Office Message
September certainly flew by! Routines have been established, and the classrooms and halls of Anne Hathaway are filled with lots of interesting activities and the sound of students eager to learn! Our staff continues to work diligently as a team to develop student achievement plans in the area of math. Thank you to everyone who came out to support our School Council BBQ and school Open House. If you were unable to make it and you would like to meet with your child’s teacher please contact the school to arrange a meeting time. We are thankful for our caring school community! If at anytime you have concerns or questions, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or myself.
Dates To Remember
- Mon. Oct. 17 – School Council 7:00 p.m.
- Tues. Nov. 1 – Progress Report Cards come home
- Tues. Nov. 1 & Wed. Nov. 2 – Picture Day
- Thurs. Nov. 3 – Interviews 3:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Fri. Nov. 4 – PA Day – Interviews 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
- Fri. Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day Assembly
- Fri. Nov. 25 – Kindergarten Registration
- Tues. Dec.13 & Wed. Dec. 14 – Holiday Concert Gr. 1-6 (noon performances only)
- Tues. Dec.20 – Kinder Carols (noon performance only)
Safe Arrival Program
In order to ensure the safe arrival of our children, we ask that you please inform the office if you know that your child is going to be late or absent. Our answering machine will be in service for your convenience in the event that the office is closed. Parents/Guardians will be contacted if a child’s absence is not reported. All parents and visitors to the school are required to sign in and out at the office.
Dismissal Routines
Dismissal can often be a very busy time in the hallways and at the office with parents arriving and students leaving. To ensure the safety of all students, we ask that parents picking up students after school meet them outside at the back doors. All students who walk or who are picked up will be dismissed from the rear doors of the school. This leaves the foyer clear so that we may safely load bus students and deal with any emergencies that may arise.
School Yard Reminders
Students must leave school property after school. We have staff on duty until 3:10 to ensure all of our students are picked up, and return home safely. When students remain on the playground equipment this causes confusion. Students are welcome to come back to the school after they have gone home to check in. Parents/Guardians are also reminded that dogs are not permitted on school property.
Picture Day
Get those smiles ready! Anne Hathaway students will have their pictures taken on November 1st & 2nd. Details and information packages will follow.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for Anne Hathaway will be held the morning of Friday, November 25, 2016 for all children eligible for Junior or Senior Kindergarten in September 2017. For more information or to register, please contact our school office.
Before and After School Information
As part of an on-going commitment to make the school day as seamless as possible for our families, each family will be receiving an information sheet in mid-October regarding before and after school care. Families interested in before or after school programs for their four and five year olds, and possibly older children in the upcoming school year, should complete an on-line survey by November 30, 2016. The link to the survey will be found on the Board website starting mid- October. We appreciate your assistance as we determine the feasibility of offering such programs. Should you require a paper copy, please contact the school after October 14th.
School Council
The School Council is an important part of our school. We encourage all parents to become active in the school. If you are interested in being part of the School Council or helping with an event, please contact the school. Everyone is welcome to come to the monthly meetings. Our next meeting is Monday, October 17th at 7:00 in the school library.
Rainy Weather Supervision
A reminder to students and parents our playground supervision does not begin until 8:15. On rainy mornings, we will supervise students in the hallways outside their classrooms from 8:15 until the entry bell rings. Students arriving before this time will remain outside until inside supervision begins. Twitter and Facebook You can follow the school on
Twitter and Facebook
Current and upcoming school activities, short messages will be sent periodically as will bus reports on stormy days. Links for both Twitter and Facebook can be found on our school website. Please follow us at:
YMCA Before and After School Program
Hi everyone, September has settled down and we are well on our way through another great school year. By now you would have noticed the YMCA Before and After School Program around your child’s school. For more information about this program please contact the YMCA at 519-271-0480 and ask for Ashley, Lori or Alenka. Ashley Rose (YMCA Child Care Supervisor)
School Cash Online
Register for school cash online today! All families in AMDSB who purchase an item online between August 29th and October 15th will be entered to win one of two iPad Minis. Families will receive a maximum of one entry for each child for whom an item is purchased.