Current Newsletter

January 2019 Newsletter

Principal’s Message

Thank you for all of the responses to the Fun Family Question from last month!

Last month’s question was: What is your favourite family tradition?

An answer was:
Christmas! Opening presents and family fun time.

Thank you for the great responses.

This month’s question is: If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Behind the monthly Family Fun question is that everyone can participate in a question and have a conversation that allows everyone to connect, while walking to school, eating dinner or going to a sports event.

Active School Travel / School Travel Plan

Students who live too far from school to walk or wheel can still get active by:
• Getting dropped off a block or two away from school and walking the rest of the way.
Social Time: You’d be amazed at the conversations that you can have with your child while walking. Active commuting helps both parents and children “build a sense of neighborhood.” When kids walk to school, parents are more likely to be involved at school and/or in the community.

SchoolCash Online

All school fees can be paid online.  Go to the schoolcashonline website and click “Get Started Today”.

Fast, Safe and Convenient!

Call the school if you have any questions.

Office Reminders

Please include your child’s name on all forms that come back to school, ensure all the information on that form is accurate and call the school to confirm the updated information is recorded in your child’s data.

Please remember to call the school office if your child will be absent for any reason and check in if they arrive late.

Spirit Day in January

Friday, January 25 – Sports Day. Wear your favourite team’s jersey, hat, socks etc.

Important Dates:

  • Monday, January 7, 2019 – Welcome back
  • Tuesday, January 22, 2019 – School Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday, January 25 – Spirit Day-Sports Day
  • Friday, February 1 – P.A. Day/no school


Please label all of your children’s items. Each year we end up with an array of items with no names. Please help us avoid this by clearly labeling items so they can be returned safely!

Volunteers Needed

There are so many ways to volunteers at Romeo to keep the great opportunities rolling and perhaps add some more! All Volunteers are required to have a Criminal Reference check and a Vulnerable Sector check completed. Romeo’s School Council is able to reimburse this expense when you provide a receipt.

School Council

Please consider joining this dedicated group and become involved in school related activities that impact your child – your help is needed, your participation is appreciated! The next meeting will be announced.

School Messenger

The Avon Maitland District School Board is excited to have a service that will enhance communication by allowing us to deliver important information to you via text messaging. SchoolMessenger is intended to enhance our existing methods of communication – not replace them. AMDSB will only use SchoolMessenger to provide information to you that is timely, relevant and important. Sign up to receive Text Messages, from your mobile device text Yes to 978338

Student Safety

We ask for your co-operation in reminding your child to please cross at the crosswalk to ensure safety of everyone.

Before School & After School Supervision

Supervision in the school yard before school begins at 8:35 a.m. It is strongly encouraged that students should not be entering the property prior to this time. As well, after school, students should proceed promptly off the property after dismissal and head home. If students return to the school after dismissal it is with the understanding that is it under parental supervision. The yards are not supervised after 3:20 p.m.


All parents, caregivers, friends, relatives, and guests are to come to the office to sign in before going to visit a class or person in the school. This is for safety reasons and if the school needs to be evacuated, we can account for everyone. Thanks for your cooperation with this routine.

Please share with us your answer to the monthly question:
If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Student Name:

Thank you for your answer! One student will win a Domino’s Gift Card!

We have read this newsletter together and we would like to be entered in the draw for a free pizza.

Student Name: