Principal’s Message
A quick reminder that March Break runs from March 12th – 16th. I hope everyone gets a chance to relax and recharge with family and friends.
The character attribute for the month of March is Optimism. Optimism is defined as hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. The following story is a reflection piece, I encourage you to read it with your child and see what connections they can make…
Treasure Hunters and Trash Collectors
It seems that in life there are two types of people. The first are treasure hunters. Every day they seek out what is useful and positive. They focus on it, talk about it, and think about it. Each of these moments is treasured like a bright, shining jewel that they store in their treasure chest forever.
And then there are trash collectors who spend their lives looking for what is wrong, unfair, and not working. They focus their energy, time, and thoughts on the trash, and every day they put that trash into a big trashcan.
The treasure hunters proudly carry their treasure into the future, while the trash collectors drag their heavy, smelly trashcan from one day to the next. The question is: When they get to the end of the year, what does each person have – a treasure chest filled with useful, positive memories, or a trash can full of things they didn’t like? The choice is yours. You get to decide.
-Unknown Author
Mr. Charles Longston
Engage, Inspire, Innovate… Always Learning
Dates to Remember
March 6 – Skating Day
March 7 – Elmira Poultry pick-up (2 – 5)
March 9 – Power of We Crazy Hair and Hat Day
March 12 – March Break
March 19 – Power of We Book Drive
March 19 – Dental Screening (JK, SK, 2, 8)
March 26 – Pizza, Milk and Sub Orders Due
March 29 – Easter Egg Hunt
Power Of WE
The Power of We thanks everyone in the South Perth community who donated their used batteries to our Zinc Saves Lives campaign. We collected 909 batteries! We would also like to thank Mrs. Mathers for dropping off these batteries at the Call2Recycle centre at the Exeter Canadian tire. The used batteries are kept out of landfills and are used to create zinc tablets for people suffering from zinc deficiencies.
On Friday, March 9th, the Power of We is inviting everyone to either wear their favourite hat or to create an interesting hairdo. We would also appreciate any donations for the “Education for Ethiopia” campaign.
The Power of We is organizing their first ever book sale. If your family has some gently used books that they would like to donate, please send them to the school during the week of March 19th – 23rd. We will be selling the books for a small fee (25 cents – $1) on the 26th and 27th of March. Any books that do not sell will be donated to the St. Marys Salvation Army’s thrift store. All of the proceeds from this sale will go to the “Education for Ethiopia” campaign.
School Council Update
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, May 17th as the date for South Perth’s annual FunFest. This is an evening of fun and games and we hope you and your family will be able to attend. The event is a huge undertaking and requires lots of volunteers to make sure it runs smoothly. A notice was sent home last month requesting your help. If you haven’t already, please consider becoming a volunteer for Funfest. Many hands make light work, and will ensure a successful and enjoyable evening for all. Contact Lisa Sheldon or Ashley Swarthout, or the school office for more information or to offer your talents.
Did you know that the Nutrition Program offered at South Perth during the second nutrition break is 100% volunteer run and provides fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a variety of other nutritious snacks, for all students, every day of the week? The program is a huge success thanks to our volunteers but with the rising costs of groceries, is also a huge expense. We are committed to seeing this program continue, therefore if you or your family have connections for sourcing high quality foods at reasonable costs, or know of any grants available to support student nutrition and learning opportunities, please contact the school. In the past, donations have been received from companies such as Dupont-Pioneer, as well as pre-packaged hard boiled eggs courtesy of G&M Nairn Farms and we are very thankful for that support.
Little Caesars Pizza Kits fundraising forms will be coming home soon and are due back after March Break. Take the rush out of supper time and enjoy the classic taste of Little Caesars, baked right in your oven. We hope all families have an relaxing and enjoyable March break and we’re looking forward to an exciting spring at SPCS!
Our next Parent Council Meeting is Tuesday, April 17th at 7:00 p.m in the library. Hope to see you there.
Easter Egg Hunt
On Thursday, March 29, 2018, have some fun at the South Perth Centennial Easter Egg Hunt with proceeds going to the United Way. Our goal is to raise $100. Participants donate $1 to join in the hunt and all participants take home a treat.
A sign up form will be sent home after March Break and the form and donation to be returned the week before so supplies can be ready for the big hunt!