September 2018 Newsletter

Principal’s Message

Welcome back to returning UTES’ students, and a big welcome, on behalf of the entire school community, to our new families. I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer and that students have returned, excited for the adventure that lies ahead.

Our staff has returned energized and eager to work with our students. We have many returning staff, and a few new people. Join us in welcoming Mrs. Kerri Havens, Miss Courtney Pickard, and Mrs.Alicia Chaput to the teaching staff; Mrs. Courtney LaPorte Mrs. Alicia Verberne, and Mrs. Jamie Dow, who have returned from parental leaves; and Miss Rachel Luckhardt, as an Eaucational Assistant. We said goodbye to a few people who have, luckily for us, returned! Welcome back to Mrs. Katie Wood DeBoer and Miss Sammie Smith as DECEs; Miss Nicole Salter and Mrs. Amanda Fansom as EAs. We would also like to congratulate Mrs. Jane Davis, who is now here on a full time contract.

I am confident in saying that our staff is here to support your child, and they will do what they can to ensure that your child has a successful school year. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school, or drop by, and speak to me. I can be reached at 519-348-8472, or

I look forward to seeing you at the Open House on September 20th!


Paula Robinson, Principal

Vice-Principal’s Message

Welcome back to Upper Thames, students and staff. I’m certainly excited to be back at UTES for the 2018/19 school year! The summer was very enjoyable for my family and me, and I hope all of you had a great summer too.

Upper Thames continues to be a supportive and innovative place to learn, and it is always our goal to maximize outcomes for our students. Our school is a safe and welcoming building, and we strive to work as a team to meet the needs of each and every one of our students.

I would like to encourage all students to get involved at UTES. There will be school athletics – cross-country, soccer, volleyball, basketball and track and field. In addition, there will be clubs such as crafting and robotics. Students should listen carefully to announcements to avoid missing these opportunities to get involved!

As always, parents are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s education. As you continue to support your child, please do not hesitate to ask questions. Your child’s teachers are always accessible via email, telephone and in person to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Should you require my assistance, drop into the school and see me, or feel free to contact me at 519-348-8472, ext 303 or

I look forward to working with everyone this year!

Matt Robinson, Vice-Principal

School Organization


Mrs.Julie Moffat and Mrs.Jamie Dow
Mrs. Brighite Aitken and Miss Samantha Smith
Mrs. Melissa MacArthur and Mrs. Erin Richardson
Mrs Deb Satchell McCarthy and Mrs. Katie Wood-deBoer
Mrs. Tara Sills and Miss Nikole Templeman

Grade 1

Mrs. Beth Medhurst
Mrs. Pam Zeehuisen
Mrs. Sarah Woods
Ms. Siobhan Falconer (currently on leave)/
Miss Courtney Pickard

Grade 1 /2

Ms. Stacy Furtney

Grade 2

Mrs. Dayna Otten
Mrs. Patti Webb

Grade 2/3

Mrs. Sherri Inglis

Grade 3

Mrs. Cathy Liptrot (on leave)/ Mrs. Alicia Chaput
Mrs. Jeanette Redfern
Mrs. Jenn Boyd/Mrs. Lisa Helmuth

Grade 4

Mrs. Courtney LaPorte
Ms. Barb Maschke
Mrs. Cheryl Hopkins

Grade 5

Mrs. Laura Terpstra
Mr. Paul Menary
Mrs. Emily Agar

Grade 6

Mrs. Tara Watters
Mr. Justin Tessier
Mrs. Jody Horne


Mrs. Kate Matthews
Mrs. Lisa Helmuth
Music –
Mrs. Michele Nicholson

Learning Services (Special Education)

Mrs. Jennifer Hummel
Ms. Mary Coleman
Mrs. Karyn French

Prep Coverage Teachers

Mrs. Janice Hutchison Ryan
Mrs. Jennifer Bernard (on leave)/Mrs. Kerri Havens
Mrs. Cheryl Harmer
Mrs. Alicia Verberne

Support Staff

Mrs. Mary Vink
Ms. Lana Siemon

Educational Assistants

Mrs. Brenda Menary
Mrs. Sue Heckman
Mrs. Deb Duvall
Mrs. Jane Davis
Mrs. Trisha Ritz
Miss Nicole Salter
Miss Rachel Luckhardt
Mrs. Amanda Fansom


Ms. Marna Jackson

Office Staff

Mrs. Karen Shuker
Mrs. Wendy Hoffmeyer

Custodial Staff

Head Custodian: Mrs. Janice Furtney
Custodian: Mr. Dave Cossey
Custodian: Mrs. Donna Smith
Custodian: Ms. Nancy

Sabrina’s Law and Anaphylaxis

In January 2006, Sabrina’s Law came into effect. This Law requires school boards to have emergency procedures in place to deal with incidents of anaphylaxis and to provide training for all staff. With support from the Perth District Health Unit and the Huron County Health Unit, school principals provide to their staff, annual training in the administration of EPI-Pens to treat anaphylactic reactions. In cases where a student is anaphylactic, parents/guardians are expected to provide an EPI-Pen(s) for their child to carry with them at all times during the school day. Parents/Guardians must also work with the school to develop an Individual Medical Management Plan that outlines emergency procedures for their child.

