Principal’s Message
Report cards will be going home Tuesday, February 20th and I encourage families to take time to review the report card with your child(ren) and talk about what is working well and how your child(ren) might work toward goals and next steps for improvement.
Bus Cancellations or Delays
To see if a school bus is cancelled or delayed or whether the school is closed, please visit this website
School Council Meeting
The next School Council meeting will take place Tues., March 20, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the library. Childcare is provided and everyone is welcome to attend. Please contact Wendy Riehl the School Council Chair at
if you have an agenda item.Me to We Update
Thank you so much Downie Central families for ordering soup and sending donations in for our Me To We Soup Days. Thanks to you we raised $526 to go towards our We Charity Health campaign. The students and staff really enjoyed a nice hot lunch. The Me to We group learned when everyone works together to do their part we get wonderful results … like delicious homemade soup.
Me to We famous Spaghetti and Garlic Bread will be coming on February 21st and 23rd. Watch for your order forms or check out
School Cash On-line at:
News from the Library
Downie Central students have been taking part in the Forest of Reading Program. This program offers students a chance to read great books that have been created by Canadian authors and illustrators. Those participating are asked to read all ten nominated books in one particular category and then vote on their favourite. Here are a few good reads to check out.
Recommended for Grade 7 & 8:
BENT NOT BROKEN by Lorna Schultz Nicholson
In this touching and heartbreaking novel, a young girl struggles to fit together parts of her life while dealing with a traumatic brain injury
Recommended for Grade 4 to 8:
TOP DOGS by Elizabeth MacLeod
For the millions of kids who love dogs, this book tells the stories of eight amazing canines whose actions influenced the course of history.
Recommended for Kindergarten to Grade 3:
A misheard nursery rhyme gives rise to an imaginary friend who helps a little girl overcome loneliness.
Allergy Alert
Downie Central is a Nut Free school. Please do not send any food items that contain nuts or may contain nuts.
Downie Central is also a Scent Free school, which means students, staff and parents should refrain from wearing scented products. Thank you for showing consideration for those with allergies.
Positive Enthusiastic Participation
Friday, February 9th will be a PEP day and the theme is Olympics Team Canada Day. February 9th the opening ceremonies will take place for the 2018 Winter Olympics and students are encouraged to wear red & white, a maple leaf, Olympic rings, 2018 winter sports symbol or a team jersey. Go Team Canada go!
Head Lice – Pediculosis
Please check your child’s head on a regular basis and contact the school if you discover the lice. If a student is discovered to have lice/nits at school, parents will be called to pick up their child, to treat with medicated shampoo and pick out each nit individually. School staff will re-check before re-admitting to class. When a case of head lice is found, all students in the class will receive a letter, so that parents can check their child’s head and help us prevent the spread of these critters. We handle all cases of head lice with confidentiality.
Some other resources that may be helpful are the Lice Squad which is located at 370 Oxford St. E. in London, the toll free phone number is 1-866-510-5423. The Nit Free Terminator comb is also very effective. There is also Shield 2 in 1 Shampoo & Conditioner that can be used as a preventative measure to repel head lice with the use of natural aromatherapy oils and it is gentle enough to use every day.
Safe Arrival Procedure
Parents/Guardians are reminded that success in school is directly related to regular attendance. The Education Act requires that all young people of school age must attend school. It also requires that schools track student attendance and the reasons for any student absences. If your child is going to be absent or late from school, the reason for the absence must be provided to the school prior to the commencement of the school day. If the school has not been notified of the absence a phone call will normally be made as soon as possible after the expected arrival time. If the reason for the absence is not provided the school is obliged to record the absence as truancy. We wish all of our students to be successful in their studies. One way of helping to achieve that success is through regular attendance at school.