February 2017 Newsletter

Principal’s message

Tough to believe that it is already February. Lots of exciting things happening at school this month.   A quick reminder that this Thursday is a P.A. Day and that there is no school for students. On February 10th, we have French Carnival in the afternoon.   Students will have a chance to rotate to different activities and enjoy hot chocolate that was generously donated by Tim Hortons. In addition, the iconic “Bonhomme” will be in attendance. Thanks to Mme. Hillier and the Grade 8 students for organizing the afternoon. On February 22nd all students will be participating in Electives Day.   Special thanks to parent council for all of their efforts to organize and coordinate the day.

The character attribute for the Month of February is Perseverance. Perseverance is the ability and self-control that pushes you to work through challenges. Students can demonstrate this trait at school by:

  • not giving up when an assignment or task is difficult
  • realizing that some things take extra effort and commitment. By setting a goal and sticking with it, they are able to see the value in sustained effort.

A quick reminder now that the cold weather has arrived to make sure students are appropriately dressed for recess.   This includes hats, mitts, snowpants, water resistant boots and a heavier jacket.

Also, please be sure to consult ourschoolbuses.ca on mornings when the weather is less than ideal. Information will also be immediately posted to our school home page.

Mr. Charles Longston, Principal

Engage, Inspire, Innovate… Always Learning

Dates to Remember

February 2nd – P.A. Day, No School

February 6th – Funfest meeting at 6:30 in library

February 8th – Milk and Pizza Orders due

February 10th – French Carnival in the afternoon

February 14th – Dress in Valentine Colours

February 17th – Report Cards go home

February 20th – Family Day (no school)

February 22nd – Electives Day

February 23rd – Pizza Day re-scheduled from 22nd

February 24th – Electives Day (weather date)

February 28th – Hat Day for Power of We

March 11th – 18th – March Break

March 27th – Parent Council at 7 p.m. in library

Power Of We Update

The Power of We would like to thank the South Perth Community for all of their generosity! Many students participated in Jersey/Twin Day and we were able to raise over $110.00. This money, along with the other money raised before Christmas, will bring our total to over $720.00! All of these funds will be used to help a village in India have sustainable and safe sources of food. Our next spirit day/fundraiser is set for February 28th and is Hat day. Wear your favourite hat in school all that day while donating to this worthy cause.

Parent Council Update

Thank you to everyone who supported our recent Cinnabon fundraising initiative. A reminder, that fresh baked items will be ready for pick up on Tuesday February 14th, from 3-5pm at the school.

We are always looking for new and creative fundraising ideas. If you have suggestions we would love to hear them – contact a School Council member, or better yet, join us at an upcoming meeting.

We hope all students enjoy their elective activities day later this month. Parent Council is pleased to organize the activities and cover the transportation costs for all students. If you have ideas for new events you feel students would be interested in, let us know – it’s never too early to start planning for next year.

Preparation for our annual FunFest celebration is underway. This event is a massive undertaking and requires many volunteers and contributors to ensure it runs smoothly. If you are able to help out, or if your business or workplace is able to provide items for the silent auction or bake sale, please contact Lisa Sheldon – many hands make light work!

Our next Parent Council Meeting is Monday, March 27th at 7:00pm in the library. Hope to see you there!