Principal’s Message
Welcome to a new school year!
September is my favourite time of the year!
It is the beginning of a new school year full of endless possibilities, promise and excitement. The beginning of the school year is a fresh start for all students and staff. For our youngest students it is their very first school experience and for our other students, it is a time to rekindle friendships and to make new ones. It’s a time to welcome new students coming to us from other schools and it is a chance for everyone to set new goals and to discover new things while growing, learning and playing together.
It is with pleasure and excitement that I welcome all families to Stephen Central School. The staff of Stephen Central are extremely excited about the opportunity to work together to continue to build a unique, positive and inclusive school, where high standards and a deep feeling of community and belonging is felt by all.
A very heartfelt thank you is extended to all those involved in the preparation for the new school year. For those of you who are new to the community it is a truly fantastic place with wonderful, inviting people. I hope that you will take the time to introduce yourself to me over the next few weeks. Please feel welcome and encouraged to contact me at anytime regarding your child(ren)’s education. I also encourage you to regularly stay in contact your child’s teacher and remember to check their planner for important dates and information from their teachers and to follow our school web site and Facebook page too, to keep up to date on what is happening at Stephen Central.
Strong communication builds strong relationships and working together we can continue to create a positive, inclusive school community. Who knows what fantastic adventures the new school year will bring, but together we can make it yet another outstanding year at Stephen Central School. I am looking forward to meeting many of you at our first Parent Council gathering on Monday, September 14th and at our Open House on Wednesday, September 23rd.
Have a great school year!
– Donna Gregus
Important Health Notice
A child at our school has a compromised immune system as a result of treatment for a serious medical condition. We request that you please let the office know immediately if your child breaks out with chickenpox. Please let us know when the spots appeared.
As always, we ask that children be kept home from school when they are unwell with any contagious illness. This will help keep our school community healthy.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Bucket Fill-osophy
At Stephen Central School we are working together as a school family to ensure that all students, staff and community members feel that they belong and are an important part of our school community. One of the ways we are doing this is by adopting the, “The Bucket Fill-osophy”. We all have an invisible bucket. People can be bucket fillers or bucket dippers. When someone compliments you or helps you, they are bucket fillers. Little drops of kindness fill your bucket and you feel great! When someone hurts you or puts you down, they are bucket dippers. The drops spill out of your bucket and you feel hurt or sad. At Stephen Central we are working very hard to be bucket fillers. If you want to work on this bucket fill-osophy at home, here are some books you can purchase, or borrow from the library.
Here are some ways to fill someone’s bucket:
- help a friend with their books
- spend time with your grandparents
- wave hello or good-bye
- clean up your toys
- set the table
- play with you brother or sister
- give a hug
- say please and thank you
- share with a friend
- do a kind deed to help someone else
- say nice things to people such as…
Appreciation Statements:
- Great effort. It was easy to see you were working very hard.
- I appreciate it when you clean up your toys.
- I really appreciate when you set the table.
- You are a super star when you …..
- I told you, you could do it! Keep up the good work!
- I admired you for listening so well and following through with what I asked you to do.
- I appreciate you taking the garbage out.
- I am proud of you for telling the truth.
- I admired your courage when you told me about what you did wrong.
- You should feel proud of yourself for ….
- Wow! I am impressed with the way you listened to my instructions.
- It was nice of you to….
By working together as a school community both at school and at home we can help to model and teach the importance of treating others with kindness, dignity and respect, creating a community of character and caring that we all can continue to be proud to be a part of.
Open House
Open House will be held on Wednesday, September 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. During this time parents are invited to tour the school and their child(ren)’s classroom(s), and to meet informally with school staff. We look forward to seeing you on September 23.
Stephen Central Staff 2015 – 2016
- Mrs. Gregus – Principal
Support Staff
- Ms. Anderson – Early Childhood Educator
- Mrs. Desjardine – Educational Assistant
- Mrs. Weber – Educational Assistant
- Mrs. Ballantyne – Educational Assistant
- Ms. Wondergem – Technical Resource Asst.
