Principal’s Message
“Where did May go?” has been a question posed by several students at Avon this week! This past month has been full of engaging and interesting activities both in and outside the classroom, along with the EQAO testing block completed this week. Now, as we move into June, our thoughts start turning to closing the circle on this school year, the summer, and next year’s adventures ahead. This time of year is a good chance to reflect on how we’ve grown and learned. I am so proud of all of our Avon Eagles, as they have worked hard to reach their goals throughout this year.
In June, our Grade 6 students will be visiting their new schools, students are consolidating their learning with field trips, and we have our annual Avon swim time for Grades 2-6 at the Lions Pool, this year on June 26th.
For those parents new to Avon or in Kindergarten, placements for next year are posted on the first day of school. We will be sending out a quick update of the school organization later in June.
Thanks! Barbara Alken
Track and Field
Athletes raced through finish lines during steaming heat. They jumped into sand pits through heavy humidity. They threw balls through air thick with waves of pollen. What a day it was for Grade 3 to 6 students on Track and Field Day! Students set personal challenges, pushed their limits and accomplished new physical feats. They cheered on other athletes, and sometimes supported others on the last leg of the race. It was a day filled with happy faces soaring with school spirit. Congratulations to the athletes who emerged as our school champs: Harry R. and Paige T. (PeeWee), Blair S. and Maya E. (Bantam B), Sam P. and Heidi T. (Bantam A), Jonas S., Meg F. and Olivia M. (Junior). These athletes and 25 others will be representing our school at the South Region Meet
on June 13 at Stratford Central and depending on their success there, may be able to compete in the District meet on June 20 in Goderich. A huge thanks goes out to all the Avon parents and Avon alumni who volunteered their time to make our Track and Field Day possible.
Bell Times for 17/18
Avon’s entry and dismissal times will be changing in September, 2017. They will be moving to 9:10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. That means that the first bell to come in will be 9:05, and supervision on the playground will begin at 8:55 am. The rest of the schedule will shift 10 minutes forward, and we will send this out to all families in the September newsletter.
Our Huron Perth Student Transportation Services has made this change alongside a dozen other schools in AMDSB for different reasons. In the case of Avon PS, it was to allow for time to split bus routes between schools, something that our Transportation Services have not been able to do with increased traffic within Stratford in the morning.
Sending Food
Remember to only send food within our allergy guidelines. No peanuts, tree nuts, kiwi fruit, fish, seafood, raw or undercooked eggs or anything made from these products. Thanks for your help keeping everyone safe and healthy!
Scents at School
We have members of our school community who are very sensitive to scents. If you are coming into the school (volunteering, parent teacher interviews, performances, etc.) please be aware and refrain from using perfume. Thank you!
Safety First!
Just a quick update for this month to let you know that our painting on the ground at the entrance, parking lot, and bus drop off will be redone this summer. We’re hoping to make it very visible and make it easier for everyone to know what specific zones are for. Please keep in mind that supervision on the playground in June still begins at 8:45 am. There is no adult supervision on the yard before that time, and students should be arriving no earlier than 8:45 every morning. Thank you!
“Paint Generations”
Ms. Steven’s students have been participating in an enriching, creative experience as they paint with seniors at McCarthy Place. They are looking forward to a final lunch together in June to celebrate the connections made through art.
Avon School Council
“The Purpose of a School Council is to help improve student achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.“
Thank you to everyone for your support of our fundraising initiatives this year. We were very pleased with our Cozyn’s planter fundraiser—we hope those who participated are enjoying some very pretty flowers! You will notice heavy machinery in the playground this summer as our track is built—thank you for all your support!
Avonfest is on June 8th from 5:30-7:30 pm, we hope to see you all there!
Used Book Sale
Ms. Yantzi’s Grade 6 class organized a Used Book sale to raise funds for an author visit to their class. They are very excited to invite R.J. Anderson, author of “A Pocket Full of Murder” and a Stratford resident, to Avon.
Sun Safety Awareness
Did you know that June 5th to 11th is National Sun Awareness week? To mark this occasion, we are going to be bringing Avon students sun safety tips all week.
Starting with…What is the best form of sunscreen for your face? A wide-brimmed hat of course! Always remember to wear your hat if you’re going to be outside in the sun, not only will it help keep you cool, it will prevent your face and neck from harmful sun exposure. Stay Sun Safe!
A reminder to please be sure to apply sunscreen at home before coming to school, instead of sending it to school with your children. Many sunscreens have strong scents that can adversely affect others.
Thank you!
Hello YMCA Families,
As the school year starts to come to a close, we would like to remind you of some important dates. June 9th and June 30th are PA Days, if you are looking for care on these days please contact Alenka Watson or Krystle Linden at 519-273-9622 or or 519-271-0480 or
Ready Set Go Registration is under-way and filling up for JK/SK children for July and August. For more information, you can contact Ashley Rose at 519-271-0480 or .
Friday June 16th is our annual YMCA Dance- A-Thon – all proceeds go to the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign!
Thank you to everyone for another great school year – see you in September.
“Zinc Saves Lives”
Evan in Grade 6 and his brothers have a message to share:
We are collecting used AA batteries to help save the lives of children in developing countries.
This program is called “Zinc Saves Lives” and it is awesome for two reasons: one is that it reduces the amount of electronic waste going to landfills and the other is that it helps save children’s lives. Every AA battery contains the same amount of zinc that is needed to save the lives of 6 children. Zinc deficiency is a global health challenge—2 billion people worldwide are affected and more than 450,000 children die every year from complications associated with zinc deficiency.
There is a bucket in the front hall for the collection of any used AA batteries. Thanks for your support. Together, we can make a big difference and save lives.
A Gift To Honour
We know that some of you like to give gifts of appreciation at this time of year. Perhaps you’re wondering what gift to give to that special teacher, custodian, bus driver, principal or secretary?
The Foundation for Education has a unique answer for you!
With a ‘Gift to Honour’ you can choose to make a donation in someone’s honour
and 100% of that donation will be designated for a project within your own school.
Here is the process:
1. Fill out the Gift to Honour & Tax Receipt Information. This can be found at your school or online.
2. Attach a cheque for your chosen amount. The cheque must be made payable to the Foundation For Education who will issue a charitable tax receipt for the full amount.
3. Return this Form and cheque to your school to be forwarded to the Foundation.
4. Pick up a Gift to Honour card at the school and fill out for the child to hand to the person receiving the card.
June 2017
June 1 – Subs
June 3 – Used Book Sale!
June 5 – Grade 3 Swim to Survive
June 6 – Pizza, Grade 3 Swim to Survive
June 7 – Grade 3 Swim to Survive
June 8 – Subs AVONFEST! 5:30-7:30 p.m.
June 9 – PA Day, no classes for students
June 10 – National Sun Safety Awareness Week
June 12 – Clovermead trip
June 13 – Pizza Regional Track & Field at SCSS
June 15 – Subs
June 16 – African Lion Safari trip
June 17 – Grade 6 to Camp Bimini
June 19 – Fryfogel 1 trip
June 20 – Pizza District Track & Field at Goderich DCI
June 22 – Subs Camp Menesetung and Fryfogel 2 trips
June 23 – Grade 6 visits new schools Spirit Assembly:Outdoor Fun!
June 26 – Swim at Lions Pool, Grades 2-6 9:30-12:30, Volunteer Appreciation 2:15 pm
June 27 – VON Picnic Report Cards go home
June 28 – Grade 6 – Graduation 5:00 pm in the gym
June 29 – Last Day for Students! Enjoy the summer!
June 30 – PA Day