Principal’s Message
Over the past month I have been looking at different websites and articles about how to talk to children about their days at school. I hear from many parents that their children do not volunteer a lot of information, and I thought there must be some good ideas available.
What was interesting, through this reading, was that there is a lot of information out there on asking questions that will elicit more complete answers, but the more reading I did, the more uncomfortable I felt. When I re-read some of the articles, I realized that there were some subtle, and not-so-subtle, messages being delivered by the questions being asked. Essentially, our questions are reflecting our values. If we ask about negative experiences, our children will learn that is what we want to hear, and they will look for those experiences to share at the end of the day. If we ask about other kinds of experiences, the same will happen. It becomes clear, then, how easily the perception of a day’s events can be shifted by how we approach the day.
Finally, I found one article about a family that takes this into account, and intentionally asks questions that reflect what they want their children to look for in a day. Just 3 questions, but they frame their dinner conversations on a regular basis:
- How were you brave today?
- How were you kind today?
- How did you fail today?
The authors’ intention is to encourage their children to challenge themselves enough so that they do fail, and learn from their efforts to approach a problem a different way next time. Looking for opportunities to be kind and brave are empowering and positive, without negating the fact that there will be times in life when we need to be brave, and need to step in with compassion and empathy for others. I encourage you to take a look—it’s a good read!
Barbara Alken
Avon PS Staff 2016 2017 (revised)
JKA/KA: Mary Ford-Pleil, Jillian Siebert
JKB/KB: Elaine Jones, Allison Simpson
JKC/KC: Jeanette Tessmer, Jennifer Jarvis
1A: LeeAnn Mark
1B2A: Susan Iredale
1C2B: Kate Smith
2C3A: Terri Houston
3B: Emelie Taylor
3C4A: Kim Thomas/Melissa Heffer
4B: Cathy Meadows/Jennifer McCann
4C/5A: Melissa Pearce
5B: Susan Steven
6A: Jeremy Ford
6B: Jennifer Yantzi
Music/Prep: Mark McIntosh
French/Prep: Cindy Spendiff
SERT: Brett Melton
Educational Assistants: Kelly Herlick-Riehl, Christine Brindley (STRIVE), Stacey Gates, Theresa Guy
TRA: Christine Allen
Secretary: BettyAnne Christie
Custodians: Martin Allcott, Lloyd Renecker
Vice Principal/Prep: Leasa Barclay
Principal: Barbara Alken
VON Program at Spruce Lodge
Beginning this week, small groups of Grade 6 students will be visiting Spruce Lodge every week to work with some of the people with Alzheimers who come for the day-away program. This is a wonderful opportunity to build understanding of another important sector of our community.
Avon School Council
“The Purpose of a School Council is to help
improve student achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.“
Our first School Council meeting took place on September 26th. We had many people present, and welcome their participation—all parents are welcome at any time!
Our School Council Co-chairs for this school year are Kaisa Schneider and Andrea Allen. Secretaries Sara Moir and Amy Ollson.
One of our discussion topics at the meeting was concerning fundraising. We would like to meet to discuss fundraising right after school council on a regular basis. If you are interested in helping out with just this aspect of School Council, please join us at 7:30 following the regular meetings.
Minutes from all meetings can be found on our school website
Next Meeting: Mon., Oct. 24th
6:30-7:30 pm in the library
Fundraising 7:30-8:00 pm
Calling All Three Year-Olds!
Our registration date for all children eligible for Kindergarten in September, 2017 is November 21st. Please contact BettyAnne in the office to set your appointment time and pass the word to other families!
Before and After School Programs
As part of an on-going commitment to make the school day as seamless as possible for our families, each family will be receiving an information sheet in mid-October regarding Before and After School care. Families interested in before or after school programs for their four and five year olds, and possibly older children in the upcoming school year, should complete an on-line survey by November 30, 2016. The link to the survey will be found on the Board website starting mid-October. We appreciate your assistance as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs. Should you require a paper copy, please contact the school after October 14th
Hi everyone, September has settled down and we are well on our way through another great school year. By now you would have noticed the YMCA Before and After School Program around your child’s school. For more information about this program please contact the YMCA at 519-271-0480 and ask for Ashley, Lori or Alenka.
Thanksgiving is coming up and we wish you all a happy and safe holiday.
Thank You,
Ashley Rose RECE,
YMCA Child Care Supervisor
Monthly Spirit Assemblies
Each month our school comes together in the gym in cross-grade teams. This is an excellent way to build community and foster understanding across grades and divisions. Grade 6 students lead these assemblies and students work together to “fill each others’ buckets”!
Pick up and Drop off
Our pick up and drop off timing is working out very well this year. The majority of our students are arriving on time for the first bell at 8:55 am and ready for the start of classes at 9:00 am. We do still have some students arriving before supervision begins at 8:45 am. We have many students here in before and after school programs, and cannot have any students arriving before 8:45 am. We ask for your help making sure this start time is strictly enforced.
One more note about pick up procedures for our students in Grades 1-6. To ensure the safety of all of our students and minimize the unannounced adults in the building, we ask that all parents and caregivers wait outside the front doors to pick up their children. If you have a specific reason to wait in a different location, please contact the office and speak with the Principal.
Volunteer Update!
We had a wonderful response to our call for volunteers in the last newsletter, but could still use some more people to read with children. If you’re interested, and can offer a short time, please contact the office.
School Cash Online
We have 60% of our families registered with School Cash Online, one of the highest rates in the AMDSB! It is very simple to register, and you have the option of putting money into your school cash account or paying directly from your bank account. Either way, it will make getting your hot lunch orders and other payments done so much more efficient—please take a moment and get registered!
Ready, set, go!
Soon Avon’s cross country running team of 87 runners will be kicking up their heels and putting their best foot forward at the Patrick Cook Memorial Meet on Tuesday, October 4th. We hope for a good turnout of cheering parent spectators. This same team will compete at the Regional Meet at Wildwood on October 6 (rain date Oct. 7). The coaches are still looking for more parents with a police check to volunteer for both of these worthwhile athletic events. Please notify Susan Steven, Emelie Taylor or Cathy Meadows if you can help out. Athletes who qualify for the District Meet on October 13 (raindate Oct. 14) will be notified after the Regional Meet. Thanks to the many families who are supporting athletics at Avon by encouraging their children to participate on the cross country running team.
Alice in Wonderland is on its way!
Mr. McIntosh has been hard at work with his team auditioning students for our Operetta this year—it promises to be a great event! Congratulations to all students who demonstrated great courage and confidence coming out for auditions!
Taking Care of our Playground
The sign says it all…just please do not put what you pick up in the composter—it is for fruits and vegetables only!