Shakespeare Public School Just another Avon Maitland Schools site Tue, 24 Oct 2017 15:13:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 October 2017 Newsletter Mon, 02 Oct 2017 18:22:54 +0000 Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

On September 28 it was our annual Fall Open House, BBQ and Book Fair. It was wonderful to see so many of our Shakespeare families. Thank you for making a connection with your child’s teacher and supporting Shakespeare Public School. Thank you to our parent volunteers for helping at the BBQ and to Harvey’s Restaurant for donating the hotdogs and buns, and condiments.

EQAO Results

Our EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) results for Primary and Junior Divisions have been released. Teaching staff spent the September 29 Professional Activity (P.A.) Day reviewing our EQAO results and other data to set goals and targets for this year.

In the Assessments of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Shakespeare’s Primary Assessment scores have all increased and are around the Board and Provincial averages. In the Junior Assessment, our Reading, Writing and Math scores decreased from last year.

More detailed information can be found on the EQAO website.

Progress Reports and Interviews

Progress Reports go home Monday, October 30 and Parent and Teacher Interviews are November 2 in the evening and November 3 in the morning.

Parents as Partners – Reading Puts Children Ahead in the Classroom

Reading with your child and setting aside time for them to read at night makes a positive impact on their success at school.  An interesting website to visit is:  This site provides Reading Tips for Parents of children from toddler age Grade 3. Further, it provides tips in multiple languages and it has reading tips for parents of children with disabilities.

Another great website that we use at school is:  There are over 400 books students can listen to for modeled reading, read books for practice and there are comprehension questions for students to answer after reading a book.

At school we work hard at setting classroom and school routines at the start of the year. It is just as important to set reading routines at home.  Read! Read! Read!

Bringing Your Child to Classrooms
If your child is late for school or your child is returning to school from being at an appointment we ask that you leave your child with office staff at the office, rather than walking your child to your child’s classroom. If you have a message for your child or child’s teacher office staff will pass the information along. By doing these steps we eliminate unnecessary distractions to teaching and learning. Thank you for your cooperation.

Character at Shakespeare

October’s character virtue is Empathy – thinking and feeling about others. Along with discussing empathy we will also examine: understanding, generosity, consideration, and forgiveness.

Emergency Drills

It is the time of year again when we practice our emergency drills: Fire, Lock Down, Medical, and Inclement Weather. Sometimes a drill can make a student nervous or may upset them. We will explain the drills to the students, show them what to do and support them in remaining calm during the drill.

Parking and Safety Patrol

Thank you everyone for respecting the no stopping or parking on Mowat Street between the pylons at arrival and pickup times. I have only had to remind a couple of drivers of our safety zone. This area needs to be clear for our Safety Patrol students to cross other students safely. Walking and biking are good alternatives to driving, and healthier ones too. Also, when parking on Mowat and Strachan Streets please be courteous and do not block or park in our neighbours’ driveways.

We do have a handicap parking space available in the staff parking lot off of Mowat Street, if it is needed.


Thank you for your on-going support with our school fundraisers. The profits from our fundraisers are used to subsidize class trips, purchase books and learning materials and purchase technology like iPads. If you do not wish to take part in fundraising but you want to make a donation to the school you can do this through the Foundation for Education. Your full donation goes to the school and you will receive a tax receipt. Please contact the office for more information.

School Council

“The purpose of School Council is to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.”  We welcomed some new parents to our September meeting and are always looking for more parents to come out to the meetings and bring new ideas with them. Please join us for our next meeting on Monday, October 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Library.
All are welcome.

School Council Positions

Chair: Sue Dias
Secretary: Tory Anderson
Fundraising: Sheri Wilson, Jen Adams, Heather Jardine
Teacher Reps: Vicki Ryder, Colleen Rothwell and Nicole Smith
Principal: Mike Stanley

School-Based Public Health Nurse Support Services
Our school nurse, Karen Murray, will be at Shakespeare every Thursday. Karen meets with students to discuss physical, social and emotional health. For more information call the school or contact Karen at the Perth District Health Unit 519-271-7600.

Snack Program
Our Snack Program has begun and is used on a daily basis. We are able to provide students with a nutritious snack at second break lunch times if students are requiring more food to eat. The child will show the teacher on duty that they have finished his/her lunch and is still needing additional food. This program is made possible by the donations from the Ontario Student Nutrition Program and a special thank you to Beckie Lorentz for donating her time in purchasing the food for our school.

Shakespeare on the Internet

You can “follow” Shakespeare on Twitter. Learn about events that are happening at Shakespeare and get weather delay and cancellation updates:
Visit our school website at:

Important Dates

See the school calendar on the school website

School Cash Online

School Cash Online allows you to pay for your child’s school fees, like food orders and field trips, online. Avoid using cash and get email notifications about school fees. Register today for School Cash Online, at:
Three easy steps.
• Create your profile
• Confirm your email
• Add a student
(student’s number is the 9 digit OEN number located on the top of your child’s report card, without the dashes – if you cannot find your student’s number please contact the school we can provide it for you)

Lost and Found – Label, Label, Label

Please be sure to clearly mark your child(ren)’s name on their clothing, hats, shoes, etc. that are brought to school. If the articles are labelled with the student’s name they can easily be returned.

Calling All 3 Year Olds! – Kindergarten Registration for 2017-2018 School Year

Registration for kindergarten students starting September 2018 will take place at Shakespeare Public School on Thursday, November 9 in the morning.
– 3 years old by Dec 31, 2017 (eligible for JK)
– 4 years old by Dec 31, 2017 (eligible for SK)
Registration packages will be ready for pick up soon.
Please call the school for more information and book an appointment time.

“As part of an on-going commitment to make the school day as seamless as possible for our families, each family will be receiving an information sheet in mid-October regarding Before and After School care. Families interested in Before and After school programs for their four and five year old’s, and possibly order children in the upcoming school year, should complete an on-line survey by December 1, 2017. The link to the survey will be found on the Board website starting mid-October. We appreciate your assistance as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs. Should your require a paper copy, please contact the school after October 10.

Medication at School

Medication that students take at school must be recorded by the school office and stored at the office. Students should not keep medication in their desks. Medication forms are available in the office and must be filled out for short and long term prescriptions, and non-prescriptions.

Safe Arrival Program

If you know your child is going to be late or absent from school, please phone the school before 9:00 a.m. You may leave a message on the answering service at any time at 519-271-3727.

Yard Supervision Times

Staff members will supervise our playground for the 15 minutes before morning entry at 9:00 a.m., during recesses, and after school hours for dismissal. The outdoor climbers are closed before school and can only be used after school if the child is accompanied by an adult. We ask your cooperation by having your children arrive at school during, and not before, the morning supervision period, and to leave the school property promptly at the end of the school day. Thank you.