In accordance with Sabrina’s Law, all schools have been provided with two generic EPI-Pens. These EPI-Pens are being provided to support schools in responding to a medical emergency for an anaphylactic student for whom the school has an Individual Medical Management Plan and Emergency Procedure in place.

In accordance with Sabrina’s Law, all schools have been provided with two generic EPI-Pens. These EPI-Pens are being provided to support schools in responding to a medical emergency for an anaphylactic student for whom the school has an Individual Medical
Management Plan and Emergency Procedure in place. Also, in accordance with Sabrina’s Law, schools must administer an EPI-Pen when a student is suspected of suffering an anaphylactic reaction even if no Individual Medical Management Plan exists. If you are aware that your child is allergic to epinephrine or if you have any concerns, it is suggested that you contact either Mrs. Robinson or Mr. Robinson.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As per AMDSB’s procedure, students must carry their epi-pen with them at all times. Parents may not sign a waiver to allow their child to opt out of carrying an epi-pen.

Drop Off and Pick Up at UTES

The circular driveway can get quite congested at arrival and dismissal times. We will begin by allowing the same procedures as the past year, provided parents show utmost patience and regard for student safety. Parking in the circle at dismissal times will only be allowed on the school side of the circle, as we do not want students walking across the circular driveway. Similarly, please do not move your car in the parking lot until students have vacated the area. Decisions will always be made with student safety – not convenience – in mind. To that end, you may wish to park on a side street and either have your child meet you, or meet them at the doors. Thanks for your consideration in this matter.

Food Orders

We will once again be offering milk daily and pizza weekly. Please note that, due to an increase from our supplier, we have increased the price of milk to 75 cents, as well as 6 inch subs. Milk starts September 17th. Pizza Days are Wednesdays beginning September 19th. Sub Day this month is September 27.

REGISTER NOW for School Cash Online

With School Cash Online you’ll be able to:

  • Pay for your child’s school fees online. Anytime, anywhere.
  • Avoid the hassle of having cash on-hand to pay for school fees.
  • Get automatic email notifications about school fees.
  • Help us reduce the amount of cash in our schools.

Fast. Safe. Convenient.

School Cash Online ordering now available for food orders.

You must register first then you will see what you can order.
It takes less than 5 minutes to register!
You will need your child’s OEN, this number is located on your child’s report card.

For new JKS: your OEN number will be available September 6th. A letter will be sent home.

What to do with all of the paper coming home today

Please read the newsletters, school and classroom, and keep as a reference.

Emergency Form (Verify that information is correct and return to the office by Friday, Sept. 7th.)


There is no cost to the student for a planner. Please read the information in the front of the planner for an explanation of our rules and procedures.

Accident Insurance Form

(if interested, mail directly to the company)
*Please take time to consider this insurance carefully, as accidents can happen on the school grounds, or on a field trip, or as a result of involvement in teams, for instance. It doesn’t take much to chip a tooth! The school board does not carry accident insurance for students.

Milk/Pizza/Sub Order Form (return if interested in ordering, or order online)

Volunteer Form

We need volunteers for a variety of things – shopping for the nutrition program, reading to young children, and more. Please complete and send in the form if you can help out!

For your information only

– Freedom of Information and Privacy Letters
– Ongoing Extra Curricular Permission Form
– School Calendar

Upcoming Events for September

September 4th
Welcome back to school!

September 7th
Emergency Forms due

September 18th – 20st
Book Fair

September 20th
Meet the Teacher
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

September 25th
School Council
6:30 pm
UTES Staff Room
Everyone welcome!

September 27th
Terry Fox Run
1:45 pm

September 28th
Professional Activity Day
*No school for students

Chicken Pox

One of our children has a compromised immune system because of medical treatment. Please let the office know if your child breaks out with chickenpox. Thanks for your help in keeping our community healthy.

Community Events

This pdf document has information about the skating programs at Monkton and Milverton.