Home of the Tigers

Home of the Tigers

Upper Thames Elementary School, named for the local watershed, opened in January 1970, with an enrolment of 886 students from 23 of the original 26 one or two room school houses located in the townships of Fullarton, Hibbert and Logan. It was one of the 9 central schools built in Perth County between 1964 and 1970.

On September 18, 1970, the Premier of Ontario, William Davis, took part in the Official Opening of Upper Thames Elementary School. It was considered to an ultra-modern 40-room central school. Built in the innovative open-concept style, Upper Thames had and still has the distinction of being one of the few remaining schools without walls and doors on many of its classrooms. The Primary and Junior areas of the school now have dividing walls but no doors. This openness in space contributes to the collaboration that goes on between staff and students.

A nature centre was established on the west side of the grounds in 1993. This nature centre still thrives, providing a great place for classes to do nature study.

Built in 1994, The Perth Care for Kids Day Care Centre is situated on the southeast corner of the property and offers services to children who attend school (before and after school), as well as, for their younger siblings.

Upper Thames is a full service school for West Perth and its surrounding areas. We provide a quality education for all students. An elevator at the front of the school provides full accessibility to the school. September, 2010 was an exciting time for Upper Thames as we welcomed the Mitchell Public School community to our newly renovated facilities, making us the largest elementary school in the Avon Maitland District School Board. This school year, we have 802 students, the majority of whom are bused. We have 60 staff, including teachers, educational assistants, technical resource assistants, secretaries, custodians, two vice-principals and principal.

In order to help develop caring, responsible members of society, Upper Thames Elementary School is committed to encouraging the academic, emotional, social, physical and moral/spiritual growth of each individual in an inviting atmosphere. We offer many co-curricular activities for students that include a wide array of sports, music, environmental, artistic and academic offerings throughout the year. We encourage all of our students to be active and get involved.

Our initiatives this year focus on improving student achievement through the development of their collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills across the curriculum. Embedded throughout everything we do are strategies to improve school culture and climate, and ensure students feel accepted and safe. Upper Thames boasts an inclusive culture that builds citizenship through character education and developing positive working relationships between school, home and community.

Parent volunteers are welcome at UTES. We appreciate parents who read with a student, supervise a class trip, deliver pizza or help with fundraising. Upper Thames is a wonderful school. Come and see us in action!

Paula Robinson, Principal.