City Gate Stratford on Strachan Street

There are moms and tots “drop in” the First Wednesday of each month, beginning October 4, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Moms, preschoolers and babies are welcome for a time of fellowship. Invite some friends!

Children’s “Fall Crafts” workshop on Saturday, October 14 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Parents are invited to bring their child/children (Kindergarten to Grade 6) along for a fun afternoon! There is limited space. Please email [email protected] to register with names and ages of children. Check out our website for more info.

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September 2017 Newsletter Tue, 05 Sep 2017 19:32:25 +0000 Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

It is my pleasure to welcome all students, families, and staff back to Shakespeare Public School! I hope everyone had a safe and healthy summer. I would like to extend a very special welcome to those of you who are new to Shakespeare. The Shakespeare School community will welcome and support you as you make this important transition.

A new school year is an exciting time for all. It is a time of new beginnings. It is an opportunity for a new start. Students will be in new classes, forge new friendships, and learn new curriculum. Please understand that class assignments were made thoughtfully based on a variety of factors, and your child’s placement is deemed to be final. Teachers have also been preparing for a new year. Some are teaching a new grade level, and with that comes learning a new curriculum. Others have taken summer courses and many have done professional reading. I would like to thank Mr. Curtis and Mr. McCann for all of their hard work during the summer cleaning and preparing the school for students. Shakespeare looks fantastic!

I have been involved in many different aspects of education over the years and consider working with children a tremendous honour. We all need to give them our very best every day. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at the BBQ on Thursday, September 28, 4:30-6:30 p.m., and I look forward to getting to know you and your children throughout the school year. If you have any questions or concerns during the year, please do not hesitate to call. I look forward to working with you and your children.

School Council

Shakespeare Public School is very fortunate to have an active and dedicated School Council, as well as a number of caring volunteers who support our school in a variety of ways. If you are interested in joining council or volunteering, please let us know. We greatly appreciate your support. The first meeting of the School Council will be on Monday, September 11 at 7:00 p.m. Please feel welcome to attend this meeting, especially if you think you’d be interested in joining as a member of the upcoming council.

Parents as Partners

Did you know your child is more likely to do well in school if you are engaged in their education? I will share helpful tips and suggestions in the monthly school newsletter on how you can be involved with your child’s education. Look for them under the heading, Parents as Partners. Remember, being involved in your child’s school is the best thing you can do for their education!

Staff List

Ms. Fuhr and Ms. deGraaf (Kindergarten A),
Ms. Diegel (Kindergarten B)
Ms. McNichol (Gr. 1)
Ms. Robertson (Gr. 1/2)
Ms. Ryder (Gr. 2/3)
Ms. Zehr (Gr 3)
Ms. Roy (Gr. 4)
Mr. Schneider (Gr. 5/6)
Ms. Skinner (Gr 5/6)
Ms. Rothwell (Music)
Ms. Fraser (French)
Mr. Bickell (Resource Teacher)
Strive Educational Assistant: Ms. Smith
Educational Assistants:
Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Feltz, Mrs. Henry, Ms. Stahlke, Ms. Schmidt, Ms. Reid, Ms. Barclay
Technical Resource Assistant: Ms. Linesman
Secretary: Mrs. Wilker
Custodians: Mr. Curtis, and Mr. McCann
Principal: Mr. Stanley

School Messenger – Communication by Email

We will be sending the majority of our communication, newsletters and notices, to our families through email. Please check the emergency form that will be coming home with your child to make sure your email address is correct. Sending newsletters and notices to you through email is quick and easy, saves a lot of paper, and you won’t have to search through backpacks!

School Cash Online

School Cash Online allows you to pay for your child’s school fees, like food orders and field trips online. Avoid using cash and get email notifications about school fees. Register today for School Cash Online, at:
Three easy steps.
• Create your profile
• Confirm your email
• Add a student (the student’s number is their OEN that can be found at the top of their report cards)

Shakespeare on the Internet
• You can “follow” Shakespeare on Twitter. Learn about events that are happening at Shakespeare and get weather delay and cancellation updates:

• Visit our school website and staff webpages at:
We also keep an updated calendar on the school website.

BBQ, Open House and Book Fair

The annual BBQ and Open House will be held on Thursday, September 28, from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. During this time families are encouraged to purchase dinner at the BBQ and you are invited to tour the school and your child(ren)’s classroom(s) and to meet informally with school staff.

Growth Mindset and Character Education

At Shakespeare we will continue to help students understand the benefits of developing a positive growth mindset. A positive growth mindset is having the understanding that through hard work, practice and perseverance that we can all learn and get better at anything we do.

Lost and Found – LABEL, LABEL, LABEL

Please be sure to clearly mark your child(ren)’s name on their clothing, hats, shoes, etc. that are brought to school. If the articles are labelled with the student’s name they can easily be returned. Your co-operation is essential.


Your child, in grade 1-6, will be receiving a “student planner” to help him or her organize their time and school work. Students will record any homework and projects, due dates, and other important information and dates. Students will receive their first planner at no cost as the school covers the cost of planners for students.

Students will be expected to take the planner home each day after school, and to bring it back to school each day. Parents are asked to initial or sign each day’s entry as a means of helping us know your child is sharing his/her planner with you.

Important Information Coming Home:

• Freedom of Information
You will be receiving a letter about information pertaining to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. We encourage all parents to read it carefully. The letter outlines the types of personal information we can share, how we can share or use the information, and the requirement for parents to let us know if they object.

• Emergency Information Forms
Emergency Information Forms will be sent home with each child. Please be sure to read it over carefully and correct any incorrect information, and insert any missing information. It is essential that we have contact information in case of emergencies and we need to reach you or another adult who could make decisions on behalf of your child. This would usually be if your child becomes ill or injured at school.

• Parent and Student Handbook
Within the next week each family will receive a copy of the school’s Parent/Student Handbook. It contains useful information on a variety of school-related topics. We ask you to keep this book at home as a reference tool.

• Code of Conduct
All classroom teachers will review with their classes, in age-appropriate language, the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct applies to all students, staff, parents and guests, and sets out reasonable expectations for behaviours, and potential consequences for inappropriate behaviours.

Medication at School

Medication that students take at school must be recorded by the school office and stored at the office. Students should not keep medication in their desks. Medication forms are available in the office or can be printed from the school website, and must be filled out for short and long term prescriptions, and non-prescriptions.

Safe Arrival Program

If you know your child is going to be late or absent from school, please phone the school before 9:00 a.m. You may leave a message on the answering service at any time at 519-271-3727.

Similarly, if your child needs to leave school early, for safety reasons:
• we must have a phone message or note from the child’s parent/guardian, or
• the parent/guardian must personally pick up the child from school. We cannot release any child to someone other than his/her parent without the parent’s permission.

