Welcome Back!
The staff of North Easthope Public School would like to extend a warm ‘welcome back’ to all our students and families as we start another school year! We are looking forward to a fantastic 2016-2017 school year! Two new staff members, Anita Edwards and Michelle Matthews are joining our school community and Mrs. Robertson has returned from a leave.
I look forward to meeting all of the families over the coming weeks. Please feel free to call or stop in if you have any questions. We are sending a lot of information home with your child this week. Please take time to read everything. Also check our school website and Twitter messages throughout the year.
J. Knechtel
North Easthope PS Staff
JoAnne Knechtel – Principal
Linda Nador – Secretary
Janet Smitjes – Technical Resource Assistant
Cory Vandervliet – Custodian
Victoria Robertson – Music
Kathy Burkhardt – Educational Assistant
Jo-Anne Currie-Redmond – Educational Assistant
Anita Edwards – Educational Assistant
Michelle Matthews – Designated Early Childhood Educator
Marsha van Zuilen – Full Day Kindergarten
Alice Bundrea – Grade 1/2
Sherrie Hearn-Smith – Grade 2/3
Anne Hutchinson – Grade 3/4
Christine Wilkinson – Grade 4/5
Bill Garland – Grade 5/6 + Special Ed. Resource
Margie Masson – Grade 5/6 + French
Beth Vallance – Grade 7/8
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is found on the Avon Maitland District School Board web page, https://avonmaitlandschools.ca/northeasthope/ under Resources and Information from the Office. The information is also included in the Parent/Student Information Booklet coming home this week. It is important to us for you to read the document and keep the booklet for handy reference. There is a ‘tear-off’ section for each student to sign and return to school after reading the booklet.
Emergency Contact Information Form
Please edit where needed and return your child(ren)’s emergency contact form (purple form) by Friday. At a school, it is essential that we have an emergency contact person who is readily available if needed. Even though you may be at home most of the time, your child could become ill or injured during a time that you may not be at home. We need the name and number of someone you trust to make decisions for the care of your child. We ask that if this information changes throughout the year that you please notify the school immediately to be sure our records are accurate.
The school bus that your child rides on is an extension of the school. Rules that apply at school apply to the buses as well. Unless there is a serious situation, students will not be allowed to switch buses. We will allow for the switching of buses for childcare requests only when it happens on a consistent basis. An “Alternate Residence” bus transportation form needs to be filled in and sent to the Transportation Department.
Safe Arrival
Please help us ensure that all children arrive safely at school. Please call the school and inform us if your child will be absent or late. You may leave a message on the answering machine at any time. Please try to contact the school by 8:45 a.m. If your child is absent and no note or phone call is received from you, the secretary will be calling you to report your child’s absence. Note: Under the Child and Family Services Act, Section 79, the principal is required to report to CAS, any child under the age of 10, who is absent from the school without supervision and care.
Daily Schedule
8:55 Buses arrive
8:55- 9:35 Announcements, Period 1
9:35-10:15 Period 2
10:15 – 10:55 Period 3
10:55 – 11:15 Nutrition Break
11:15 – 11:35 Recess
11:35 – 12:05 Period 4
12:05 – 12:45 Period 5
12:45 – 1:25 Period 6
1:25 – 1:45 Nutrition Break
1:45 – 2:05 Recess
2:05 – 2:35 Period 7
2:35 – 3:15 Period 8
3:15 – 3:20 Dismissal, Buses depart
North Easthope Annex (Old School) Update
Message from the Board:
“The structural challenges of the North Easthope Elementary School annex and the safety of North Easthope students has increasingly become a concern for Avon Maitland.
A recent structural engineering report documented $375,000 worth of structural repairs required on the annex, with in excess of $100,000 needing to be addressed immediately.
North Easthope has not used the annex for many years.
Based on the findings of the structural engineering report and with the utmost concern for the safety of students, Avon Maitland, with the extraordinary help of the Municipality in expediting the permitting process, will undertake a demolition and regrade of the annex area before the start of school.”