- Mr. & Mrs. Laye – Custodians
- Mrs. Regier – Secretary
Teaching Staff
- Ms. Dale – School Resource
- Ms. Reed – French
- Mrs. Ryckman – Phys Ed
- Mrs. Beierling – Kindergarten
- Ms. Rowell – Kindergarten
- Mrs. Rempel – Grade 1
- Ms. Dale/Mrs. MacLeod – Grade 1/2
- Ms. King/Ms. Reed – Grade 2/3
- Ms. Visser – Grade 3/4
- Mrs. Kennedy – Grade 4/5
- Mrs. Parkinson – Grade 5
- Mrs. Peck – Grade 6
The School Day
- 8:45 – Opening Exercises/Classes Begin
- 10:45–11:05 -Recess
- 11:05–11:25 – Nutrition Break
- 11:25 – Classes Resume
- 1:15–1:35 – Recess
- 1:35–1:55 – Nutrition Break
- 1:55 – Classes Resume
- 3:05 – Dismissal
Emergency Contact Information Sheet & Freedom Of Information Letter
Please read carefully the “Confirmation of Emergency Contact Information Form” your child is bringing home. Make any necessary changes and sign the appropriate sections. The forms should be returned to the school by Wednesday, September 16. Please be sure to read and sign in the appropriate places (There will be three areas to review for signatures).
It is also very important that you read the Freedom of Information letter and that you respond to the principal in writing if you have any objections to the use and disclosure of your child’s personal information in any or all of the activities listed in the letter.
Parent Council (School Advisory Council)
The School Council works in an advisory capacity but is also involved in fundraising, volunteering for various school functions and serving as parent representatives in discussions with school staff. This is a worthwhile way to support your children while they are attending Stephen Central. Our first meeting will be held on Monday, September 14 at 6:30 pm in the school library. Everyone is welcome! Please contact the school office if you have any questions about the positions on our School Council.
Meal/Milk Orders
Our School Council will be offering daily milk and weekly meal ordering again this year. We will continue to follow the healthy “provincial mandated school food & beverage policy” and the Food and Beverages and Nutrition Outlines. We will continue to offer an Online ordering system called “” Instructions on how to set up your family account will be sent home early in September. There is a link to this website on the Stephen Central Public School website. Just under this link, there is also a “HotLunches Parent Guide”.
Each month, there will be 2 orders open (one for MILK, and one for MEALS). On the 1st of every month, the next month’s orders will open. These orders will close on the 15th of each month. Payments will need to be at the school by the first weekday following the 15th. Please make sure you order early each month, as there will be no late ordering.
October orders can be placed online now.
Any family that does not have access to Internet, please contact the school at 519-234-6302. We will ensure paper order forms will be sent home monthly. No student should miss the opportunity to order.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the on-line ordering process, please contact our parent volunteer, Alison, at home 519-237-3771 or by email: [email protected]
Parents/Visitors Coming To the School
All parents/visitors are requested to report to the office upon arrival at school. We make this request to protect your child’s safety. Please do not interrupt classes during and at the end of the day. If you are picking your child up at school prior to dismissal, please send a note in the morning advising your child’s teacher of the time of departure. We will be happy to call your child to the office upon your arrival.
Safe Arrival Program
Please notify the school before 9:00 a.m. if your child will be late or absent from school. Our answering machine is in place to assist parents/guardians who need to call early. If we do not receive a call or note and your child is absent, we will attempt to contact you. A call will be placed to your home, your work and/or your emergency number(s). Given that the time required calling home for all students could be considerable, your co-operation is essential. Thank you for your support. If contact information changes throughout the year, please be sure to contact the school office as accurate records must be kept at all times.
