September 2016 Newsletter

Principal’s Message

And so another year begins! I hope that everyone in our Avon community had a wonderful summer, certainly the weather cooperated beautifully to make a host of summer activities possible. It is so rewarding for all of the staff at Avon to prepare for this new school year, looking forward to the exciting learning that will be taking place and anticipating the building of our classroom communities.

I purposely use the term “classroom community” because this is the first and most important priority for all classes. Students who may never have been in a class together are learning about one another, understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, preferences and quirks. Being together in a classroom for 6 hours a day is about setting up the very best learning environment, and we know that this needs to be a safe place where everyone is included and a part of the community, a place where we work out issues together and find solutions that allow us to grow and learn. And where we learn that there are ways to learn and work together that are productive, and those that aren’t. Figuring all of that out is truly what September is all about, and all of our teachers will be working with students to build understanding as a foundation for the best kind of learning environment.

Welcome to all our students and families—old and new—and look forward to a tremendous year ahead!

Barbara Alken


Avon PS Staff 2016 2017

JKA/KA: Mary Ford-Pleil, Jillian Siebert
JKB/KB: Elaine Jones, Allison Simpson
JKC/KC: Jeanette Tessmer, Jennifer Jarvis
1A: LeeAnn Mark
1B2A: Susan Iredale
1C2B: Kate Smith
2C3A: Terri Houston/Cindy Spendiff
3B: Emelie Taylor
3C4A: Kim Thomas/Melissa Heffer
4B: Cathy Meadows/Jennifer McCann
5A: Susan Steven
5B6A: Jeremy Ford
6B: Jennifer Yantzi
Music/Prep: Mark McIntosh
Prep: Cindy Spendiff
SERT: Brett Melton
Educational Assistants: Kelly Herlick-Riehl, Christine Brindley (STRIVE), Stacey Gates, Theresa Guy
TRA: Christine Allen
Secretary: BettyAnne Christie
Custodians: Martin Allcott, Lloyd Renecker
Vice Principal/French/Prep: Leasa Barclay
Principal: Barbara Alken


Important Information not to be missed

This year, many classes will be benefiting from technology in their classes in order to pass on classroom information, share their learning, respond to each others’ posts, and connect to the world through the internet. Please read the AMDSB guidelines on computer use sent home today carefully, and check out the AMDSB website for further information. Some classes are also using student planners, which will have spaces for correspondence between home and school. Later this week, a Family Handbook will be going home with each student. This handbook outlines procedures and policies that will help each student and family to work effectively within our system like the safe arrival program, bringing toys to school, allergy information, medication, and so much more. Look out for the blue cover.


Sabrina’s Law and Anaphylaxis

Sabrina’s Law and Anaphylaxis In January 2006, Sabrina’s Law came into effect. This Law requires school boards to have emergency procedures in place to deal with incidents of anaphylaxis and to provide training for all staff. With support from the Perth District Health Unit and the Huron County Health Unit, school principals provide to their staff, annual training in the administration of EPI-Pens to treat anaphylactic reactions.

In cases where a student is anaphylactic, parents/guardians are expected to provide an EPI-Pen(s) for their child to carry with them at all times during the school day. Parents/Guardians must also work with the school to develop an Individual Medical Management Plan that outlines emergency procedures for their child.

In accordance with Sabrina’s Law, all schools have been provided with two generic EPI-Pens. These EPI-Pens are being provided to support schools in responding to a medical emergency for an anaphylactic student for whom the school has an Individual Medical Management Plan and Emergency Procedure in place.

Also, in accordance with Sabrina’s Law, schools must administer an EPI-Pen when a student is suspected of suffering an anaphylactic reaction even if no Individual Medical Management Plan exists.

If you are aware that your child is allergic to epinephrine or if you have any concerns, it is suggested that you contact the school principal.


Ryan’s Law and Asthma

As you may be aware, Ryan’s Law, 2015, was recently passed by the Ontario Legislature. This piece of legislation is an important step to support the well-being of students with asthma in Ontario schools. If your child has asthma, we ask that you immediately contact the main office at your school to provide information about your child’s asthma medication. With your permission, your child will be allowed to carry his/her asthma medication while at school. The Ministry of Education website has resources on asthma that can be found at:

As a best practice and to support your child, please let the school know if your child has a medical condition so that the school is aware and can keep this information on file. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.


Monthly Spirit Assemblies

Each month our school comes together in the gym in cross-grade teams. This is an excellent way to build community and foster understanding across grades and divisions. Grade 6 students lead these assemblies and students work together to “fill each others’ buckets”!


Safety At Avon – Be Watchful Behind The Wheel!

Last year saw many changes to our parking, drop off and pick up procedures. Although space is still a challenge, when procedures were followed, we found that all students were picked up within 5 minutes of the dismissal bell, even on the worst weather days!

We ask all families to follow these guidelines to ensuring our restricted parking space is available to staff working at the school and cars are able to move within the parking lot during drop off and pick up times.

