Principal's Blog

Border Cross Renewals Due February 1st

The annual renewal process for Border Crossing students is upon us.  Those students/families that are Border Crossing into Brookside are asked to fill out the forms and have them back to the school on or before February 1st, 2016.  For more information, please contact the school.

Brookside Events

Be sure to check out the Brookside Events calendar on our website.  At the top of the page, click on “Calendar”, then select “Brookside Events”.  Here you will find a calendar of events for each month throughout the school year.  This area will be kept as up-to-date as possible to keep you informed of events that pertain to Brookside Public School.


I hope that you are enjoying Brookside’s new website.  It has been up and running for a while now and appears to be working well.  Every now and then, you may think of a feature that you would like to see.  Feel free to contact the school to let us know how we can help.

Be sure to check out the “Calendar” link.  Under this link you will find another link titled “Brookside Events”.  Here you will find current and future events which should be helpful when planning ahead.  It will be updated frequently, so check back as often as you are able.

Email:  [email protected]

Twitter:  @BrooksidePS

Phone:  519-529-7900