Principal’s Message
Technology is a hot topic in many educational circles. Many people have questions about how our students are using technology, what are the best ways to monitor this at home, and how to guide children as they navigate the vastness of the internet.
Avon’s School Council decided to provide some more information and direction on this topic to our parent community at an evening dedicated to this topic on May 1st. We are very fortunate to have excellent community resources to share on this evening. There will be opportunities from 6-6:30 pm to see some things that students are doing with technology, and then to hear our own school liaison Constable Dave Stewart and Stacey Labb from the Stratford Public Library.
We hope that you will all find this evening interesting and informative, and also build your own expertise as parents about how to be an effective resource to your own children about how to use technology.
To get this conversation going and for a good place to start, check out this website: y-life/Media/Pages/Tips-for-Parents-Digital- Age.aspx
We look forward to seeing you on May 1st! Barbara Alken
Celebrating Diversity at Avon!
On Tuesday, March 21st, our entire school recognized World Down Syndrome Day, in honour of our student and classroom volunteers who have Down Syndrome.
This was an important day of awareness to celebrate diversity in all of our learners. Staff and students wore their colourful, funky, mismatched socks to celebrate the differences in all of us. The day began with a whole school yoga event led by yoga instructor and Avon parent Lisa Stacey, with the help of several of Ms. Taylor’s Grade 3 students. We chose yoga because our student leader for this day is an extremely flexible, bendy person! The gym was a mass of colour and smiles, and you could have heard a pin drop as everyone searched to find their inner yogi!
Check out the video summary of this day at yoga-inclusion-world-syndrome-day/
Safety First!
Did you know that the Avon parking lot is reserved for staff use only? We have just enough parking spots for our staff and the volunteers who help in the school on a regular basis, and people who work in the building need to be able to park here.
Parents who are walking their children into school (Kindergarten parents are great at this!) need to park on a side street and walk into the building. The entire parking lot is for drop off only, no parking or stopping for parents at arrival or dismissal times. This means 8:45-9:00 a.m., and 3:00-3:30 p.m.
Even better, consider walking or riding bikes to school with your child today, or teaching them how to do this independently!
Rainy Days
The rainy weather is upon us! With this change in temperature and weather, we face challenges with mud and water on the field. Drainage is much better than in previous years, but the volume of water is sometimes just too great.
It is best if you send children with rubber boots and splash pants so that their clothes can be protected. Also, extra socks are a great idea!
Avon School Council
“The Purpose of a School Council is to help improve student achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.“
Last month we had an interesting visit from one of our trustees, Alyson Kent, who discussed board priorities and strategic plans with us. If you would like further information on these topics, check out the board website at
Next Meeting: Monday, April 24th, 2017 6:30-7:30 pm in the library
Enhancing our Natural Playscape
Avon has a number of young nature enthusiasts! Young insect lovers have been lifting the rocks at the labyrinth to search for tiny creatures. In the process, many rocks have been moved and it has been a lot of work to maintain the stone pathways that were so carefully thought out and placed by many of Avon’s current Grade 5 students.
We have decided to create an insect research grounds by putting rocks in one of the existing long grass areas to attract insects and their student researchers to the area. To make this exciting new area possible, we need your help to provide rocks. They should be approximately the size of a lunch bag. Please contact Emelie Taylor if you can donate some rocks!
Scents at School
We have members of our school community who are very sensitive to scents. If you are coming into the school (volunteering, parent teacher interviews, performances, etc.) please be aware and refrain from using perfume.
Community Closet
If your child has outgrown any clothes, shoes, or boots that are still in good condition, please consider donating these clean items to Avon’s Community Closet! All donated items stay at school and go to friends at Avon who can benefit from their use. Please see Mrs. Allen or Ms. Smith if you have items to donate. Thanks!
Looking Ahead
As the weather improves and the ground dries up, Grade 3-6 students will be getting outside to prepare for track and field. Ms. Taylor is looking for parent volunteers to assist with our Track and Field day on Thursday, May 18th (raindate Friday, May 19th). Please contact her if you are able to help with this worthwhile athletic event.
Hello Again
Registration forms for the YMCA’S Summer JK/SK Ready Set Go program will be available by the end of April. For more program information and cost please contact Ashley Rose or Jenn Davis at 519-271-0480. There is a PA Day coming up on May 8, 2017. If you need care on this day please register at your child’s Before and After School Program or call Alenka at 519-273- 9622.
Calendar of Events
April 4 – Pizza Chess Tournament Gr 4, 3/4 to Huron Perth Agriculture/Water Festival today
April 6- Subs Treasure Island Workshops Gr 4, 5 7 8
April 11 – Pizza Kiwanis Festival
April 12 – Kiwanis festival
April 13 – Subs Kiwanis Festival
April 14 – Good Friday No classes, May Hot lunch orders open today!
April 17 – Easter Monday No classes
April 18 – Pizza
April 20 – Subs
April 21 – May Hot lunch orders finish today!
April 24 – Humane Society Visit, School Council 6:30 p.m.
April 25 – Pizza
April 27 – Subs,Caribou Math practice 3:30-4:15 pm, Celtic Animal Workshop in Mr. Ford’s room
April 28 – Spirit Assembly
April 30 – School Council presents: Learning About Technology evening for parents on May 1st! 6-7:30 p.m.
May 2 – Huron Perth Centre evening promoting Mental Health through the Arts hosted at Avon PS in the evening