October 2016 Newsletter

Principal’s Message

Dear Families:

Happy October everyone! It is beginning to look and feel like fall. We have had a fabulous start to our school year together here at Stephen Central. Thank you to all of the families and community members who were able to join us at our Open House and Meet the Staff evening on September 22nd. A huge thank you to our School Council who hosted our pizza dinner in the gym as part of our open house evening.

Progress reports will be sent home with all students from JK to Grade 6 on November 1st. Our Staff looks forward to meeting with all parents and guardians either after school on Thursday, November 3 or during the morning of the following PA day (Friday, November 4). Watch for more information to follow later in October.

We really do have so much to be thankful for. We have wonderful students and an amazing parent community. Our staff is dedicated and willing to go the extra mile. Our neighbors watch what is happening around our school and help us to keep your children safe. We need to take time, be thankful for, and to reflect on the jobs that our volunteers, bus drivers, and community members do in supporting our students. We are grateful for all of our new volunteers who assist with our reading programs, food days and our wonderful local school council.

It is at this time of Thanksgiving, that we need to take the time to be thankful for and celebrate a fantastic start to the school year. Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a fantastic October everyone.

Donna Gregus

From the School Council Chair

I would like to say a special thank you to all the new faces that came out to our first Parent Council meeting of the school year. It was greatly appreciated. The winners of the Parent Council Open House draw of Dairy Queen gift cards were Charlotte, Ashton, Raven & Dakota. We look forward to a wonderful year for the students and families of our school. We will be sending home our fall fundraiser for The Whole Pig and Steeped Tea products for students to sell over the Thanksgiving holidays and from October 6th to 20th. Watch for more information to follow. Our next meeting is October 3rd at 6:30 pm at the school. Please feel free to join us.

Tammy Wharram


Wow, Thank-you for the great response to Hotlunches.net!

We have had 76 families, with 112 students registered to HOTLUNCHES. This weekend you should receive your first “weekly lunch email reminder”. This email lists the days (with dates) of the week, and any orders associated with those days. This email may cause some concern if milk had not been ordered for each day, the email will state “no items ordered”. Please read these emails fully, to see all days listed.

We would like to Welcome some new Vendors to our program: Pita Pit-Exeter, Godfathers Pizza-Exeter, New Orleans Grand Bend. We will also be working with Dairy Queen- Exeter, Subway-Exeter, Hansen’s Independent – Exeter. Thank-you to each of these Vendors for their continued support.

Remember when sending funds to school with your child, please make sure the funds are secure within an envelope or ziplock bag. Label this envelope with your child full name and Hotlunches. If there is a problem printing your remittance slip, send a note (with the funds) that clearly states user account name, and students names. This will make processing of funds and balancing your account more accurate.

Some of you may have noticed, a balance owing from last year has been applied to your account. We will be sending home more info to these families soon.

If you have not set up your Hotlunches account, please do so. If you are having difficulty, please contact us for assistance. If you don’t have access to the internet, please put a note in the student planner that you would like a paper copy.

Reminder, Hotlunches is a service provided by parent volunteers of the Parent Advisory Committee of Stephen Central to raise funds for student support.

Thanks – Alison Rammeloo

519-237- 3771 or [email protected]


It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Mrs. H. Cameron, SERT. We wish her well at her new school North Perth Westfield in Listowel which is much closer to her home. A new Special Education Resource Teacher will be starting soon.

School Snack Program – Feed the Tigers

Attached to this newsletter is a “Feed the Tigers” donation envelope. Our school snack program is a very important part of supporting our students by ensuring that all students have enough to eat and, therefore, are ready to learn. If you are able to help support our School Snack Program, please enclose your donation in this envelope and have your child return it to his or her teacher. Your generosity will help ensure that we can continue to provide healthy snacks for our students who may be hungry at school for whatever reason.

If you would like a tax receipt, donations over $20.00 can be made payable via cheque or money order to “Foundation for Education” and return to the school.

Stephen Central News

For the most up to date news about Stephen Central, visit our website www.yourschools.ca/stephencentral. You will be able to see our calendar, our newsletter and other valuable information. Also, please make sure you follow us on facebook and twitter.

