May 2017 Newsletter

Principal’s Message

As we begin these final two months of school, I thought I would share a couple of reminders to help keep learning moving in the right direction.

Routine and rest are great friends for children.  Regular routines (i.e. a set time we do homework, a set bedtime) let children know what to expect and that is reassuring for children and adults.  Routine also reduces the number of squabbles as children argue less when they realize this is the way it is, this is what we do in our home.   Children (and adults) who come to school well rested seem to get a whole lot more accomplished and have fewer disagreements.  Although we are happy the days are getting longer, please send them to school “rested and ready”.  We still have one fifth of the school year remaining, we need to make good of use of it.

Regular attendance and punctuality are critical to both academic and social learning.  In schools we are continually trying to get better at teaching children so we often look at cases in which children have been successful and cases in which children have been less successful.   It isn’t revolutionary, but there is a direct link between good attendance, punctuality and academic success.  Children who come to school on time and who miss very few days learn more than children who do not.  That being said, we understand that children get sick, especially children who are new to school and thus are exposed to a whole new set of viruses to which their bodies are not yet immune.  Simply put, send them to school on time unless they are sick.  We understand that doctors and dentists want to schedule appointment during the day, and this is sometimes unavoidable, we are simply trying to minimize absence so we can provide your child(ren) with the best education possible.

Please drop by the office, call me or email if you would like to talk about anything related to your child’s learning.

Mr. Rauser

Planning for Next Year – Written requests only please

In late May or early June, the principal, in consultation with the staff, considers the most effective groupings of students (class placements) for instruction, for all students, for the upcoming school year. Principals and staff consider a range of factors, including, but not limited to, the academic, emotional and potential social benefits or concerns when placing a child in a given class. Please send written requests for class placements to Don Rauser in the office. Requests will be considered but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate all wishes. Class placements are announced on the first day of school. Mr. Rauser will be sharing a tentative school organization with the school community in June. We do not share who is teaching what class until the fall as staffing will sometimes change over the summer.


All our Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will be participating in EQAO assessment in May. Grade 3 and 6 testing will take place May 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, June 1. We ask that you avoid appointments, trips or other absences that can be rescheduled, during that week for students in those grades. Encourage them to get a good night’s sleep, arrive on time and do their best. They may like to be sure to have a bottle of water with them. Chewing gum during the assessment or nibbling on a few extra snacks can also be helpful.

May Playground Fundraising Update

Donations continue to come in as Sprucedale Public School and the Shakespeare Community work together to raise enough money to build a new playground.  When we reach our goal, we will announce it to the students at the school first and then we will send out a message to the school community and our many supporters.  We are optimistic that announcement may come very soon.
Our thanks go out to……

The Shakespeare Optimist Club

A huge thank you to all of the members of The Shakespeare Optimist Club for their incredibly generous donation to the Sprucedale PS Playground Fund.  The Optimists, Friend of Youth, have long been strong supporters of children and youth in this community.  The Optimists’ mission is to bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves by providing hope and a positive vision.  The Optimist Club of Shakespeare will receive permanent recognition on the playground site as a Platinum Supporter.

For those still wishing to make a donation…..
Playground donations can be made online at CanadaHelps  using VISA, Mastercard and American Express.  You also able to mail or drop off at the school a cheque payable to the Foundation for Education – Sprucedale Playground on Memo Line.  Cash donations are also welcome in the office.  Any donation of 20 dollars or more will receive a charitable donation receipt.  Donations of 250 or more will receive print recognition and donations greater than 500 dollars will receive permanent on site recognition.

Message from the YMCA

Hello YMCA Families!
We are welcoming Child Care Supervisor, Krystle Linden back from Maternity Leave mid-May!
Registration forms for the YMCA’S Summer JK/SK Ready Set Go program are available. To register your child, for more program information and cost please contact Ashley Rose, Jenn Davis or Krystle Linden at 519-271-0480. The last three PA Days of the year are fast approaching on May 8th, June 9th and June 30th. If you need care on any of these days please register at your child’s Before and After School Program or call Alenka Watson at 519-273-9622.

Easy Fundraiser

You should have received home a New Orleans School Fundraising Night flyer. This is the easiest fundraiser ever. For every order you place with New Orleans Pizza in either Tavistock or Stratford on May 8, 9 and 10, the school will receive 50% of the sale. We have a few extra flyers at the school if you did not receive one.