School Council Information

Two Paths, One Vision – Quality Education for All
Deux chemins, une vision – une education de qualité pour tous

School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council (SAC) plays an important role for the school. Its primary purpose is to provide advice to the school on a variety of topics. The School Advisory Council must have a teacher, a support staff member, a principal (non-voting), a community representative and a majority of parents.

What can the SAC do to advise the school?

The SAC has input on:

  • the school Code of Conduct
  • the Dress Code (including decisions about uniforms)
  • the selection of school principals (list of desired qualities)
  • fundraising and other items as brought forth by the principal

What else does the SAC do?

The SAC keeps accurate financial records and may decide to raise funds for the school. While they can advise how the funds are spent, the final decision rests with the principal. All members are bound by the Code of Ethics in the Constitution.

Are there topics that cannot be discussed by the SAC?

The SAC may not discuss issues where confidentiality is required. This would include issues including specific students and staff. Individual concerns/complaints are not to be dealt with by the SAC.

If the principal cannot vote, what is his/her role?

The principal advises the SAC and provides information as requested. The principal must report back to the SAC on decisions made that are brought up by the SAC.

How often does the SAC meet?

The SAC must meet at least 4 times during the year. They may choose to meet more often. The School Advisory Council is an important and integral part of the school. The hard work and co-operation that is carried out is greatly appreciated.