October 2017 Newsletter

Principal’s Message

Thank-you to everyone who supported and participated in the Terry Fox Walk. We exceeded our goal and were able to raise $2,135  to help in the fight against cancer. It was also great to see everyone at “Meet the Teacher” night. Thanks to all who visited and supported our Scholastic Book Fair. We were able to purchase several new resources for classrooms and the library. Please remember our QSP (magazine and cookie dough) fundraiser is on­going, our on-line ID is 3712270 at qsp.ca.

Attached to this newsletter you will find information regarding our No-Work fundraiser.

The character attribute for the month of October is Empathy

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. I often think of Empathy as walking a mile in another persons’ shoes.

“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone… just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages you’ve had.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

As always please feel free to contact me at the school with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Charles Langston, Principal

Dates to Remember

October 3 – Pat Cook Cross Country run
October 4 – Junior Mixed Soccer
October 5 – Regional Cross Country
October 9 – Thanksgiving Day (no school)
October 10 – Gr.8 Celtic Meeting at 6 p.m.
October 11 – QSP orders due
October 12 – District Cross Country
October 13 – School Immunization Clinic (Gr.7)
October 16 – Pizza Party for JK/SK
October 30 – Progress Reports sent home
October 31 – Orange and Black Day

Before and After School Viability Survey

As part of an on-going commitment to make the school day as seamless as possible for our families, each family will be receiving an information sheet in mid-October regarding Before and After School care. Families interested in Before and After school programs for their four and five year old’s, and possibly order children in the upcoming school year, should complete an on-line survey by December 1, 2017. The link to the survey will be found on the Board website starting mid-October. We appreciate your assistance as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs. Should your require a paper copy, please contact the school after October 10th.

School Council Update

It’s been a busy start to the school year for our School Council parent volunteers. Thank you to everyone who came to the family swim event that we hosted in August. We hope you and your family enjoyed the sunshine, water and socialization. We plan to continue to organize summertime social gatherings for our school community so if you have any new ideas we would love to hear them.

One of School Council’s main focuses is organizing fundraising initiatives for the students within the school. The fundraising outline for this year can be found in the front of your student’s agenda. Orders for the Fresh from the Farm fundraiser are due by October 4, and QSP cookie dough and magazine orders are due by October 11. Thank you in advance for your support of these programs. There are a few new fundraisers coming up this year, to compliment some long-standing favourites, so we hope there is something for everyone. If traditional fundraisers are not for you but you would still like to contribute, consider making a donation as part of the “no work” donation fundraiser.
More information about that is included with this newsletter.

School clothing will soon be available to order. T-shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, jogging pants and toques bearing the school’s bobcat logo will keep your child warm and stylish all year long! Sample sizes will be available in the office and order forms will go home soon.

If you haven’t done so already, we encourage you to like our Facebook page: South Perth Centennial School Parent Group. We will try to keep this page up to date with news and to celebrate what is happening at the school.

Our next School Council meeting will be Tuesday,October 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the library. We are always looking for new ideas, so please come out and share yours!

Sincerely, Katharine Found
School Council Chair

Power of We News

The Power of We is organizing a food drive this month. It will start on Wednesday, October 11th and end on Friday, October 20th. Please consider donating a few items. We will be donating all of the items to the St. Marys Salvation Army.

Kindergarten Registration

Sign up your child for kindergarten during November 2017 at all schools across Huron & Perth Counties.  For all children eligible for Jr or Sr. Kindergarten in September 2018
For more information, contact your local school after October 1.

Donation (No-work) Fundraising Program 2017-2018

Many families find conventional fundraising difficult. Maybe you are inundated with fundraisers for other organizations. Or perhaps family and friends who would normally support such initiatives do not live close by. Or maybe you find it difficult to simply remember to hand in the paperwork on time. If this sounds familiar, consider supporting the Donation “No Work” Fundraising Program.

This program allows you, or your family members who would like to contribute to the school’s overall fundraising goals, to do so through a simple financial donation. All donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. As a guideline, our school has suggested a donation or $25.00 per child, to a maximum of $75 per family.

All donations received by December 8111, 2017 will be eligible for a tax receipt. Please return this donation form, along with a cheque, made payable to “Foundation For Enriching Education Perth Huron”.

We appreciate your donations and look forward to continuing to support the incredible learning opportunities that exist within our school community.

Tax Receipts

South Perth Centennial Public School – Donation Fundraiser
A tax receipt should be issued to:

In order to receive a tax receipt for 2017, only donations submitted by December 8 will be eligible.