Any bus students affected should adjust their pick-up times by 2 hours.
Online Payments Coming Soon
This spring our school is scheduled to begin using the on-line system for all school payments (ie. pizza, milk, field trips etc). Traditional cheque and cash options will be available for those who prefer. We’ll be sending home information on how to register soon—we are very excited about this user-friendly secure payment option and strongly encourage families to register. Stay tuned.
School Council
Unfortunately we had to cancel our January meeting due to weather. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 7 at 6:30. Bring your ideas for the Fun Fair.
Volunteers for Games Club Jan, Feb.
We are looking for community members to play variety of games with small groups of students during nutrition break times during the winter months. If you know how to play dominoes, backgammon, checkers, cribbage, euchre, or other simple card games, and have a bit of free time once each week from 1:35 – 2:15 p.m., call the school or send an email to Mrs. Stacey at:
Drop Off and Pick Up:
If you use the drop-off area on Binning Street, please have your children exit the vehicle on the sidewalk side, not the street side of your vehicle. Students should never have to cross Binning to get to the sidewalk area. Using the drop-off area will avoid children climbing over future snowbanks to get the to fence opening when they enter or exit the school yard.
On the Buses
This is a reminder of the safe and respectful conduct that is expected when students ride the school bus. In order for everyone to be safe on the bus, the driver must be able to attend to the road. Students are expected to:
- Remain seated at all times according to the seating plan
- Sit facing forward without blocking the centre aisle
- Keep hands and feet to themselves
- Use quiet voices
- Refrain from eating or using technology while on the bus
Failure to comply with these expectations endangers the safety of all riders. As outlined on the AMDSB policy, progressive discipline procedures will be applied. For details, go to the AMDSB transportation site:
Community Closet
The Westfield Community Closet is accepting good condition adult and child sized coats, winter mitts, hats, scarves, skates, and helmets. We are always in needs of gently used snowpants.
The Community Closet is just inside the front door, so just help yourself to any items that you can use. For more info contact Sandra at:
School Timetable
9:15 — student entry
9:15-11:05 — first learning block
11:05—11:45 — first nutrition break
11:45-1:35 — second learning block
1:35—2:15 — second nutrition break
2:15-3:35 — third learning block
3:35 — dismissal
Chocolate and white milk are available at first nutrition break. Students may purchase a milk card in the office. Milk cards are available in both $20 (26 milks) and $10 (13 milks) amounts. Students may also purchase a single milk for $0.75.
Most information will be posted on the school website at, our facebook page at North Perth Westfield Elementary School, and through our Twitter account @NPWestfield. Future newsletters will be sent in electronic format (by email) but we are happy to provide a paper copy if you wish. Many teachers use blogs, email, and websites to enhance home-school communication as well. Check with your child’s teacher.
Nut Free
Your child’s school is “nut-safe” for a very important reason. Even tiny amounts of nut residue on desks or books can cause someone with a nut allergy to have a strong reaction. “Nut-Safe” schools can only be achieved when everyone is committed. That’s why your help and cooperation are very important. The most important thing you can do is avoid sending any foods from home that may contain even traces of nuts or peanut products.
Yard Supervision
Before school our yard is supervised from 9 – 9:15 a.m.. Students should not be on the yard before the 9am bell. After school there is supervision from 3:35 – 3:45 p.m. All students are to go directly home when they are dismissed at the end of the day and the yard should be cleared by 3:45. In rain and extremely cold weather, students remain inside and are supervised in their classrooms. All students who are well enough to attend school are expected to participate in outdoor play breaks.
Attendance/Safe Arrival Program
We operate a ministry mandated “Safe Arrival” program to assist the school in checking daily attendance. If your son or daughter will be absent on a given day, please phone the school before 9 a.m. at 519-291-6147. Our answering machine receives information outside of regular school hours. Please leave a brief factual message including your name, your child’s name, teacher and reason for absence.