Brookside Public School is a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 school located in Ashfield Township near Lake Huron in Ontario. We have a student population of just over 200 students with 21 staff. Our student population comes to us from the areas surrounding Lucknow, Dungannon, Nile, Auburn, Port Albert and Kingsbridge.
Brookside Public School’s staff believes that student success is the result of the partnership between the home, school and community. Our school community generously supports the staff in our goal to provide the best academic environment for our students, while supporting their social growth as well. The School Advisory Council meets regularly and supports the school through fundraising, family events, food days and, most importantly, with their knowledge of the community. We thank the School Advisory Council and our volunteers for their leadership, advice and support. Many hands make light work, and new volunteers are always welcome.
Brookside Public School’s goals align with those of the Avon Maitland District School Board which are as follows:
- We will maximize Student Outcomes; improving student achievement in Literacy and Numeracy.
- We will create positive, inclusive learning environments.
Our specific school goals focus on mathematics and the Learning Outcomes of Collaboration, Communication and Problem Solving. We will meet these goals by supporting our students through differentiation of instruction and by focusing on specific tasks and skill sets that enhance student success. As a staff, our teachers meet in Professional Learning Communities throughout the year to plan, act, observe/assess and reflect on the learning that occurs in our classrooms. This cycle of learning and planning allows for continuous improvement to our School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement.
Environmental issues are also a focus at Brookside Public School. Our school reduces, reuses and recycles. We are dedicated to composting and we collect items such as milk containers and terra packs to ensure they stay out of the landfill. Our Green Team is very active in reminding students to turn off lights and computers and in making announcements at school to encourage reduction of waste production.
There are many extra-curricular opportunities for students at Brookside. The staff is committed to developing well-rounded citizens who will contribute their skills and talents to community activities.
We hope you enjoy our website. It will be updated throughout the year with our school newsletter and event news. Please feel free to contact the school for more information.
Principal, Brookside P.S.