January 2018 Newsletter

Principal’s Message:

Happy New Year! The staff is excited for a rewarding 2018. Please continue to use the planner as a mode of communication between the school and home.

A reminder that all food orders can be purchased on school cash on-line, please contact Stephanie in the office if you need assistance in setting up your account.

We are really excited for our school tubing date on January 24th. Please note that the permission form must be returned in advance. We cannot accept a note or phone call the day of for this excursion.

The character attribute for January is Responsibility. Responsibility is defined as being accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management. Students can demonstrate responsibility in the following ways at school:

  • managing time wisely
  • studying for tests ahead of time
  • taking care of your belongings
  • choosing to use kind and respectful words

As always please feel free to contact me at the school with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Charles Longston Principal

Dates to Remember

January 15 – Jerry Rader’s Meat Pies (3 – 5:00 p.m. pick-up)
January 17 – Dairy Presentations
January 19 – Bobcat Day (wear school colours)
January 22 – Parent Council at 7 p.m.
January 24 – School tubing date at River Valley (permission forms must be returned)
January 26 – Pizza, Milk, and Sub Orders due
February 2 – PD Day (No School)

School Council Update

I hope that the holidays were a relaxing and memorable time for your family and I wish you all the best for a successful 2018! The Christmas luncheon was a huge success, once the weather finally cooperated, and we look forward to supporting more of these types of whole-school community events in the future. If you have ideas for new events or activities, please let me know.

We hope the students enjoy their day snow­ tubing this month and we ask that everyone keep their fingers crossed for sunshine and warmish winter temperatures! Just a reminder to pick up your Jerry Rader Meat Pie orders on Monday, January 15 from 3 – 5 p.m. at the school. This month we look forward to bringing back the Cinnabon fundraiser. Order forms will go home this week with orders being delivered just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Our next school council meeting will take place on Monday, January 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the library. I hope to see you there.

Sincerely, Katharine Found
School Council Chair

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