May 2018 Newsletter

Principal’s Message

It hardly seems possible that there are only two months left for this school year – the school calendars are rapidly filling up. With the arrival of spring we hope the nice weather continues as we have several outdoor activities approaching.

Our school Track & Field day is set for May 17th and students are looking forward to putting their skills to the test. Many of our classes have been and will be taking part in workshops sponsored by the Foundation for Enriching Education, such as, yoga and art. We are always greatly appreciative of the support and programs offered by the Foundation.

Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Assessment time is fast approaching. Our school will be writing from May 23 – June 4. If you have a student in one of these grades we ask for your support to ensure that they are able to attend school each day during this time and to please avoid scheduling appointments.

Finally, as we wind down Term 2, it is important for students to really focus on doing their best on all their learning activities, give that extra effort to challenge their thinking and learning and to strive to achieve to the best of their ability. The staff will be providing many opportunities for students to showcase their abilities both in the classroom and around the school.

School Council Meeting

The next School Council meeting will take place Tuesday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Childcare is provided and everyone is welcome to attend.

Reminder About Student Arrival Time

Please do not drop off students before 8:50 a.m. in the morning as there is no supervision for these students. School starts at 9:00 a.m.

Update from the Library

Forest of Reading Day

The primary students really enjoyed the Forest of Reading Day on April 24th . Grade 6, 7 and 8 volunteers read aloud and acted out the Blue Spruce nominated titles. All 10 outstanding titles have been written and illustrated by Canadians. The students voted Great written by Glen Gretzky and Lauri Holomis illustrated by Kevin Sylvester as their favourite. Our votes were sent on to Toronto where the final winner will be chosen. Mrs. Tweddle would like to thank all her volunteers for a job well done.

Me to We Update

The Me to We Team will be holding a Water Walk Day on May 15th. The entire school will take part in a day of awareness about how lucky we are to have access to clean water, when many others do not. Please save large plastic containers with lids. All students will be carrying containers of water that day so they can experience some of what children their age go through to collect clean water each day.

Allergy Alert

Downie Central is a Nut Free school. Please do not send any food items that contain nuts or may contain nuts.

Downie Central is also a Scent Free school, which means students, staff and parents should refrain from wearing scented products. Thank you for showing consideration for those with allergies.

Head Lice – Pediculosis

Please check your child’s head on a regular basis and contact the school if you discover the lice. When a case of head lice is found, all students in the class will receive a letter, so that parents can check their child’s head and help us prevent the spread of these critters. We handle all cases of head lice with confidentiality.

Some other resources that may be helpful are the Lice Squad which is located at 370 Oxford St. E. in London, the toll free phone number is 1-866-510-5423. The Nit Free Terminator comb is also very effective. There is also Shield 2 in 1 Shampoo & Conditioner that can be used as a preventative measure to repel head lice with the use of natural aromatherapy oils and it is gentle enough to use every day.

Character Corner May – “Fairness”

Treating everyone in a just and accepting manner.  “Fairness is not sameness, it is ensuring people get what the need.”

Monthly Newsletters

Starting in June the newsletters will be sent home electronically by School Messenger.
If you require a paper copy of the newsletter please contact the school office.