Vision and Hearing Screening for JK/SK

In partnership with local Lions Club organizations, we are pleased to offer hearing and vision screening for JK and SK students. We understand the impact of having healthy eyes and good hearing on your child’s overall health, well-being, and education. JK/SK Vision and Hearing Screening is coming to Stephen Central Public School on November 30.

Before & After School Program

As part of an on-going commitment to make the school day as seamless as possible for our families, each family will be receiving an information sheet in mid-October regarding Before and After School care. Families interested in before or after school programs for their four and five year olds, and possibly older children in the upcoming school year, should complete an on-line survey by November 30, 2016. The link to the survey will be found on the Board website starting mid-October. We appreciate your assistance as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs. Should you require a paper copy, please contact the school after October 14th.

Calling All Three Year Olds (CATYO)

On Tuesday, November 1st we will be registering kindergarten students for the 2017-2018 school year. Children who are 3 years old by December 31, 2016 are eligible for junior kindergarten in 2017. Children who are 4 years old by December 31, 2016 are eligible for senior kindergarten in 2017. If you have a child of kindergarten age please call the school (519-234-6302) for registration information. The registration process will include developmental screening. The purpose of the program is to help parents assess how their child is developing. CATYO allows parents ample time to link their child to any needed services and supports. This will help ensure children are better prepared for school entry the following September.

Please call the school to register your child for Kindergarten for September 2017. Registration packages will be sent home mid-October for those who call to register.

Volunteers Needed

We are seeking volunteers to help with our daily “Eat & Learn” program. Every morning our students are provided with the opportunity to enjoy a healthy snack. Assistance is needed in ordering, preparing and delivering these snacks. Even an hour a week would be beneficial to this program. Thanks so much for considering this volunteer opportunity.


Cross Country – Our regional cross country meet will be held at Huron Centennial on Tuesday, October 4 (rain date: Thursday, October 6). For specific age groupings and start times, please refer to the schedule that will be sent home with your runner. The times listed are approximate and parents should come in advance of the times posted. Runners will be notified if they will be advancing to the District Cross Country meet.

Soccer – The Regional Junior Soccer Meet will be held on Tuesday, October 18 (rain date: October 20). More information will follow.

Good-luck to all of our athletes! We are cheering you on from the sidelines. Go Tigers, Go!

Character Corner

The character attribute of focus for October is ‘Empathy’ – understanding how someone else feels.

 Parenting Tip

Read younger children story books about friendship. Titles such as “One” by Kathryn Otoshi, and “Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully” by Audrey Penn focus on this theme, which gives you an opportunity to talk to your child about empathy.

Quotes About Empathy

“How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because some day in life you will have been all of these.”

– George Washington Carver

“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?.”

– Henry David Thoreau

Library News

Students check out library books for a two week period. They may return the books before the two weeks are over. If your son/daughter brings home an overdue notice for library book(s), please return the library books on the next school day. If the books are lost, please write a note to Ms. Wondergem on the overdue notice, explaining that the book is lost. Students can not check out another library book until their overdue library book(s) has/have been returned.

Library helpers will be starting in October. Students in grades 3 – 6 can sign up to be a library helper. Grade 2 students can be library helpers after Christmas. Library helpers commit to help in the library during 2 or 3 morning recesses per month. Library helpers show great leadership skills.

Orange & Black Day – October 31

Monday, October 31st will be Orange and Black Day at Stephen Central Public School. Therefore, we encourage students who wish to participate to wear orange & black. Not all families celebrate fall seasonal holidays such as Halloween. As a result, participation in Orange and Black day is completely optional. We ask that no costumes are worn on October 31st.

Congratulations to Cohen and family who were the winners of the September newsletter draw. He received an insulated soft-sided cooler donated by the Ontario Milk Program.

October Newsletter – If you received and read this newsletter, please return this tear-off section for a draw. The student(s) from the winning family will receive a prize.


Parent/Guardian Signature

How are we doing? Please provide us with some feedback as we value your comments: