March 2017 Newsletter

Principal’s message:

First and foremost I wanted to say thank-you to parent council and all of the volunteers who helped make electives day a resounding success.  I had a chance to go around to the activities and witness the joy that it brought to all of the students.  Long after they have graduated from South Perth, these are the memories they will look back fondly upon and cherish.

A quick note to remind you that School Cash Online will be available starting March 1st.  If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Mathers at the office.

The character attribute for the month of March is Optimism.  An optimist knows that bad things are temporary and looks for opportunities to change circumstances via new efforts and strategies.  Students can demonstrate the trait by:

-believing that effort will improve your future results

-staying motivated even when things don’t go well

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.  Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

-Helen Keller

Also, please be sure to consult on mornings when the weather is less than ideal.  Information will also be immediately posted to our school home page.

Mr. Charles Longston


Engage, Inspire, Innovate… Always Learning

Dates to Remember 

Mar. 8th –        Pizza and Milk orders due

Mar. 8th –         Elmira Poultry pick-up 2:30 – 5 p.m

Mar. 9th –         Popcorn sales for Jump trip (2$)

Mar.10th –       Dress in Green (Power of We)

Mar.11-19th-    March Break

Mar. 27th –      Parent Council @ 7p.m.

May 18th –       Funfest 5-8 p.m.

June 16th –      50th Anniversary Celebration 4-8p.m

Parent Council Update:

Electives Day 2017 was a tremendous success. The day was blessed with beautiful weather, fun activities and dedicated volunteers – resulting in enormous smiles and wonderful memories for our students! This day would not have been possible without the efforts of the organizing committee – Wendy Callcott, Melinda Zubrigg, Angela Marshall and Jodi Froud. Our school community is also fortunate to have had more than 30 generous parents and extended family members, who took time out of their busy schedules, to chaperone events or contribute to the volunteer potluck lunch. Thank you for all you do to support our student’s extra-curricular learning opportunities.

Order forms for the ever-popular Little Caesars Pizza kits fundraiser will be sent home in early March. We look forward to this being another successful fundraising imitative for our school and we appreciate your continued support.

If you haven’t done so already, mark your calendars for Family Funfest on May 18th and consider volunteering your time or talents, to make the event the best one yet!

Our next Parent Council Meeting is Monday March 27th at 7:00 pm in the library. Hope to see you there!

Coming March 2017 – School Cash Online

With School Cash Online you’ll be able to:

  • Pay for your child’s school fees online. Anytime, anywhere.
  • Avoid the hassle of having cash on-hand to pay for school fees.
  • Get automatic email notifications about school fees.
  • Help us reduce the amount of cash in our schools.
  • Fast
  • Safe
  • Convenient

Watch for more information from your school this winter.