Sabrina’s Law and Anaphylaxis

In January 2006, Sabrina’s Law came into effect. This Law requires school boards to have emergency procedures in place to deal with incidents of anaphylaxis and to provide training for all staff. With support from the Perth District Health Unit and the Huron County Health Unit, school principals provide to their staff, annual training in the administration of EPI-Pens to treat anaphylactic reactions. In cases where a student is anaphylactic, parents/guardians are expected to provide an EPI-Pen(s) for their child to carry with them at all times during the school day. Parents/guardians must also work with the school to develop an Individual Medical Management Plan that outlines emergency procedures for their child. In accordance with Sabrina’s Law, all schools have been provided with two generic EPI-Pens. These EPI-Pens are being provided to support schools in responding to a medical emergency for an anaphylactic student for who the school has an Individual Medical Management Plan and Emergency Procedure in place. Also, in accordance with Sabrina’s Law, schools much administer an EPI-Pen when a student is suspected of suffering an anaphylactic reaction even if no Individual Medical Management Plan exists. If you are aware that your child is allergic to epinephrine or if you have any concerns, it is suggested that you contact the school principal.

Crossing Guard on West Gore St at Mowat St.

The City will be providing a crossing guard at the corner of West Gore and Mowat Streets before and after school. Remind your child to cross at the proper crosswalk following the direction of the crossing guard.

Dress Code

The school’s Dress Code is outlined in the Handbook. Please review it closely. The essence of it is that clothing should not be revealing, and should not be showing or promoting pictures or words of an inappropriate nature for youngsters. Thank you for complying with the dress code.

Day Schedule

Our school day is organized using a Balanced Day Format. Entry will be at 9:00 a.m. and dismissal will be at 3:20 p.m. Your child will have two 20-minute nutrition breaks each day, and followed by two 20-minute recess breaks. Your child will need a lunch for each nutrition break. In simple terms, your child’s food and beverage should be divided into two mini-meals.

Balanced Day Schedule

Morning Entry 9:00 a.m.
Instructional Block # 1 9:00 a.m.
Nutrition Break # 1 11:00 a.m.
Recess Break # 1 11:20 a.m.
Instructional Block # 2 11:40 a.m.
Nutrition Break # 2 1:20 p.m.
Recess Break # 2 1:40 p.m.
Instructional Block # 3 2:00 p.m.
Dismissal 3:20 p.m.

Yard Supervision Times

Staff members will supervise our playground for the 20 minutes before morning entry at 9:00 a.m., during recesses, and after school hours for dismissal. The outdoor climbers are closed before school and can only be used after school if the child is accompanied by an adult. We ask your cooperation by having your children arrive at school during, and not before, the morning supervision period, and to leave the school property promptly at the end of the school day. Thank you.

Morning Yard Supervision: 8:40 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Recess #1 11:00 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.
Recess #2 1:40 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
After School Supervision: 3:20 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Parents as Partners: Better Grades When YOU Engage

Did you know that your child is more likely to do well in school if you are engaged in their education?

Here are three easy steps to help your child this school year:

• Encourage attendance and good behaviour at school
• Help your child choose a place and a regular time to do homework
• Read with your child daily and talk about what you read
• Ask your child what’s going on at school – the best conversations often happen while walking, driving, or eating dinner together
• Get your child ready for school with a good night’s sleep and healthy breakfast
• Communicate with the school and teachers
• Go to open houses and parent-teacher meetings
• Call or meet with your child’s teacher if you have questions
• Answer notes and calls from the school
• Be involved in the school community
• Attend school performances and sporting events
• Become a classroom helper
• Volunteer for school field trips
• Consider joining the school council
• Get to know and support other parents

Remember, being involved in your child’s school is the best thing you can do for their education!

Upcoming Events & Dates of Importance

Mon. Sept. 11 – School Council – 7:00 p.m. in Library
Thurs. Sept. 21 – Kindergarten Hearing and Vision Screening, in the morning
Mon. Sept 25 – Jr Mixed Soccer Tournament
Thurs. Sept 28 – Fall BBQ, Open House and Book Fair at Shakespeare from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Fri. Sept. 29 – PA Day, No School for Students
Thurs. Oct. 05 – Cross-Country Meet at Wildwood
Mon. Oct 09 – Thanksgiving
Tues. Oct. 24 – School Picture Day
Mon. Oct. 30 – Progress Reports go home

Parking on the Street

I thank parents/guardians for respecting the safety zone near our student-monitored crossing zone on Mowat Street. Please do not stop to drop off or pick up, or park between the safety pylons.

The posted signs actually forbid parking and stopping on the street during the hour around school starting and school ending. The area could be monitored by enforcement officers who may issue parking ticket.

QSP Magazine Sales

Although we will not be taking part in a QSP Magazine Campaign this year, you can still order magazines and Shakespeare Public School can still receive credit.
If you are ordering magazines you can to go: and use the online code: 3712254 and the password can be obtained from the office.  Thank you for your support.


All parents, caregivers, friends, relatives and guests are to come to the office to sign in before going to visit a class or person in the school. If the secretary is not in the office please wait patiently for her to return, or proceed to the Principal’s office to see if he is available. This is for safety reasons and if the school needs to be evacuated, we can account for everyone.

Thank you for your cooperation with this routine.

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June 2017 Final Newsletter Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:09:41 +0000 Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

It has been a busy ending to a wonderful school year. We are saying good-bye to a number of staff this year.

After fourteen years at Shakespeare, Ms. Browning will be teaching at North Easthope, next year. Ms. Browning has contributed a great deal to our school community! She organized and ran the cross-country running team each year, promoting the joy and benefits of running. We will miss her and we wish her all the best! Ms. Hahn has been at Shakespeare for the previous four years, she is now a Vice-Principal in the Waterloo School Board. Ms. Fairweather has also been at Shakespeare for four years, she will be at Hamlet next year. We are also saying good-bye to Mr. Tucker, Ms. Christian, Ms. Mills, Ms. Fowlie-Krauskopf, Ms. Bender, Ms. deblok, and Ms. Stahlke. We wish Ms. Filion all the best on her maternity leave next year, and thank you to Ms. Baker for being our secretary while Ms. Wilker was off.

We held our last assembly together as a school on Monday handing out school winits to students for participating in school teams and clubs. We also had our school wide Talent Show on Friday – thank you to Ms. Rothwell for organizing this event, it was terrific! Final Report Cards went home on Monday. Our Grade Six students will celebrate their graduation from Shakespeare on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. We wish them all the best in grade seven and beyond.

On behalf of the staff of Shakespeare Public School, I wish everyone a wonderful summer and thank you for your support this past school year. I hope everyone has a safe summer and that you find time to relax with family and friends.


• Interviews with new JK/SK students and families will take place on Tuesday, September 5
• Senior K students begin Wed., September 6
• Staggered entry of new Junior Kindergarten students on Thursday and Friday—with all JK/SK classes complete on Friday, September 8

First Day Procedures, Grades 1-6

• Classes begin Tuesday, September 5, 2017
• Teachers and staff members will be outside at approximately 8:40 with class lists to greet and assist students and let them know which classes they will be in
• Signs indicate where each class meets and lines up
• Parents say good-bye to students on the yard
• 8:57 Entry – Teachers bring their students to their classrooms to begin the day
Principal and staff will remain outside to assist anyone who’s “lost”!
• Later in the morning students meet in the gym for a “Welcome Back” Assembly.

Just a reminder about our school website:

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June 2017 Newsletter Fri, 02 Jun 2017 19:20:31 +0000 Principal’s Message – June 2017

Principal’s Message – June 2017

June is upon us! I have truly enjoyed working with our wonderful students, talented and dedicated staff and supportive parents. Thank You!

Staff Member and Parent Volunteer Recognized with Awards

Ms. Horan, French teacher at Shakespeare and Mr. Saunders, parent volunteer, have been recognized with Avon Maitland District School Board Always Learning Awards! Always Learning Awards were established by School Board Trustees as a way to celebrate staff, students and community members who make significant contributions to education! Mr. Saunders is being recognized for his 12 years of volunteer work at Shakespeare, 7 of those years organizing and leading the school band. Mr. Saunders is always positive, enthusiastic, and inclusive and we truly appreciate all the time he has given to our students. Ms. Horan is being recognized for the positive and inclusive learning environment she creates. She connects with students and is always looking of new ways to engage students. We thank Ms. Horan for her dedication to our school community.

September 2017 Class Organization

At this time of year, the principal, in consultation with the staff, considers the most effective groupings of students (class placements) for instruction, for all students, for the upcoming school year. Principals and staff consider a range of factors, including, but not limited to, the academic, emotional and potential social benefits or concerns when placing a child in a given class. If you have a concern regarding your child’s placement for next year, please submit this concern, by Thursday, June 8, 2017 to the principal, Mr. Stanley. Due to the transition of students in and out of the community, during the summer months, student placements will be announced the first day of school in September. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Please note for the first day of school in September teachers will be on the yard with class lists and informing students which class they are in. At the
and then proceed to their homerooms. If it is raining that morning students will proceed to the gym where they will be organized in their classes. A welcome back assembly for students will be held later in the morning.

Thank You to our Wonderful Volunteers

An enormous “Thank You” from students and staff to our wonderful volunteers! You have made such a positive impact with your dedicated time and energy. You are truly appreciated! The volunteer breakfast will be from 8:00 – 8:45 a.m., on Friday, June 16.

A Great Spring BBQ!

I would like to thank you for the wonderful turnout at our annual Spring BBQ on May 12! It was wonderful to see so many Shakespeare families taking the time to meet as a school community. I’d like to give a “Thank You!” to the BBQ volunteers who organized the evening and to Harvey’s Restaurant for donating the hotdogs, buns and condiments.

Character Education

The character virtue for June is Integrity. Integrity is standing up for what you believe is right, and living by your highest values. Integrity is also: cooperation, helpfulness, justice, creativity and modesty.

Last Day of School and Report Cards

The last instructional day for this school year will be Thursday, June 29. Report cards will go home on Monday, June 26 and page 3 must be returned to the school by Thursday, June 29.

Shakespeare School Council

Thank you to our School Council members. Their dedication in providing support and input on school matters is greatly appreciated! Please find the time to join Council, next year. We need more members. School Council has been extremely supportive this year. Council members give valuable input into school operations and fundraise to support students’ learning.

PA Day

The next P.A. Day is Friday, June 9. There will be no school for students.

Lost and Found

We have a lot of clothing left here at school. The items can be found in either the primary or junior Lost and Found bins. You are welcome to come search the bins for any missing items.

Foundation for Education

I would like to thank the Foundation for Education. The Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides enrichment opportunities for our students and compliments what is taught in classes. The Foundation has provided several free workshops for our students this year.

Health Unit – Sun Safe Tips for Children

The most harmful effects of sun exposure occur during childhood. Cloudy days are no exception! Up to 80% of the sun’s rays can penetrate light clouds, mist and fog. Remember sun protection is needed whenever the UV Index is 3 or greater. Here are ways to protect your child’s skin:

• Swimmers should use waterproof sunscreens, formulated to stay on in water for up to 80 minutes.
• For children allergic or intolerant to the chemicals in sunscreens, use products labelled “chemical free”. These usually contain ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide and are much less likely to cause a reaction.
• Parents – remember to teach by example and practice what you preach!
Information source: Canadian Dermatology Association

Grade 6 Graduation

Grade 6 Graduation will be on Wednesday, June 28, at 2:00 p.m. A reception will follow the ceremony.

Track and Field Day

Track and Field Day for our grade 3 – 6 students was Thursday, May 18. It was held at Central Secondary School this year. Students had a terrific day and it was wonderful to hear students cheering each other on and displaying great sportsmanship. Students who qualified for the Regional Meet will be competing again at Central Secondary School on Tuesday, June 6.
Thank you to our junior staff for organizing the track and field day for our students.

Bicycle Safety

It is great to have warm weather and to have our bikes out again.
Please remind your children that it’s the law that all students must wear helmets and follow the rules when riding their bikes. The fine for not wearing a helmet is $60.00 plus applicable surcharges. It is a proven fact that helmets save lives and the lives of our students are very important to us. Also, please remind your children to follow the rules of the road. Thank you for working with us to promote safety on the road for everyone.

Kindergarten Registration – It’s Not Too Late

We are still taking registrations for September for kindergarten students. If you have a child who is eligible for kindergarten, or know of any in your neighbourhood, please call the school at 519-271-
3727 to set up a time that you can come in and pick up a registration package.

If You Are Moving out of Shakespeare School Area Next Year

In order for the school to begin organizing classes for next year we need to know if students are not returning to Shakespeare School for the school year 2017-2018. Parents, please contact the office as soon as possible at 519-271-3727 if you are moving over the summer and your child(ren) will be attending a different school.

YMCA Before and After School Program

Hello YMCA Families,
As the school year starts to come to a close, we would like to remind you of some important dates. June 9 and June 30 are PA Days, if you are looking for care on these days please contact Alenka Watson or Krystle Linden at 519-273-9622 or [email protected] or 519-271-0480 or [email protected].
Ready Set Go Registration is under-way and filling up for JK/SK children for July and August. For more information, you can contact Ashley Rose at 519- 271-0480 or [email protected].

Friday June 16 is our annual YMCA Dance-A-Thon – all proceeds go to the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign! Thank you to everyone for another great school year
– see you in September!

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May 2017 Newsletter Mon, 01 May 2017 12:56:12 +0000 Principal’s Message

Education Week and Mental Health Day

May 1 – May 5 is Education Week! At Shakespeare, we are celebrating Education Week on Thursday, May 4 with a Junior Arts Celebration school assembly at 2:00 pm. A number of performances will take place: dancing, singing, and drumming. Parents and guardians are welcome to come. Thank You to Ms. Rothwell for organizing the event.

