Principal’s Message
Welcome back to another exciting year of learning at Downie Central Public School. A special welcome to all of our new families who are now part of our fantastic school community! To those returning from summer vacation – welcome back. Downie Central is an excellent place, with wonderful, inviting people.
A very special thank you to our custodial staff for all of their hard work over the summer. The school shines and looks amazing. Let’s all do our part to keep the school clean and looking so good. Thank you to the teachers and staff who have spent countless hours preparing and organizing the classrooms for the year. Please understand that class assignments were made thoughtfully based on a variety of factors, and your child’s placement is deemed to be final. Finally, thank you Dianne Noeske, our office manager, for all of her hard work getting and keeping the office prepared and organized. I would urge you to take every opportunity this year to get involved in your child’s education. We all want our children to be successful. It is known that when parents get involved their children are more motivated, have better behaviour in the classroom, and achievement levels increase. Please consider your child’s education to be a shared responsibility, your support is always welcomed and needed.
Downie Central welcomes some new staff to the team. Jacqueline Carter joins us teaching Gr. 2/3. Kathryn Fifield, Jenna Dawson and Diana Sotelo Gonzalez join us as E.A.’s.
We have many exciting things happening this year at D.C.P.S. We thank School Council and the community for all their work and support.
Finally, please feel welcome and encouraged to contact your child’s teacher or myself if you have any questions or concerns. We are all looking forward to another great year of learning at Downie Central.
Mr. Bevan Moir, Principal
Engage, Inspire, Innovate … Always Learning
Balanced Day for 2018-19
8:50 a.m. Bus & Student Drop-off
Entry Bell Rings
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Instructional Block
11:00 – 11:40 a.m. Nutrition/Play Block
11:40 – 1:20 p.m. Instructional Block
1:20 – 2:00 p.m. Nutrition/Play Block
2:00 – 3:20 p.m. Instructional Block
3:20 p.m. Dismissal
Daily Schedule
Our school day is organized using a Balanced Day format as outlined above. Please ensure that you provide a lunch that is divided into 2 “mini-meals” for your child to consume at each nutrition break.
School Council
Downie Central is very fortunate to have an active and dedicated School Council, as well a number of caring volunteers who support our school in a variety of ways. If you are interested in supporting the council or volunteering to help with the work they do, please let us know. We greatly appreciate your support. The first meeting of School Council will be Wed., Sept. 12th at 6:30 p.m.
Student Supervision
Staff will be supervising students at all times during the school day, beginning at 8:50 a.m. Parents are reminded not to drop off their child before this time.
Safe Arrival
If your child will be absent from school we would appreciate a phone call before 8:50 a.m. If no phone call is received, we will make every effort to contact you, including phoning your place of work. The school has an answering machine so you can phone at your convenience 519-393-6196.
Emergency Information Forms
Emergency information forms will be sent home with each child. Please be sure to read it over carefully and correct any incorrect information, and insert any missing information. It is essential that we have contact information in case of emergencies, and we need to reach you or another adult who would make decisions on behalf of your child. This would usually be if your child becomes ill or injured at school.
Newsletter and Calendar
Please look for our newsletter and calendar to be sent out via School Messenger and posted to our school website, we will not be sending home a hard copy after September.
Inclement Weather
If buses are delayed or cancelled due to inclement weather, cancellations will be announced on the radio, and posted to: as early in the morning as possible. You can also follow us on Twitter @downieps. The school will remain open for those who can arrive safely, unless posted otherwise.
Regular attendance is essential for student success. Please advise the office if your child will be absent of late arriving to school. When arriving late, students must report to the office for an admit slip.
Student Planners
Students in Grades 3 to 6 will receive a student planner to help organize their time and school work. Students will record any homework and projects, due dates and other important information and dates. Students will receive their planner at no cost as the School Council pays for the planners. They are expected to take them home each day after school and bring it back to school each day.
Code of Conduct
All classroom teachers will review with their classes, in age-appropriate language, the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct applies to all students, staff, parents and guests, and sets out reasonable expectations for behaviours, and potential consequences for inappropriate behaviours.
Use of Technology (iPads, Computers etc.)
Your child’s teacher will discuss with the students what is acceptable and/or unacceptable use of technology at school. Technology and the Internet are to be used as a learning tool, and deliberate access to inappropriate sites on the Internet, or inappropriate use of communication tools available over the Internet are subject to consequences
- Computers and iPads are to be used for school related purposes only; no personal emails or communications.
- Students may only access “appropriate” sites.
- All language must be socially acceptable and appropriate
- No one will interfere with or alter the work of another person.
- Students will only log on to the system using their own access logins and passwords.
- Students’ work is subject to monitoring by school staff.
Snack Program
We are very excited to announce that a nutritious snack program will continue this year. We welcome donations and thank you for supporting the program through your donations.
Administration of Medication
If at any time during the school year your child requires medication to be administered while she/he is at school, please advise the office so the appropriate forms can be sent home and completed ahead of time. Medication will not be administered until the forms are completed and signed by the parent or guardian.
Sabrina’s Law and Anaphylaxis
In January 2006, Sabrina’s Law came into effect. This law requires school boards to have emergency procedures in place to deal with incidents of anaphylaxis and to provide training for all staff. With support from the Perth District Health Unit, school principals provide their staff, annual training in the administration of EPI-Pens to treat anaphylactic reactions. In cases where a student is anaphylactic, parents/guardians are expected to provide an EPI-Pen(s) for their child to carry with them at all times during the school day. Parents/Guardians must also work with the school to develop an Individual Medical Management Plan that outlines emergency procedures for their child. In accordance with Sabrina’s Law, all schools have been provided with 2 generic EPI-Pens. These EPI-Pens are being provided to support schools in responding to a medical emergency for an anaphylactic student for whom the school has an Individual Medical Management Plan and Emergency Procedure in place. Also, in accordance with Sabrina’s Law, Schools must administer an EPI-Pen when a student is suspected of suffering an anaphylactic reaction even if no Individual Medical Management Plans exists. If you are aware that your child is allergic to epinephrine or if you have concerns, it is suggested that you contact the principal.
Allergy Reminder
At Downie Central we do all we can to ensure a safe environment for every person in our school. A significant issue schools deal with is environmental allergies. At Downie Central we are no exception. There are those in our school who suffer from sensitivities and life-threatening allergies to scents (perfume, cologne, body spray etc.) and foods (specifically peanuts and tree nuts). We respectfully ask for your consideration when packing lunches and please ensure to read food labels. Thank you for making Downie Central an allergy safe environment for all our staff and students.
Monthly Food Orders
The monthly food orders will not start until October. The October food order will be sent home Fri., Sept. 21st and will be due back by Thurs., Sept. 27th. The school offers white or chocolate milk. The hot food days are Thursdays and are served at the second nutrition break at 1:20 p. m.
Food orders can also be purchased using the School Cash Online Program.