Visitors to the School and/or Dropping Off/Picking Up Students
In the interest of school safety, we ask that everyone use the front door by the office to enter the school. Please ensure that you inform the office of your visit. Please do not go to the classrooms before and after the school day begins or during regular classes. Teachers are busy preparing lessons and assignments during these times. Office staff are available to assist you. Students are not to be picked up on the yard during recess time. Come to the office and we will get your child for you. If a child is to be picked up during school hours, please send a note signed by the parent to the homeroom teacher or call the school and let the office know. The note should indicate the date, time and reason for having to leave the school. A note written in the child’s planner to be shown to the teacher and office works well. When you arrive to pick up your child, you must check in at the office and fill in the student sign in/out clipboard.
Each year, North Easthope Public School runs a wide variety of programs that depend on the time and talent of volunteers. Some of these events are one day/afternoon/evening only, however many of these programs run for a large portion of the year. If you are interested in being contacted to support any of the following programs, please contact the classroom teacher or the main office. Your interest on this does not commit you to these programs, however when a need arises, we will contact you to see if you are interested and available. All volunteers require a Criminal Background and Vulnerable Screening Check done through the OPP. These forms are available through the office at the school. Please note that this process does take some time so completing these in advance of your volunteer time is necessary. Once you have completed this process, there will be an Offence Declaration form that will be sent home from the school each year that simply requires you to sign and return to the school.
We recognize the busy schedules that you have and truly appreciate the time that you give to our students here at North Easthope. If you have any questions about any of these programs, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
High School Student Volunteer Hours
Throughout the year, we receive a number of requests for former students to return to North Easthope to gain volunteer hours needed for high school. We have a wide variety of events that we would welcome these students such as child care for School Council Meeting, sporting events, school Open House and year end BBQ, performances of the Arts, etc. If your son or daughter is interested in volunteering throughout the school year, we ask that you contact the school.
Two Shoe System at School
We strongly encourage all students to bring an extra pair of shoes to be left at school. These shoes are indoor shoes and are not worn outside of the school building. The two shoe system greatly assists our school custodian with his quest of keeping our floors clean. In order to help reduce the scuff marks on our school gym floor please try and avoid the use of black soled shoes.
NEH Bus Delays or School Closure Procedure
Due to the nature of the weather conditions that we may experience, there will be times that our school buses may be cancelled or delayed.
1) In the case of fog, the bus company and Transportation department, may issue a 2 hour delay for our buses. In cases where North Easthope experiences a 2 hour bus delay, the school will be open for students when they can arrive safely.
2) If the bus delay becomes a cancellation after the start of the regular school day, then the school will remain open for those students who have arrived, however parents/guardians will be responsible for student transportation at the end of the school day as buses will not be running.
3) In the case of bus cancellations due to inclement weather, the school will be closed to all students.
All bus delays, school closure or early closure will be announced in the following manner:
- Please note: North Easthope cancellations will be listed under “Stratford and area schools”
- CKNX 920 AM or CKNX 101.7 FM, WINGHAM
- North Easthope Twitter @NortheasthopePS
Get the Latest on School Bus delays or Cancellations at ourschoolbuses.ca
As we head toward the colder weather ahead, it is likely that winter storms may cause school bus or school delays and cancellations. Huron Perth Student Transportation Services provides school bus transportation for students attending Avon Maitland District Schools and Huron Perth Catholic District Schools. The website is located at www.ourschoolbuses.ca and features RSS feeds, allowing for parents and students to receive instant updates on their home computer on how the weather is affecting their school bus or school. Subscribing to an RSS feed is free and can be selected to post updates directly into web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox. RSS feeds can also be added to most email clients such as Outlook meaning the notification would come directly to your email account. Most of today’s smart phones can also use RSS to receive instant updates when a delay or cancellation is announced.
This information will also be available for easy access on the site, as well as from a link posted on the main page of each school’s website. Users can view information for the entire district, region of schools, or specific schools. The system is designed for ease of use by anyone with access to the internet. For more information visit the website at www.ourschoolbuses.ca or email [email protected]. We would also like to thank our media partners who use our RSS system to receive information on delays and cancellations and get these announcements to air as quickly as possible. In addition many of these stations have also partnered with us in the promotion of school bus safety. We would like to recognize the Blackburn radio stations in Wingham featuring AM920, 101.7 the One and 94.5 the Bull for their support in covering our entire region and providing on-going weather updates throughout the school year.