Principal’s Message

Education Week and Mental Health Day

May 1 – May 5 is Education Week! At Shakespeare, we are celebrating Education Week on Thursday, May 4 with a Junior Arts Celebration school assembly at 2:00 pm. A number of performances will take place: dancing, singing, and drumming. Parents and guardians are welcome to come. Thank You to Ms. Rothwell for organizing the event.

On May 10, in the afternoon, our junior students will be taking part in a number of mental health and wellness workshops. Some of the activities include: yoga, healthy eating, relaxation techniques, and friendship building. Thank You to Ms. Granter and our junior teachers for organizing and running the events.

We had another very successful Snuggle Up and Read Day for our primary students on Friday, April 21. Students had a terrific day participating in a number of events all encouraging the enjoyment of literacy. Thank You to our primary staff for organizing the special day!

Spring BBQ, Open House and Book Fair 2017

Our Spring BBQ and Open House is another way we celebrate Education Week! However, this year the Spring BBQ will be on Thursday, May 11 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. Bring your family for dinner and visit the Book Fair. Please contact the school if you are able to volunteer 30 min of your time to help with the BBQ. Thanks!

Kiwanis Music Festival

We are extremely proud of our Kiwanis Music Festival Results! The Gr. 2/3 class achieved second place in Choral Speaking! Our Primary Choir, Girls’ Choir and Boys’ Choir all finished second place and Junior Choir placed third! Our Band played extremely well in the non-competitive division. Thank you to Mrs. Zehr, Ms. Rothwell and Mr. Saunders for instructing our students!

Chess Team

Congratulations to our Chess Team. They finished second in the tournament! Thank you to Ms. Roy and Mr. Tucker for coaching our team.

Character Virtue

This month, students will be discussing the character virtue of Fairness. Some topics for discussion at home might include: how fairness should look in the family, how to play fairly with siblings and how to handle unfair situations, should they occur.

Lock Down, Severe Weather, Medical Emergency and Fire Drills

It is the time of the year when we resume our various drills to ensure staff and students know how to respond in times of emergency. All schools are required to have two Lock Down drills, two Severe Weather drills, one Medical Emergency drill, six Fire Drills and one Bomb Threat drill with the students each year. Students will be informed ahead of time of the initial drills and we will talk the students through them so they know what to do.

EQAO Assessments

Our Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Primary Division (Grade 3) and Junior Division (Grade 6) Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics will occur during these dates:

  • May 23 – June 5

Specific letters have already been sent home with those students in Grades 3 and 6, for reminders. Your consideration on keeping these days free from medical appointments etc., with your child is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Track and Field Day

Track and Field Day will be for our grade 3 – 6 students, and is scheduled for Thursday, May 18 at Stratford Central.

Parents as Partners

With nicer weather there could be the tendency to let children stay up later at night. Stick with your bedtime routines. A rested child is able to learn better and handle daily challenges more effectively. Be sure to keep reading and talking with your child every day!
A few websites you may want to explore with your child(ren) are:

Mental Math Questions for Grades 1-6

Khan Academy is a great website for explaining and reviewing subjects like math and science and much more. As the website says, “You can learn anything. For free. For everyone. Forever.”

Parent Council

Parent Council would like to thank those of you who were able to come out to Family Movie Night! It was a huge success! Council would also like to thank our families for your continued support of our fundraisers. The money raised by our fundraisers are used to purchase items to support our students’ programs and learning. Our next meeting will be Monday, May 1 at 7 pm, all are welcome.

Stratford Tennis Club

Once again this year the Stratford Tennis Club is hosting a “Kids Tennis” free program for members and non-members ages 4 to 12 years. The program utilizes child-size racquets, soft balls, and small nets to develop a young child’s tennis skills. No prior tennis experience is required and all the necessary equipment will be provided by the tennis club. This popular program begins May 6 and runs Saturday mornings, during May and June.  Children ages 4-7 years go from 10:00am to 10:45am and children ages 8-12 years go from 10:45am to 11:30am and children ages 8-12 Skills Challenge from 11:30am – noon. No need to register ahead!

Check out the website for more details.

PA Days and Victoria Day Holiday – No School

This is a reminder that Monday, May 8 and June 9 are PA Days and Monday, May 22 is Victoria Day. There will be no school for students on those days.

Sun Sense Guidelines

  •  Slip! on clothing to cover your arms and legs. Covering your skin will protect it from the sun. Choose clothing that is: loose fitting, tightly woven and lightweight.
  • Slap! on a wide brimmed hat. Wear a hat with a wide brim that covers your head, face, ears and neck.
  • Slop! on a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher. Look for “broad spectrum” on the label. This means that the sunscreen offers protection against 2 types of ultraviolet rays, UVA and UVB. Apply sunscreen generously, 20 minutes before outdoor activities.

Bicycle Safety

It is great to see the spring weather and to have our bikes out again. Please remind your children that it’s the law that all students must wear helmets and follow the rules when riding their bikes. The fine for not wearing a helmet is $60.00 plus applicable surcharges. It is a proven fact that helmets save lives and the lives of our students are very important to us. Also, please remind your children to follow the rules of the road. Thank you for working with us to promote safety on the road for everyone.


Registration forms for the YMCA’S Summer JK/SK Ready Set Go program are available. To register your child, for more program information and cost please contact Ashley Rose, Jenn Davis or Krystle Linden at 519-271-0480. The last three PA Days of the year are fast approaching on May 8th, June 9th and June 30th. If you need care on any of these days please register at your child’s Before and After School Program or call Alenka at 519-273-9622.

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Special Message from the Director Fri, 07 Apr 2017 19:22:51 +0000 Dear Parents and Guardians…

Dear Parents and Guardians…

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April 2017 Newsletter Mon, 03 Apr 2017 19:26:39 +0000 Principal’s Message
The last three months of the school year are upon us, and Shakespeare is going to be a busy place.
Shakespeare School Council is pleased to host another free Family Movie Night for Shakespeare families on Friday, April 28, as a thank you to our families for supporting our school and school council. Doors will open at 6:00 pm and the movie will begin at 6:30 pm. An advertisement with more information about the movie night will be sent out in the coming weeks.
Our next School Council meeting is Monday, April 3 at 7:00 pm.

Principal’s Message
The last three months of the school year are upon us, and Shakespeare is going to be a busy place.
Shakespeare School Council is pleased to host another free Family Movie Night for Shakespeare families on Friday, April 28, as a thank you to our families for supporting our school and school council. Doors will open at 6:00 pm and the movie will begin at 6:30 pm. An advertisement with more information about the movie night will be sent out in the coming weeks.
Our next School Council meeting is Monday, April 3 at 7:00 pm.

