November 2016 Newsletter
I would like to thank parents who have contributed to the new Learning Commons space with donations of materials, tools and textiles. We have received a lot of great items. We are awaiting a new storage cart where we can place the items. And we still need more things. In the next week, we will have a list of needed items on the school website and the school blog. Please take a look and if you can donate anything, let us know first before dropping items off.
The space is coming along nicely. We have had some built in tables removed to create space for our Maker cart, iPad charging cart and laptop charging cart. Next, we will be buying some tables on castors that fold up so that we can enjoy a more flexible work space.
The robotics table in the Learning Commons has been altered so that robots can now be prevented from falling off the edges. Thanks to our Facilities department for making this possible!
Mr. Kevill, who is working on the Learning Commons space has issued a bottle challenge in the Learning Commons where classes will be invited to pose an inquiry question about the factors that enable a bottle with liquid in it to stand up and remain standing after it has been tossed/flipped. I am sure many scientific inquiry questions and theories will be forthcoming from students!
You’re invited!
School Council, through a Parent Reading Out Grant, is hosting a math night in the new year for parents and students at Central Perth. It promises to be a fun and exciting way for kids to showcase math strategies and to help parents learn how to support their child’s learning. There will be fun math activities, pointers for parents, take-aways for home learning and refreshments!
In order to do this, we need volunteers to sit on a planning committee. Any interested volunteers can contact the school directly and names will be submitted to School Council. Call today and be a part of the Math Night Committee!
Be a Verb will be begin later than usual this year as a result of a change at the Perth District Health Unit; Carissa Canters is no longer assigned to the Be a Verb program. We are awaiting her replacement before commencing with our group this year.
November’s Virtue
In November, we will focus on the virtue of Courage, and explore its connection to Remembrance Day. Courage is also assertiveness and confidence.
School Council
Our next Council meeting will be held Tuesday, November 29th at 7 pm. All are welcome to attend.
Please Use The Answering Machine, Not Email
When notifying the school of a student absence or bus change, please send a note with your child or call the school and leave a message on the answering machine. If the staff member that you are sending the message to is either absent or does not check his/her email throughout the day, important messages can be missed.
Emergency School Closing
If schools are to be closed for the entire day and/or if buses are not operating or operating on a two hour bus delay due to fog or snow, the information will be broadcast as early as possible. You can find out about delays on radio stations CJCS 1240 AM, 107.7 MIX FM 101.7 The One, 94.5 The Bull and 920 AM. This information can be obtained on our website at or from our school Twitter account
Students Being Dropped Off and/or Picked Up
Any students who is being picked up during the day or after school, and/or any student who is being dropped off at school, must have a parent come into the school to sign them in or out. This includes parents dropping students off in the morning before school starts. There is a book located just outside the main office. Also, please remember that the door off the parking lot is locked. Please do not drop your child off in the parking lot to walk around to the front of the school by themselves. Also, parents must come into the school to pick their child(ren) up. Students will not be allowed to meet their parents in the parking lot.
We would greatly appreciate if parents could send a note to school with their child if they are being picked up.
Remembrance Day Assembly
Our Remembrance Day Assembly will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, November 11th. Everyone is welcome to attend. All students will receive a poppy prior to the assembly. If possible, please send a donation with your child.
From the Health Unit
Influenza (or the flu) is a respiratory illness that can spread quickly from person to person – especially children. The flu shot is free and is recommended for everyone over six months of age. Starting in late October, the flu shot is available at community flu shot clinics, your family doctor’s office, and at most pharmacies (for people over 5 years and older). For more information about the flu shot and a schedule of clinics: * Call Health Line at 519-271-7600 / 1-877-271-7348 ext 267 * Visit * Follow us on Twitter:
Lions Vision and Hearing Screening for JK/SK
In partnership with local Lions Club organizations, we are pleased to have offered hearing and vision screening for JK and SK students. We understand the impact of having healthy eyes and good hearing on your child’s overall health, well-being and education. JK/SK Vision and Hearing Screening took place on Tuesday, November 1st .
Head Lice
Head lice is a nuisance and occurs frequently especially among younger students. In order to prevent the spread of lice, please consider the following:
- long hair should always be tied back
- do not share hats
- do not share hair accessories, brushes, combs etc.
- check your child’s head regularly for lice and nits and report it to the school if you discover any
- contact the PDHU if you suspect head lice – they can help!
Thanks to the generosity of the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, Kindergarten B will be participating in an ongoing outdoor education program this year. Partnering with Wildwood Conservation Area, they will be visiting Wildwood several times over the course of the school year to learn how nature and the environment are relevant to all subject areas. Getting students out of the classroom and into a hands-on learning environment will help to promote a mindset of environmental stewardship and a life-long appreciation of nature. Thanks again to the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this project.
French Immersion Information Night and Registration 2017-18
Registration forms for Grade 1 French Immersion are now available in Stratford and area elementary school offices.
Parents interested in obtaining information regarding French Immersion may attend an information session at their designated immersion school.
Bedford Public School for those living in Bedford area, or whose home school is outside Stratford – 59 Bedford Drive, Stratford
Parents interested in obtaining information regarding the Grade 1 French Immersion program for September 2017 at Bedford are welcome to attend the information session.
Registration forms are available at schools in the Stratford area during school hours or from the Bedford School office. Registration forms are due to the Bedford office by January 30th, 2017.
Grade 1 is the only entry point for French immersion unless you have attended an enriched French learning program elsewhere.
For more information call Bedford PS at 519-273-1190
Upcoming Events
November 11 – red, white or black day
November 11 – Our Remembrance Day assembly at 10:30. Everyone is welcome to attend.
November 17 – PJ Day
November 25 – Spirit Day