We are a Scent Free and Nut Safe School
Please consider those with allergies and refrain from wearing perfumes or colognes and avoid sending peanuts, peanut butter or peanut products to school.
Sabrina’s Law and Anaphylaxis
In January 2006, Sabrina’s Law came into effect. This law requires school boards to have emergency procedures in place to deal with incidents of anaphylaxis and to provide training for all staff. With support from the Perth District Health Unit and the Huron County Health Unit, school principals provide to their staff, annual training in the administration of EPI-Pens to treat anaphylactic reactions. In cases where a student is anaphylactic, parents/guardians are expected to provide an EPI-Pen(s) for their child to carry with them at all times during the school day. Parents/Guardians must also work with the school to develop an Individual medical Management Plan that outlines emergency procedures for their child. In accordance with Sabrina’s Law, all schools have been provided with two generic EPI-Pens. These EPI-Pens are being provided to support schools in responding to a medical emergency for anaphylactic student for whom the school has an Individual medical Management Plan and Emergency Procedure in place. Also, in accordance with Sabrina’s Law, schools must administer an EPI-Pen when a student is suspected of suffering an anaphylactic reaction even if no Individual Medical Management Plan exists. If you are aware that your child is allergic to epinephrine or if you have any concerns, it is suggested that you contact the school principal.
Ryan’s Law, 2015 – School Enviroment
Ryan’s Law – An Act to Protect Students with Asthma, was recently passed by the Ontario Legislature. This piece of legislation is an important step to support the well-being of students with asthma in Ontario schools. If your child has asthma, we ask that you immediately contact the main office at your school to provide information about your child’s asthma medication. With your permission, your child will be allowed to carry his/her asthma medication while at school. The Ministry of Education website has resources on asthma that can be found at: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/healthyschools/anaphylaxis.html
As a best practice and to support your child, please let the school know if your child has a medical condition so that the school is aware and can keep this information on file. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the principal directly.
North Easthope is a Nut Safe School
North Easthope is a Nut Safe School. Some of our students have a life-threatening allergy to peanuts and other nuts. An allergic reaction to peanuts will cause the child’s airway to clamp down and fill with mucous. Ultimately, without immediate medical treatment, death could occur.
As this is a serious problem, please be sure to do the following when preparing lunches and snacks:
* Do not use peanut butter
* Check all ingredients and labels on packages to ensure no nuts are in the products
* Wash the face and hands of your child if peanut butter was used at home
We realize that this poses and inconvenience for you when packing snacks and lunches. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this potentially life-threatening allergy.
Medically At Risk
If your child has a life threatening medical problem, such as diabetes, severe asthma, life threatening allergies or seizures, please inform the school so that an Individual Management Plan can be prepared.
Medication at School
Staff is not permitted to administer medications to students unless parents have signed an information and permission form. The dosage needed is recorded and the medication with original labelling is locked away until it is required. Please see the office for the proper forms.
Desks and Lockers
Just a reminder that desks and lockers are considered to be school property and a search of such property is permissible by school administration.
Cell Phones, IPods, Electronic Games, Valuables
Personal electronic devices have become very common among many of our students. These devices provide entertainment for students on long bus rides to and from school, they can provide information at our fingertips and open up the walls of our classrooms to enhance education for all, and they have also become a common form of communication between many of us. Students are reminded that when they bring valuable items such as cell phones, iPods, iPads, handheld gaming systems etc. to school, they do so at their own risk. These personal devices may be used while riding the school bus, however students are reminded that the bus is an extension of the school and therefore all games and music must be appropriate for the school setting. Students are reminded that no video or photos are permitted to be taken of other students without parental consent.
The following information applies to all students who bring and use personal electronic devices:
- The Board Computer Use Code of Conduct applies for all personal electronic devices.
- The use of personal electronic devices during instructional time is at the discretion of each individual teacher.
- Texting, non-emergency phone calls and taking pictures is strictly prohibited unless under the direct supervision of a teacher to be used for educational purposes with all of the appropriate permissions in place.
- Electronic equipment is not permitted outside during recess time, as students are encouraged to be active.
- Inappropriate use by a student could result in denial of computer privileges, suspension and/or legal action.