Snuggle Up And Read!
On Friday, April 21 our primary students, (K – 3), will be involved in the annual Snuggle-Up-And-Read Day. There are many great and exciting activities planned for the students. There will be guests from the Stratford Public Library, Beatrix Potter story time, yoga classes, music workshops, and more. The whole school can join in the spirit of the day and wear the PJ’s too.

Kiwanis Music Festival!
We are very proud to have several entries in this year’s Kiwanis Music Festival, the week of April 10. Our Primary and Junior Choirs and Girls’ and Boys’ Choirs will be singing, our Grade 2/3 class will be choral speaking and the Shakespeare Band will be playing. We wish our students all the best!

Spring BBQ, Open House and Book Fair
Our annual Open House and Book Fair is scheduled for Thursday, May 11, from 4:30-6:30. The School Council is always appreciative of volunteers to assist
with ticket sales and food preparation. If you are free to assist us that evening, please let the office know and we will forward your name to the Council.

EQAO Assessment
Our Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Primary Division Assessment (Grade 3) of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics and the Junior Division Assessment (Grade 6) of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics will occur during the weeks of May 23 to June 5. Your consideration in keeping these days free from medical appointments etc. with your children is greatly appreciated.

Character Education
This month students will be discussing the character attribute honesty. Honesty is being trustworthy, sincere, loyal and truthful.

School Calendar
Please be aware that a monthly calendar can be found on our school website. Please visit the school website to view upcoming events and dates of importance. Thank you.
The website address is

“Follow” Shakespeare on Twitter
You can also “follow” Shakespeare on Twitter. Receive updates on day to day school events. You can receive these updates at:

Harvey’s Night
Harvey’s Restaurant, on Erie Street, and Shakespeare P.S. have three ‘Harvey Nights’ planned: Monday, April 10, Monday, May 8, and Monday, June 12. On these dates 25% of sales gathered will be donated back to Shakespeare. So when you order say you are from Shakespeare Public School.

Growth Mindset in Math
In general, a growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and ‘smartness’ can also be learned and that the brain grows from experience and effort. The opposite, a fixed mindset, is the idea that you are smart, or you are not. In math, that translates into “some people are good at math, and some are not.” Did you know that praising efforts rather than intelligence or results can impact your child’s ability to persevere in challenges?! The goal is to have children thrive on challenges and see failures, not as a sign of low intelligence, but as a learning opportunity. Brain research tells us that making mistakes actually wires more connections into the brain! When a person has a growth mindset, they accept challenges, see their efforts as worthwhile, and are open to learning from mistakes. Students with a growth mindset achieve at higher levels than those with fixed mindsets.

How can you help? Some simple ways:
– Adding “yet” when they claim they are “not good at this” (Respond: “You are not good at this yet.”)
– Ask questions that focus on their effort and choices and get them to reflect on satisfaction of that effort (e.g. What did you learn today? What mistake did you make that taught you something? What did you try hard at today?)
– Model this yourself as you share about your day

Hello from the YMCA
Registration forms for the YMCA’S Summer JK/SK Ready Set Go program will be available by the end of April. For more program information and cost please contact Ashley Rose or Jenn Davis at 519-271-0480. There is a PA Day coming up on May 8, 2017. If you need care on this day please register at your child’s Before and After School Program or call Alenka at 519-273-9622.

Easter Weekend
Good Friday is April 14 and Easter Monday is April 17. There will be no school for students on either of those days.

Parents as Partners
How can you help your child if he or she is being bothered by another student?
It is important to talk to your child! You may talk about what they are learning at school, the books
school or on the weekend. By talking with your child it makes it easier for them to tell you if something is wrong, like if someone is bothering them at school. If your child shares with you that someone or something is bothering them:
• Thank your child for being brave enough to tell you.
• Track and keep records and details of the incidents
• Tell your child to report it until the bothering has completely stopped.
• Explain that telling is to get someone out of trouble and is different from tattling which is to get someone into trouble.
• If the bothering is at school encourage your child to tell his/her teacher or principal so the school is aware so they can help. If your child is nervous about doing this tell your child that you will call the school.
• Talk about strategies they can do to help stop the bothering by another student.
This information was taken from an article entitled “Bullying Prevention: What Parents Need to Know”.

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March 2017 Newsletter Thu, 02 Mar 2017 16:12:37 +0000 Principals’ Message

Principals’ Message

Character Education

During the month of March, students will be learning lessons around the attribute of Optimism. Optimism is having a positive attitude, displaying patience, forgiving mistakes made by others and yourself. It is having hope and confidence. Optimism is also peacefulness and enthusiasm.

Parent Council

On behalf of students and staff I want to thank Parent Council for their on-going work and support for Shakespeare. We also want to thank our school community, parents and families, for your support of our fundraisers.Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 6, 2016 at 7 pm, in the library. All are welcome.

EQAO Assessments

This year the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Primary Division (Grade 3) and Junior Division (Grade 6) Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics will occur between May 23 and June 5.Your consideration in keeping these days free from medical appointments etc., with your child is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Shakespeare – Twitter

You can “follow” Shakespeare on Twitter. Receive updates on day to day school events.

School Calendar

Please be aware that the monthly calendar with dates and events can be found on our school website. Please visit the school website to view upcoming events and dates of importance. Thank you.

Parents as Partners

Packing Healthy Lunches and Snacks

It is a fact that students who eat nutritious foods are able to concentrate longer and perform better at school. Sometimes it is a challenge to know what to pack for snacks and lunches. Check out these websites for (search: lunches)

The Perth District Health Unit also has resources that are filled with lunch and snack ideas. Call 519-271-7600 ext. 267 for free copies or visit their website at

School Cash Online

New this year, School Cash Online allows you to pay for your child’s school fees, like food orders and field trips online. Avoid using cash and get email notifications about school fees. Register today for School Cash Online, at:

Three easy steps.

  • Create your profile
  • Confirm your email
  • Add a student

(student’s number is the 9 digit OEN number located on the top of your child’s report card,without the dashes)

Growth Mindset and Resiliency

Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from life experiences. Here is how you can help your child:

1. Be a caring adult role model to support them.

2. Give children the chance to make decisions and experience consequences.

3. Children need to know that they are expected to do their best, whatever that best is.

4. Give children an opportunity to show responsibility, let them help around the house.

5. Children cope best when they feel safe and secure. Eat together at least 3 times a week.

6. Children need to know that they are accepted.

7. Give children the opportunity to show others what makes them special and unique!

8. When there is a disagreement teach your children to argue respectfully.-

Reading, Writing and Math at Home

We know that reading is extremely important and once a child finds success at reading their confidence in learning grows! But reading can be a challenge for students. The website offers many ideas to help with reading at home. Some of these include:

  • Develop the habit of going to the library every few weeks. The library offers programs for children that may help with their reading.
  • Have a family reading time.
  • Use games, books, the internet, and other choices to let children have fun as they read.