Emergency School Closing
If schools are to be closed for the entire day and/or if buses are not operating or operating on a two hour bus delay due to fog or snow, the information will be broadcast as early as possible. You can find out about bus delays or school closures on local radio stations. You can also check the Avon Maitland D.S.B. website ( and the school Twitter account @ stephenps, and of course our school Facebook page for up to date information about weather related delays or cancellations.
Bus Notes
It is Board policy that students are not allowed to ride on other buses unless for child care reasons. These requests must be in written form and must be approved by the principal and/or bus company.
Sabrina’s Law And Anaphylaxis
In January 2006, Sabrina’s Law came into effect. This Law requires school boards to have emergency procedures in place to deal with incidents of anaphylaxis and to provide training for all staff. With support from the Perth District Health Unit and the Huron County Health Unit, school principals provide to their staff, annual training in the administration of EPI-Pens to treat anaphylactic reactions. In cases where a student is anaphylactic, parents/guardians are expected to provide an EPI-Pen(s) for their child to carry with them at all times during the school day. Parents/Guardians must also work with the school to develop an Individual Medical Management Plan that outlines emergency procedures for their child. In accordance with Sabrina’s Law, all schools have been provided with two generic EPI-Pens. These EPI-Pens are being provided to support schools in responding to a medical emergency for an anaphylactic student for whom the school has an Individual Medical Management Plan and Emergency Procedure in place. Also, in accordance with Sabrina’s Law, schools must administer an EPI-Pen when a student is suspected of suffering an anaphylactic reaction even if no Individual Medical Management Plan exists. If you are aware that your child is allergic to epinephrine or if you have any concerns, it is suggested that you contact the school principal.
Medication At School
If students require prescription and/or non-prescription medication while at the school, it will be necessary for parents to complete the appropriate administration form which is maintained in the office along with the medication. The original prescription/non-prescription container will be put in a locked cabinet and administered by school personnel as directed. Contact the school if forms are required for your child.
Volunteer Offence Declaration Forms And New Background Checks
An active volunteer program operates at Stephen Central. It is coordinated by individual teachers and the principal. Parents and other adults are encouraged to contact the school to offer their support and services for the 2015-2016 school year. As per past practice and Board Policy, (AP495 re: Volunteer Programs in Schools Criminal Background Check) all volunteers to the school must have approved paperwork on file and hence will complete an Offence Declaration form for continued service. This includes volunteering for your child(ren)’s field trips. We encourage you to request and complete a Criminal Reference Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening Form if at all interested in any volunteer opportunities during the academic career of your child. Just contact the school for more information.
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance
Our school board is offering you the opportunity to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance provides protection against unexpected costs arising from accidental injuries. The program is especially valuable for families who:
- do not have medical or dental plans,
- have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or
- have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance has a selection of plans to suit most budgets. Benefits include coverage for:
- The full school year (September to September), 24 hours a day, while at home and in school;
- Expenses that are often limited or not covered by private or group insurance plans, or Provincial Health Insurance Plans, such as ambulance, physiotherapy, private tutoring, counselling, and much more;
- Injury-related dental treatment (including future dental treatment up to age 26);
- Out-of-province or country emergency medical expenses.
If your address changes during the school year, your Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance plan is transferable from school to school, anywhere in Canada.
Insurance premiums for children are $14.50 or $33.50 per year, depending on the plan selected. A discount is available for families with 3 or more children. Adults age 20 to 64 can also be insured for $32.00 per year.
For more information or to apply online, please visit, or speak with a Kids Plus™ Client Service Administrator at 1-800-556-7411.
Community Announcements
1st Zurich Scouts Fall Registration
When: Monday, September 14, 2015
Where: Zurich Mennonite Church
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Boys and Girls Come Join The Adventure!
Beavers (ages 5-7), Cubs (ages 8-10),
Scouts (ages 11-14),Venturers (ages 14-17)
For More Information please contact
Rebecca Jones at 519-236-7060