Principal’s Message
On September 28 it was our annual Fall Open House, BBQ and Book Fair. It was wonderful to see so many of our Shakespeare families. Thank you for making a connection with your child’s teacher and supporting Shakespeare Public School. Thank you to our parent volunteers for helping at the BBQ and to Harvey’s Restaurant for donating the hotdogs and buns, and condiments.
EQAO Results
Our EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) results for Primary and Junior Divisions have been released. Teaching staff spent the September 29 Professional Activity (P.A.) Day reviewing our EQAO results and other data to set goals and targets for this year.
In the Assessments of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Shakespeare’s Primary Assessment scores have all increased and are around the Board and Provincial averages. In the Junior Assessment, our Reading, Writing and Math scores decreased from last year.
More detailed information can be found on the EQAO website.
Progress Reports and Interviews
Progress Reports go home Monday, October 30 and Parent and Teacher Interviews are November 2 in the evening and November 3 in the morning.
Parents as Partners – Reading Puts Children Ahead in the Classroom
Reading with your child and setting aside time for them to read at night makes a positive impact on their success at school. An interesting website to visit is: This site provides Reading Tips for Parents of children from toddler age Grade 3. Further, it provides tips in multiple languages and it has reading tips for parents of children with disabilities.
Another great website that we use at school is: There are over 400 books students can listen to for modeled reading, read books for practice and there are comprehension questions for students to answer after reading a book.
At school we work hard at setting classroom and school routines at the start of the year. It is just as important to set reading routines at home. Read! Read! Read!
Bringing Your Child to Classrooms
If your child is late for school or your child is returning to school from being at an appointment we ask that you leave your child with office staff at the office, rather than walking your child to your child’s classroom. If you have a message for your child or child’s teacher office staff will pass the information along. By doing these steps we eliminate unnecessary distractions to teaching and learning. Thank you for your cooperation.
Character at Shakespeare
October’s character virtue is Empathy – thinking and feeling about others. Along with discussing empathy we will also examine: understanding, generosity, consideration, and forgiveness.
Emergency Drills
It is the time of year again when we practice our emergency drills: Fire, Lock Down, Medical, and Inclement Weather. Sometimes a drill can make a student nervous or may upset them. We will explain the drills to the students, show them what to do and support them in remaining calm during the drill.
Parking and Safety Patrol
Thank you everyone for respecting the no stopping or parking on Mowat Street between the pylons at arrival and pickup times. I have only had to remind a couple of drivers of our safety zone. This area needs to be clear for our Safety Patrol students to cross other students safely. Walking and biking are good alternatives to driving, and healthier ones too. Also, when parking on Mowat and Strachan Streets please be courteous and do not block or park in our neighbours’ driveways.
We do have a handicap parking space available in the staff parking lot off of Mowat Street, if it is needed.
Thank you for your on-going support with our school fundraisers. The profits from our fundraisers are used to subsidize class trips, purchase books and learning materials and purchase technology like iPads. If you do not wish to take part in fundraising but you want to make a donation to the school you can do this through the Foundation for Education. Your full donation goes to the school and you will receive a tax receipt. Please contact the office for more information.
School Council
“The purpose of School Council is to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.” We welcomed some new parents to our September meeting and are always looking for more parents to come out to the meetings and bring new ideas with them. Please join us for our next meeting on Monday, October 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Library.
All are welcome.
School Council Positions
Chair: Sue Dias
Secretary: Tory Anderson
Fundraising: Sheri Wilson, Jen Adams, Heather Jardine
Teacher Reps: Vicki Ryder, Colleen Rothwell and Nicole Smith
Principal: Mike Stanley
School-Based Public Health Nurse Support Services
Our school nurse, Karen Murray, will be at Shakespeare every Thursday. Karen meets with students to discuss physical, social and emotional health. For more information call the school or contact Karen at the Perth District Health Unit 519-271-7600.
Snack Program
Our Snack Program has begun and is used on a daily basis. We are able to provide students with a nutritious snack at second break lunch times if students are requiring more food to eat. The child will show the teacher on duty that they have finished his/her lunch and is still needing additional food. This program is made possible by the donations from the Ontario Student Nutrition Program and a special thank you to Beckie Lorentz for donating her time in purchasing the food for our school.
Shakespeare on the Internet
You can “follow” Shakespeare on Twitter. Learn about events that are happening at Shakespeare and get weather delay and cancellation updates:
Visit our school website at:
Important Dates
See the school calendar on the school website
School Cash Online
School Cash Online allows you to pay for your child’s school fees, like food orders and field trips, online. Avoid using cash and get email notifications about school fees. Register today for School Cash Online, at:
Three easy steps.
• Create your profile
• Confirm your email
• Add a student
(student’s number is the 9 digit OEN number located on the top of your child’s report card, without the dashes – if you cannot find your student’s number please contact the school we can provide it for you)
Lost and Found – Label, Label, Label
Please be sure to clearly mark your child(ren)’s name on their clothing, hats, shoes, etc. that are brought to school. If the articles are labelled with the student’s name they can easily be returned.
Calling All 3 Year Olds! – Kindergarten Registration for 2017-2018 School Year
Registration for kindergarten students starting September 2018 will take place at Shakespeare Public School on Thursday, November 9 in the morning.
– 3 years old by Dec 31, 2017 (eligible for JK)
– 4 years old by Dec 31, 2017 (eligible for SK)
Registration packages will be ready for pick up soon.
Please call the school for more information and book an appointment time.
“As part of an on-going commitment to make the school day as seamless as possible for our families, each family will be receiving an information sheet in mid-October regarding Before and After School care. Families interested in Before and After school programs for their four and five year old’s, and possibly order children in the upcoming school year, should complete an on-line survey by December 1, 2017. The link to the survey will be found on the Board website starting mid-October. We appreciate your assistance as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs. Should your require a paper copy, please contact the school after October 10.
Medication at School
Medication that students take at school must be recorded by the school office and stored at the office. Students should not keep medication in their desks. Medication forms are available in the office and must be filled out for short and long term prescriptions, and non-prescriptions.
Safe Arrival Program
If you know your child is going to be late or absent from school, please phone the school before 9:00 a.m. You may leave a message on the answering service at any time at 519-271-3727.
Yard Supervision Times
Staff members will supervise our playground for the 15 minutes before morning entry at 9:00 a.m., during recesses, and after school hours for dismissal. The outdoor climbers are closed before school and can only be used after school if the child is accompanied by an adult. We ask your cooperation by having your children arrive at school during, and not before, the morning supervision period, and to leave the school property promptly at the end of the school day. Thank you.
City Gate Stratford on Strachan Street
There are moms and tots “drop in” the First Wednesday of each month, beginning October 4, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Moms, preschoolers and babies are welcome for a time of fellowship. Invite some friends!
Children’s “Fall Crafts” workshop on Saturday, October 14 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Parents are invited to bring their child/children (Kindergarten to Grade 6) along for a fun afternoon! There is limited space. Please email our website for more info.
to register with names and ages of children. Check out