Looking for book for boys, visit: .

A reading app that we have been using at school is called Epic! – Unlimited Books for Kids. Our students have really enjoyed using this resource on the iPads. This app provides a wide range of books students can read and some books have audio and students can listen to the story being read to them.

March Break Reminder

This is a reminder that March Break begins on Monday, March 13 to Friday March 17. Students will return to school on Monday, March 20.

Good Friday and Easter Monday Reminder

Good Friday and Easter Monday are Friday, April 14 and Monday, April 17 respectfully. There is no school on these days.

Lost and Found

The number of Lost & Found items at school has been growing! Parents, if you know you are missing an item or two of clothing please remind your child to have a look for them. You are also welcome to have a look for those clothing items that have gone missing from home. Just a reminder, please label your child’s clothing.

Hello YMCA Families

We hope everyone who made it to our PreRegistration for 2017-2018 last month had a positive experience. We will be able to confirm spaces soon with a phone call and confirmation on your September deposit.

If you have interest in our before and after school programs and would like to inquire, please contact Jenn Davis or Ashley Rose at 519-271-0480 or by email at [email protected] and [email protected]

If you have interest in our YMCA PA Day Programs,please contact Alenka Watson at 519-273-9622 [email protected]

The YMCA is offering a few different choices for March Break programming for children. Please call the YMCA at 519-271-0480 for more details on the programs that we offer.

Engage, Inspire, Innovate… Always Learning

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February 2017 Newsletter Tue, 31 Jan 2017 15:52:42 +0000 Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Term 1 Report Cards will be coming home Friday, February 17. This report card will reflect student’s achievement and their development of learning skills and work habits, from September to the end of January. Please read over your child’s report and discuss it with your child. Make report cards a positive experience. Do understand that a report card is one small measure of your child. Always find something to praise, and focus on how to improve. Please sign and return the bottom of pages 3 and 4 in the envelope provided. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like an interview.

Please note that Thursday, February 2 is a PA Day. There will be no school for students. Family Day is Monday, February 20. There will be no school for students.

There will be two staff changes beginning February 6. We will be saying good-bye to Ms. Rose, who has been teaching one of our kindergarten classes while Ms. Fuhr has been on maternity leave. Ms. Allen, one of our Educational Assistants, will be going on leave and we are welcoming Ms. Bender to take on Ms. Allen’s role. We wish Ms. Rose and Ms. Allen all the best!

Shakespeare – Twitter

You can “follow” Shakespeare on Twitter. Receive updates on day to day school events and reminders.

Character Education at Shakespeare

This month’s character virtue is Perseverance. Perseverance is being purposeful and steadfast. It is sticking to something, staying committed, no matter how long it takes or what obstacles appear to stop you.

Growth Mindset

The way parents talk about ability and learning can have powerful effects on their kids’ beliefs. Below are three ways parents can instill a growth mindset. And remember, developing a growth mindset in yourself and in your kids is a process that takes time. Have a growth mindset about developing a growth mindset!

  • Recognize your own mindset: Be mindful of your own thinking and of the messages you sent with your words and actions.
  • Praise the process: Praising kids for being smart suggests that innate talent is the reason for success, while focusing on the process helps them see how their effort leads to success.
  • Model learning from failure and mistakes: When parents talk positively about making mistakes, kids start to think of mistakes as a natural part of the learning process.

Parents as Partners

I would like to thank our dedicated volunteers who read with several of our primary students once a week. You have made a huge impact on our students’ reading abilities.

You may want to visit the following websites if you are looking for ideas when spending time with your child. Google:

School Council

The Council meeting in February will be Monday, February 6 at 7:00 p.m., in the library. All are welcome.

Minutes from our Council meetings can be found on the school website.

Harriston Meats Fundraiser

Shakespeare School Council will be offering Harriston Meats as its next fundraiser. Order forms will go home February 16 and will be due back by March 1. Orders will be delivered to the school at the end of March.

Vegetarian Options for Pizza and Sub Days

This is just a reminder that we offer vegetarian food choices for our Friday food days. You can order cheese pizza and vegetarian subs.

If Your Child is ILL

We appreciate all those families that make special arrangements to keep their child(ren) out of school when they are ill.  It helps to keep the illness out of the school and improves the health of both students and staff.  If your child is ill and you are not sure if they need to be off school or not, you can contact the school and we can refer to the Guide to Communicable Diseases for Schools about illness and the exclusion requirement.

School Calendar

Our monthly calendar can be found on our school website. Please visit the school website to view upcoming events and dates of importance. Thank you. 

YMCA Update

Hello Shakespeare families,

We are already in the month of February and our 2017-2018 Annual Program Pre Registration of internal families will be happening on February 28, 2017 at the before and after school program located in the school.  That means that any available spaces that are for the 2017-2018 school year will be open to the public on a first come first serve basis starting Monday March 6th, 2017. For inquiry about registration you can phone the YMCA 519-271-0480 and speak to Lori Darling, Ashley Rose or Jenn Davis.   March break is fast approaching so this is just a friendly reminder for you if you still need to arrange for fun activities for you children over the break.  You can contact Alenka Watson for more information 519-273-9622.

School Cash Online

New this year, School Cash Online allows you to pay for your child’s school fees, like food orders and field trips online. Avoid using cash and get email notifications about school fees. Register today for School Cash Online at:

Three easy steps.

  • Create your profile
  • Confirm your email
  • Add a student

(student’s number is the 9 digit OEN number located on the top of your child’s report card, without the dashes)

Lost and Found – Label, Label, Label

Please be sure to clearly mark your child(ren)’s name on their clothing, hats, shoes, etc. that are brought to school.  If the articles are labelled with the student’s name they can easily be returned.

School Water Supply and Fluoride for Families with Young Children

Your child’s school is supplied by water from a deep well that has naturally occurring fluoride. The level of fluoride is between 1.5 and at or below 2.4 mg/L. This water is safe to drink, and its fluoride protects children and adults from tooth decay throughout their lives. For young children, this fluoride level may increase their chances of getting mild to moderate dental fluorosis.

Mild to moderate dental fluorosis is a change in the appearance of the permanent teeth still developing under the gums. The permanent teeth may have small white flecks to larger white areas. It is difficult to predict if fluorosis will occur and what it will look like, because permanent teeth do not begin to come into the mouth until 6 to 7 years of age.

To reduce the chances of developing dental fluorosis, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care recommends that parents of young children consider and control how much fluoride their children take in from other water sources, food, and toothpaste. If home water supplies have similar levels of fluoride, then parents can:

  • Treat their water to reduce its fluoride content.
  • Use bottled water with lower fluoride content.
  • Use low-fluoride or non-fluoride toothpaste.
  • Avoid fluoride supplement pills.
  • Consult with their dentist.

For information on how to have your well water tested for fluoride or for further information about this notice, please visit:

  • Huron County – Website: Search for “Fluoride” in the search engine or contact us by phone:  Clinton: 519-482-3416 Toll Free: 1-877-837-6143
  • Perth County – Website: Search for “Fluoride and Drinking Water” in the search engine or contact Health Line at:  Stratford and area: 519-271-7600 ext. 267 Listowel area residents: 1-877-271-7348

Yours sincerely,

Huron County Health Unit and the Perth District Health Unit

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January 2017 Newsletter Mon, 09 Jan 2017 19:50:29 +0000 Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Welcome back students and families. I hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday with family and friends. I wish you all the best in 2017!

Thank you to those of you who were able to attend our ‘Go Fish’ Concerts. They were very well attended. I would like to thank our primary staff, Mrs. Zehr, Ms. Rothwell and our primary students for their dedication and time to make the concerts a success!

January is an important month for your child. It is a time to settle back into the term and start fresh. It is also a time to re-establish homework and reading routines at home. Please try to find time to read with your child each night.

The next Professional Activity Day (P.A. Day) is Thursday, February 2, 2017. Term 1 Report Cards go home Friday, February 17.

Just a reminder that our school calendar, with special days and events, is now online at:

Shakespeare – Twitter

You can “follow” Shakespeare on Twitter. Receive updates on day to day school events.

Cold Weather Notice

Although we have not had any really cold weather yet it is important to make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the cold weather when it does arrive. If the temperature or the temperature plus the wind-chill dips below – 25 degrees Celsius, we will either keep the students inside or reduce the amount of outside time. Once outside, we do our best to be sure the children are properly dressed and monitor the students for signs of discomfort. If necessary we will enter the school before the recess is over.

Thank you for ensuring your child is prepared for the cold weather. It makes our decisions much easier when the students have hats, mitts, and snow pants.

Character Education – Responsibility

In January we will be focusing on the character attribute of Responsibility. Being responsible means others can depend on you. You are accountable for your actions. When things go wrong and you make a mistake, you make amends instead of excuses. When you are responsible, you keep your agreements. You give your best to any job. Responsibility is also one of the six Learning Skills reported on the Progress Report and Report Cards. Here are some ways students can demonstrate responsibility at school:

  • Come to school on time and ready to learn
  • Follow rules and expectations and are safe
  • Are respectful to themselves and others
  • Help others
  • Cooperate with others
  • Do their best work
  • They do not give up, they persevere
  • Ask for help when they need it
  • Are trustworthy
  • Clean up after themselves
  • Use their words to problem solve
  • Complete their homework

Positive Growth Mindset

Having a Positive Growth Mindset has been a focus for us this year at Shakespeare! When we have a growth mindset we think positive thoughts like:

  • I can always improve
  • Mistakes help me learn
  • I am inspired by people who succeed
  • My effort and attitude make all the difference
  • I like to challenge myself
  • I can learn anything I want to

Four What Questions to Develop a Growth Mindset in Children

  • What did you learn today that made you think hard?
  • What did you try hard at today?
  • What happened today that made you keep going?
  • What mistakes did you make that taught you something?

 Parents as Partners – Reading is important!

Reading remains a constant focus at Shakespeare. Students are expected to read every night at home, they read every day at school and are read to every day at school. In 2017, make reading a priority in your home, too.

Family Literacy Day is January 27, 2017. Google: Family Literacy 2017, for ideas for the day.

School Council

Our next meeting is Monday, January 9 at 7:oo p.m.  All are welcome to attend.

 Border Crossing Renewals

The deadline for border crossing requests is February 1, 2017. Decision will be made in April 2017. These forms help provide a more accurate picture of student enrolment for September 2017. Kindly complete the form and return it to the office. Remember that border crossing is reviewed each year and is based on availability of spaces in the receiving school. Border crossing is never guaranteed.

New Border Crossing Requests

All new border crossing requests must be initiated at the home school including requests from siblings of currently approved border crossers. The deadline for these requests is February 1, 2017. Siblings of current border crossers will not be automatically approved.

Grade 6 Students Transitioning to a New School in September 2017

Grade 6 students, in our catchment area, will be leaving Shakespeare and will register at Stratford Central. A grade 6 student in our area who wishes to attend Northwestern Public School must register at Stratford Central first but complete a border crossing request form here at Shakespeare. If you have a child in grade 6 who currently border crosses into Shakespeare please contact us to discuss their home school for September 2017.

The border crossing request must be done by February 1. We must attach the border crossing request form to your child’s registration.

Any forms received after February 1 may not be considered prior to June 30.

Decisions will be communicated by the home school to the parent/guardian in April.

Open Houses for Grade 6 Students at Stratford Central and Stratford Northwestern P.S.

The Open House for Grade 6 students that are in the catchment area for Stratford Central Public School will be held on Monday, January 16, at 7:00 p.m.

The Open House for Grade 6 students that are in the area for Stratford Northwestern Public School will be held on Tuesday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m.

Skating in January Grade 1/2 – Grade 6

Shakespeare students will be walking to Dufferin Arena to skate on Friday, January 13 and 27. Please remember to send skates in bags so they are easy to carry and skate blades are not exposed. Students must wear a CSA approved helmet and wear gloves or mitts to protect their hands. If you have any extra helmets or skates at home we would gladly borrow them. Thank you.

If Your Child is Ill

We appreciate all those families that make special arrangements to keep their child(ren) out of school when they are ill. It helps to keep the illness out of the school and improves the health of both students and staff. If your child is ill and you are not sure if they need to be off school or not, you can contact the school and we can refer to the Perth Health Unit Guide to Communicable Diseases for Schools, about illness and the exclusion requirement. 

Please Remember:

 Before and After School Supervision

Supervision in the schoolyard begins at 8:40 a.m. After school the yard is supervised until 3:20 p.m.


All parents, friends, relatives and guests are to come to the office to sign in before going to visit a class or person in the school.

Shakespeare is a Nut Free School

Thank you for your support in ensuring all lunches are nut free!

Check for Head Lice

This is just a reminder for parents and guardians to check your child for pesky head lice. Head lice is not a health problem and there is no exclusion from school. If any are found please contact the school office to let us know and please begin a treatment right away. Shampoos and combs can be purchased at drugstores. If we work together we can keep the critters in check.

YMCA Update

Hello! We hope everyone had a warm and safe holiday spent with your loved ones. Our school age programs are in full swing, enjoying our outdoor time in the snow. Please remember to pack warm clothing and appropriate outdoor attire as we are outside in the morning and afternoon. YMCA Pre-Registration will be coming up soon. We will be running our pre-registration at the individual schools this year to help with the hustle and bustle, we will be supplying the dates in the near future so please stay tuned.

Thank you. [email protected]

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