- The school is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
Video Surveillance Equipment
The school board uses surveillance equipment within school facilities and school buses to:
– Enhance the safety of students and staff;
– Protect school property against theft or vandalism; and/or
– Aid in the identification of intruders and of persons who endanger the health, well-being or safety of school community members.
Information collected is collected by the school under the authority of the Education Act in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For information, please contact the school principal.
Tobacco Control Act
The purpose of the Ontario Tobacco Control Act is to reduce smoking. Under the Act, smoking and/or using a tobacco product is prohibited on all Avon Maitland District School Board properties, school buses and at school or board sponsored events. Principals and Vice-Principals are required to notify the Tobacco Enforcement Office at the local health unit of any infractions. Consequences may include warnings, suspensions and/or a Provincial Offence ticket.
Campbell’s Soup Label Collection
Thank you North Easthope for a great year last year with Campbell’s Labels for Education program. For more information on qualifying products, please visit www.labelsforeducation.ca. Please remember – soup labels MUST have the UPC and volume to qualify! Simply slit the label off the can and submit; no cutting or folding required! The class with the highest average will receive a cool treat in June.
School Council
School Council is one way in which parents and community members can contribute to improving student achievement and school performance. Each year, we invite all parents to come out to the monthly meetings to continue to build the partnership between home and school to benefit all of our students. Your involvement on Council can be as much or as little as you have time for. While there are a number of Executive positions on Council, we welcome all parents to join in the discussions that impact our entire school community. Our first Council meeting will be held on Thursday, September 14, 6:30pm. We are looking for new Parent Representatives. All parents are welcome to come!
School Council Involvement Form
I would like to be involved in the North Easthope Public School Council for the 2016 – 2017 school year. An agenda is sent out via email each month before the School Council meeting.
Name: __________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________
Reminder: Your involvement can be as much or as little as you have time for. We truly appreciate your interest in the North Easthope School Community**
Community Events
Wellesley North Easthope Agricultural Society Annual Fall Fair – “We’re Full of Beans”, September 13-14, 2016
Stratford Agricultural Society Annual Fall Fair – “Building Bridges”, September 22-25, 2016
Wellesley Skating Club offers Learn to Skate and Figure Skating Programs for all ages on Fridays throughout the winter season . Pre Can Skate 4-4:40, Can Skate 4:40-5:30, Star Skate 5:40-6:55. Registration is at Wellesley Arena: Saturday, September 17, 10a.m.-12noon and Tuesday, September 20, 7-9pm. Please contact Trudy Field, 519-504 -6710 or [email protected] for further information.
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance
Our school board is offering you the opportunity to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance provides protection against unexpected costs arising from accidental injuries. The program is especially valuable for families who:
- do not have medical or dental plans,
- have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or
- have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance has a selection of plans to suit most budgets. Benefits include coverage for:
- The full school year (September to September), 24 hours a day, while at home and in school;
- Expenses that are often limited or not covered by private or group insurance plans, or Provincial Health Insurance Plans, such as ambulance, physiotherapy, private tutoring, counselling, and much more;
- Injury-related dental treatment (including future dental treatment up to age 26);
- Out-of-province or country emergency medical expenses.
If your address changes during the school year, your Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance plan is transferable from school to school, anywhere in Canada.
Insurance premiums for children are $14.50 or $33.50 per year, depending on the plan selected. A discount is available for families with 3 or more children. Adults age 20 to 64 can also be insured for $32.00 per year.
For more information or to apply online, please visit www.kidsplus.ca, or speak with a Kids Plus™ Client Service Administrator at 1-800-556-7411.
iA Financial Group is a business name and trademark of
Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
September – This Month’s Character Attribute is Respect
Be a reflection of what you’d like to see in others! If you want love, give love, if you want honesty, give honesty, if you want respect, give respect. You get in return, what you give! Unknown
Looking ahead
Pat Cook Run Oct 4, Cross Country Meet Oct 6 (raindate Oct 7), District Cross Country Meet Oct 13.
NEW…..School Cash Online
Please refer to brochure sent home with your child. New AMDSB program, “School Cash Online”, where parents register, order and pay online for milk, pizza, excursions etc. More information to follow.
2016 International Plowing Match – Harriston, ON
Grade 3-8 students will have the opportunity to attend this event as part of a school outdoor education excursion on September 20. More details will be sent home Keep your fingers crossed for great weather!