  • All parents park on the street and walk with children at beginning or end of day. Our parking lot is just big enough for teachers and support staff, and our numbers have increased this year.
  • Drivers may stop to drop off or pick up students along the front of building, but must not leave their cars. This is a “no parking” zone. This includes Kindergarten students.
  • Traffic should continue slowly around the circle to leave the area.
  • When dropping students before school—drop them at the playground entrance at the west end of the school.
  • Walkers & students walking bikes/ scooters stay inside the yellow line. Do not cross through the parking lot.
  • Bikes must be walked to the first Crossing Guard – all pedestrians must cross with the Crossing Guard
  • At dismissal, cars must not wait in the drop-off and pick-up zone. If you are early, please wait off property until the bell rings and then make your way slowly in to circle until your child is outside. This way the buses have room to manoeuvre in the parking lot and children are not crossing through parked cars to reach their vehicle.
  • Never leave your car at a No Parking sign. These have been placed to allow emergency vehicles easy access to the school and no cars can ever be parked in these areas.

Two Crossing Guards are on duty at the Huntingdon and Huron intersection from 8:00-9:00 am and 3:00-4:00 pm.

Supervision is provided at the front of the school in the morning and afternoon, and at the Junior doors as of 8:45 am. Please time your arrival to school for 8:45-8:55 am, as there is no supervision before that time.


Allergies At Avon

For the safety of all our students, and due to severe food allergies Avon is a Peanut and Tree Nut Sensitive Zone. In addition, fish, seafood, kiwi and raw egg products or anything made from these products (e.g., mayonnaise) should not be brought in student lunches.

Individual classroom teachers will be communicating with parents about allergies specific to their classrooms. Please note and follow the guidelines set out for your child’s class. And please remember – Avon is a fragrance free zone as well.

You will have found Student Emergency Contact Forms and the Anaphylaxis Plan going home on Tuesday. Please review carefully and provide any updated allergy information.


Our Fabulous Volunteers!

We are so very fortunate to have such a vital group of volunteers who contribute in so many ways to our school! We know that without you, our program and experiences for our children would not be nearly as rich!

In order to ensure the safety of all of our students, every person who comes to volunteer at the school must have a Vulnerable Sector Police Check completed. If you already have one on file, an offence declaration must be completed every year. These will be sent out to you shortly. The process for these police checks has been streamlined considerably—please contact the police station and have this ready if you are hoping to volunteer at some point in the year.

We would be very excited to welcome new volunteers to our school, to read or review key concepts with students. If you are interested, please fill out the form in this newsletter and send it back.


Avon School Council

 School Councils provide a forum for making parents’ concerns heard, for learning about curriculum, and how we can work together to support students’ learning. We invite all Avon parents and community members who wish to get involved to attend.

Our initial meeting and election of officers is

Monday, September 26th

@ 6:15 pm in the Library

If you are interested in running for one of the elected positions (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary) on our School Council, please complete the school council parent self-nomination form below and return to the school no later than Monday, September 19th. If an election for any of the positions is necessary, elections will be held on Monday, September 26th at the school.


School Cash Online

You may remember a survey that went home last year about using an online payment method. The responses throughout AMDSB were overwhelmingly positive, and we are introducing an online payment system this fall. It is very simple to register, and you have the option of putting money into your school cash account or paying directly from your bank account. Either way, it will make getting your hot lunch orders and other payments done so much more efficient—please take a moment and get registered!


 Ready, set, go!

Cross country running season is upon us. Students in grades 2 through 6 are invited to practice their running skills in preparation for the Patrick Cook Memorial Cross Country Run at SERC on Tuesday, Oct. 4.  Interested athletes are encouraged to join this rewarding, fun-filled activity by meeting Mrs. Steven and Ms. Taylor on Days 2, 4 and 5 by the shed first recess beginning Friday, Sept. 9. Outdoor running shoes and a positive attitude are the only requirements. More details about the Pat Cook Run will be sent home closer to the date. The Regional Meet will be on October 6 (raindate Oct 7) and the District Meet will be on October 13 (raindate Oct 13), and both are held at Wildwood Conservation Area.


Lost and Found

 Every year we collect a mountain of clothing and personal belongings in the lost and found at school. One way to prevent this cost to your family is to make sure everything including your child’s backpack is labelled.  You can also take advantage of our ongoing year round fundraiser with Mabel’s labels through this link: just click on Avon School under fundraiser.


YMCA Program

Welcome back to school! The first PA Day for the children is coming up on September 23, 2016. For details and how to register you can contact Alenka Watson at the YMCA by phone, 519-271- 0480 or through her e-mail, Alenka_Watson

We are excited to be able to continue to provide a Before and After School Program for your school community again this year. For information and availability of space in our Before and After School Program please contact the YMCA Child Care Department at 519-271- 0480 or through e-mail [email protected], [email protected] or

[email protected].

Thank you

Ashley Rose RECE,

YMCA Child Care Supervisor