November 2018 Newsletter

Principal’s Message

We are through two months of the school year already and the students have settled nicely into the routines of school. As we transition from fall into ensuing winter, it is important that students dress appropriately for the changing weather. We want all our learners to be comfortable and healthy so they can continue to work hard and do their best.

Students have been given many opportunities so far this year to get involved in programs at the school. Ms. Dubé is running choirs, as well as recorder and ukulele clubs for students to expand their interests and experiences in music. The Cross Country team had a very successful season and we are very proud of all of their accomplishments.

Thank you to Mrs. Steckly and Mrs. Fletcher for all of their leadership and time that they gave to the students. The Int. Boys and Girls Soccer teams also had excellent showings in their tournaments with the girls finishing 2nd and the boys winning the championship. Thanks to coaches Ms. Lange and Mr. Fennema for their dedication. Our Junior Soccer team had an enjoyable tournament and finished their season on a positive note. Thank you to Ms. Lange and Mrs. Richardson for coaching the team and for giving of their time and expertise. Congratulations to all our teams as they represented Downie Central School very well.

Finally, our Me to We Club organized and ran a very successful “We Scare Hunger” food drive, in support of our local food banks. Thank you to Mrs. Tweddle and the students for all their work. And a special thank you to all the families and members of our school community for the overwhelming support of the campaign – a true indication of how amazing and supportive the Downie community is!

Mr. Bevan Moir, Principal
Engage, Inspire, Innovate … Always Learning

Annual Downie Optimist Skating Party

Thank you to the Optimist Club of Downie for providing our school with the opportunity to go skating at the St. Marys arena on Friday, November 23, 2018. The Optimist Club generously pays for the ice time, the busing and snacks for each student. More details to follow.

School Council

The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 14th at 6:30 p.m. in the library. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Kindergarten Registration – Calling All 3 Year Olds

Sign up your child for kindergarten during November 2018 at all schools across Huron & Perth Counties, for all children eligible for Junior and Senior Kindergarten in September 2019. Kindergarten Registration for Downie Central is Wed., November 14th from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Please call Dianne Noeske at 519-393-6196 to book an appointment time.

Before and After School Program

Families interested in Before and After School childcare programs, should complete the online survey no later than December 1st.  The survey is available on the AMDSB website.

Should you require a paper copy of the survey, please contact the school. We appreciate your assistance as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs.

Inclement Weather

If buses are delayed or cancelled due to inclement weather, cancellations will be announced on the radio, and posted to the Cancellations and Delays website as early in the morning as possible. You can also follow us on Twitter @downieps. The school will remain open for those who can arrive safely, unless posted otherwise.

Families Reminded to Get the Flu Shot

The flu shot is free and recommended for everyone over six months of age. It’s important to stop the spread of flu to people who may be at risk of health-related complications. Protect yourself and your family by making sure everyone gets the flu shot this year. Influenza (or the flu) is a respiratory illness that can be spread easily from person to person, especially among kids.
This fall, get the flu shot at:

  • Your family doctor’s office
  • All pharmacies in Perth County
  • By appointment at the Perth District Health Unit in Stratford

For more information visit the Perth District Health Unit website or call the Health Line at 519-271-7600 ext. 267.

Special Education Advisory Committee

The Avon Maitland District School Board invites applications from local associations and members-at-large to serve on the Special Education Advisory Committee.

This committee:

  • Participates in the annual review of the Board’s Education plan
  • Reviews and makes recommendations to the Board on issues concerning the special education budget

Letters of interest will be received until 4:00 p.m. on November 23, 2018. Please visit this website: for more information.

Me to We Update

Mrs. Tweddle and the Me to We Group would like to thank all the families who supported our We Scare Hunger Food Drive. Thanks to you we have put over 1900 pounds of food into the cupboards of local families in need. The Grade 2/3 class brought in the most items with 539 items. Mrs. Fletcher’s class was close behind with 418 followed by Miss Hildenbrand’s with 219. Thank you to Mrs. Klassen and Mrs. Carter for agreeing to get a pie in the face to help celebrate the win. Our top three student collectors brought in 142, 165 and 174 items respectively. They win free pizza. Thank you to Domino’s Pizza for the gift cards. Great Downie Dolphin spirit everyone!

On November 20th, Downie Central students will be taking part in our We Are Silent campaign. By taking a vow of silence in solidarity with those who go unheard, we can prove just how big of a difference we can make. We will be silent for those who are bullied, mistreated and those who’s basic rights are taken from them. Me to We will be selling tickets for Mme. Gervais’ most treasured Happy Face collection. Please watch for our flyer. Imagine how quiet our halls will be on November 20th, the United Nations Universal Children’s Day!