School Communication
We are striving to reduce the amount of paper that we are sending home. In the past, we have created a parent email list for parents to receive newsletters, food/milk information and general school wide information via email.
Please provide your email and signature on the form below and return it to the school by Friday, September 9, 2016
? – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Email Communication Request for NEH
Parent Name: ______________________________________
I do not have an email account (send home paper copy of Newsletters)
Please include me on the parent email communication list
Email address: _______________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________
Message from Ted Doherty, Director of Education and Secretary of the Board
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The purpose of this communication is to notify you of how the Avon Maitland District School Board and your school use the personal information you provide to us. In accordance with the Education Act (R.S).1190, c.E.2) and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) schools collect, use and/or disclose students’ personal information. Thank you for taking the time to carefully read this letter of notification.
The Education Act sets out duties and powers of the Board and authorizes school boards to collect personal information for the purpose of planning and delivering educational programs and services and give information to employees to carry out their job duties. In addition, the information may be used to deal with matters of health and safety or discipline which best meet students’ needs and for reporting to the Minister of Education as required. This Act requires that the school principal maintain an Ontario Student Record (OSR) for each student attending the school. The OSR is a record of a student’s educational progress through school in Ontario and follows students when they transfer schools. The Ontario Student Record Guideline sets out how record is to be managed. The Avon Maitland District School Board adheres to this OSR guideline.
Personal information may be used or disclosed by the Avon Maitland District School Board in accordance with, and as permitted by, MFIPPA as follows:
- for the purpose for which it was obtained or a consistent purpose (a purpose consistent for the reason collected);
- to Board officers or employees who need access to the information in the performance of their duties if necessary and proper in the discharge of the Board’s authorized functions;
- to comply with legislation, a court order or subpoena or to aid in a law enforcement investigation conducted by a law enforcement agency; and,
- in compelling circumstances affecting health or safety (providing notice of the disclosure is sent to the student’s home).
Prior to releasing confidential information for any other purpose, the school will seek informed consent from the parent/guardian for children under 16 years of age, from the parent/guardian and the student where the student is 16 years of age and older.
It is our practice to include a notice statement on forms used to collect personal information to advise you how we will use and disclose the information.
To help you understand how we use the information you provide to us without collecting specific consent from you, we draw your attention to the following routine uses and/or disclosures of student personal information, and so that you may express any concerns you may have regarding the release and sharing of the information. Where information is shared with external organizations, the organizations are covered by privacy legislation and/or specific privacy agreements with the Avon Maitland District School Board
Students may be recorded or photographed electronically by their classroom teacher and other students in school or during school activities for assessment and instructional purposes. These images may be shared with the class.
Parents are reminded that visitors, other parents and other students of the school might take photographs or videos of their child during special events or while on school property. Visitors are reminded to be respectful of other individual’s privacy but the school is not able to control the images captured in these situations and the image may be shared by that individual on social media websites.
In keeping with the 21st century students in our classroom will be supplied with a GAFE (Google Apps for Education) account through the AMDSB domain: ed.amdsb.ca
Google Apps for Education (GAFE) is a set of online tools for communication, collaboration, time-management and document storage. This is provided by Google to our school board at no cost; some of these tools include:
- Gmail: a fully functioning e-mail program
- Calendar: a customizable calendar and to-do list
- Contacts: an address book
- Drive: a word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and drawing program that allows multi-user access and editing
- Google: hangouts
Google continues to add new tools and AMDSB will evaluate each for its educational potential.
The Ministry of Education has provided integrated learning platforms for schools to use with their students. These online tools create a workspace for distributing homework, collaboration and learning support. Student names, DOB, OEN, class information and email address is shared in order to create logins and workspaces for the student. Students may include their own personal thoughts and images as content.
Students may be provided with iPads and images of classroom learning experiences could potentially be captured on those devices. Students and parents are provided with an extensive guideline that includes consents for use and “responsible use” agreements. Students are also educated about the responsible use of technology and it is our expectation that images and personal information captured on the devices are for educational purposes only.
Students may participate in video conferencing/google hangouts (a technology which allows for two or more locations to interact via simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions) to support the classroom program. Conferences may be organized with students in other AMDSB schools, students in other countries and or as virtual field trips. In addition, the use of collaboration tools such as blogs, wikis, Edmodo, Google and/or Facebook may be part of your child’s learning experience and may include your child’s work and/or name.
The student’s OSR will be used by school and board staff to support the classroom teacher in developing an educational program which best meets the student’s needs. Staff working with the classroom teacher or directly with the student may include individuals working in areas such as Special Education, guidance counseling and student success. Student information is shared in order to design and deliver programming to meet the needs of all students in our schools. To that end, learning profiles and student achievement levels may be shared between staff within a school in order to better address student needs as they progress through grade levels. Important medical/health information may be collected for the purpose of developing a medical emergency plan for the student or for the purpose of administering medication to the student. Information will be shared with appropriate staff to ensure the safety of the student.
As students’ progress from elementary school to secondary school, important information is shared which eases a student’s transition to secondary school. Sharing it also improves our ability to program effectively to the benefit of all students. Select student information will be shared at different times as required. Please note that all information used for the transition process is limited, secure and protected at all times. Please contact your principal if you would like more information about the transition process. The secondary school may share information about each student’s progress through secondary school with the student’s previous elementary school to support continuous improvement of the elementary school program for all students.
School-Based Services address the comprehensive health care needs of students including counseling. School-based Services are accessed on a referral basis. Students may be referred by parent/guardians, school staff or by the student.
Personal Information may be provided to the Huron-Perth Student Transportation Services (HPSTS) and their contracted bus companies to ensure the health and safety of the students. The information may include your child’s name, grade, photo, medical notes, 911 address and mailing address. Emergency contact phone numbers will also be shared with the HPSTS.
Necessary student information as prescribed within Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2 will be shared with the local Health Units for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a school health record. The information will include your child’s name, grade, OEN, birth date, home address, home telephone number and work number of parents. Medical information may also be shared with parent volunteers when relevant (i.e. on a school trip).
Student names and/or photographs may be printed in school or classroom newsletters or programs (e.g. commencement or graduation programs, school arts productions, student awards and plaques, school brochures, honour roll and classroom assignment during school and semester start-up) and in school yearbooks (print or digital).
Personal Information for students such as first, middle and last name, date of birth, gender, OEN and credits achieved will be exported to MyBlueprint to allow for students to plan their course choices and pathway for the next academic year.
Announcements of a student’s name over the Public Address (P.A.) system (e.g. team congratulations).
Aboriginal ancestry information will be used by Avon Maitland DSB to allocate resources; to improve student learning and student success; and to offer individualized supports and opportunities to students and families. Aboriginal ancestry information will also be reported to the Ministry of Education and the Education Quality and Accountability Office. Families and students should be assured that the confidentiality of this identification will be protected.
Personal Information such as first and last name, address, age, and phone number may be given to OSBIE (Ontario School Board Insurance Exchange) in the event the student is involved in an accident or witnesses one.
Names of graduating students, as well as students, who have achieved special accomplishment, may be shared with the offices of a Member of Parliament and/or a Member of Provincial Parliament for the purpose of the student receiving a congratulatory letter.
Video Surveillance equipment may be used in schools and on buses to enhance the safety of students and staff, to protect property and to aid in the identification of intruders or other persons who may pose a risk to school community members.
Students’ work with their first and last name and possibly grade levels, may be displayed in the classroom or school hallways, or may be shared with the public through science fairs, art projects, bulletin board displays, school newsletters, Board Publications and at the Education Centre.
Student names, photos and/or work are not displayed on school, classroom and/or board websites without a signed permission form. The permission form is provided to parents and adult students on the Confirmation of Emergency Contact and Personal Information Form annually.
The media may be invited to the school to take photos of students and write articles about student achievements, graduations or special events. Once again, the student may be identified by first and last name and grade level. The information gathered is used as part of the school’s communication plan to share newsworthy events that occur at the school. Media may choose to use the Internet as a communication tool and as a result photos or articles written about these events may be available online.
Questions regarding the information contained in this notification may be addressed to the school principal or the Manager of Information Services, 519-527-0111 ext. 111.
Please communicate any concerns you have with regards to the sharing of personal information in any or all of the above-mentioned by contacting the school principal as soon as possible. The above will apply unless an objection is filed with the principal and an alternative resolution can be found.